Ellana's Cultural Studies on Humanity:- Chapter 32 :- Crime and Punishment Part 1 The United Kingdom (2024)

Following my adventures in the far east, I found myself returning to the west. This time back to the island nation of Great Britain, often called rather confusingly the United Kingdom. In my last visit to this nation, I attended a music festival and played tennis finding the people here welcoming. But before I could find a suitable field of investigation, I first had to shake the MiB off my tail at least to buy myself a little time. It was through the acquisition of my first disguise after my arrival at London Heathrow that I would get my inspiration. During my travels, I have assumed the form of human law enforcement finding the disguises most useful but i never thought to try being one. It was in London I would get my opportunity, both to experience the thrill of catching criminals and to explore the British legal system. Little did I know that I would be getting my old friends out of a huge mess, of their own making...

Dr Ellana Xenoanthropological Society

London Heathrow Airport Monday 7th September 2024 04:00am

Yawning widely as she walked into Heathrow's terminal two, Ellana found the terminal to be mostly deserted with few opportunities to acquire a new form except from a number of black suits positioned around the terminal at the exits and patrolling. They stand out like sore thumbs but I know that works both ways. L & M would have discovered the real stewardess hence my welcoming party. So I need a new face and clothes quickly, but from where? Looking around, she turned to notice a young pretty security guard flash her smile has she walked towards the ladies bathroom. Returning the smile, Ellana appraised the girl. She was very comely with heart shaped features, gentle cheekbones and doe shaped blue eyes. Her long dark brown hair tied into a ponytail. She was wearing a uniform that consisted of a tight light blue shirt, that emphasised her C-cup breasts, with black epaulettes, navy knee length skirt and black pumps. Ellana co*cked her head, an idea forming in her mind. An attractive woman indeed. I remember back at the hospital, with Nikki and her colleague Courtney. Security guards do hold some degree of authority and possibly serve as law enforcement. There is my next field of study; I shall explore crime and punishment in the UK. But first things first... Grinning she followed the security guard into the bathroom.

Dropping her skirt and white lace tanga thong down around her ankles, airport security guard Sandra Wheaton let out a long sigh of relief as she emptied the contents of her full bladder her small trimmed vagin* crowned with a little strip of brown pubic hair exposed. How I hate these late night early morning shifts, here I'am pissing out two cups of coffee. And the absolute worst thing is I missed the footie last night. I hope we beat Chelsea. The sound of the bathroom door opening, followed by the clacking of heels to next doors cubicle, broke her chain of thought. Her mind wondered to that pretty blonde stewardess with the curls. I wouldn't mind staying awake with her. Feeling the last of her wee trickle from her puss*, Sandra reached over to take some paper when she suddenly felt a hand grip around her throat, drawing her up. She tried to scream but found herself muffled, a hand silencing her cries. Her muffled whimpers turned into a muffled squeak, as she felt a stab of pain the nerves each side of her throat were pinched. Sandra's eyes rolled into the back as she slumped unconscious in her attackers grip. The last sensation she felt was being dropped back on the toilet bowl, legs spread wide in an undignified position.

Grinning Ellana hopped over the cubicle partition, straddling the unconscious security guard on the toilet bowl as she stripped off her flight attendants uniform before assuming the girls form with a kiss. "Sandra Wheaton, 22, Heathrow Airport Security. She's a big fan of Arsenal football club, both the mens and the women's with a slight bias towards the women's. But she isn't a season ticket holder since she cannot afford the prices. She as only been at her post for 6 after just getting her licence." Ellana said as she worked out Sandra's scrunchie copying her ponytail before slipping the skirt and panties from around her ankles. Pulling up the underwear, she unbuttoned Sandra's uniform shirt revealing lush C-cup breasts enveloped by a matching white lace underwired bra complete with tasteful little bow between the cups. After slipping off the shirt, Ellana reached around Sandra's back unclasping her bra pulling it loose to admire her buoyant breasts with full pink puffy areolas. Standing over the slim attractive naked form of Sandra sat on the toilet bowl, Ellana quickly dressed on her uniform. Tearing up the stewardesses blouse Ellana bound the unconscious Sandra's limbs then gagged her with the scarf. Picking the naked bound woman under her shoulders, Ellana dragged her towards the attendants couple stashing her inside along with the remains of Vera's uniform. Closing the cupboard door on Sandra's body, she left the bathroom.

Using Sandra's memories, Ellana took position at the security gate near customs flashing a friendly smile to the man opposite her, a heavy set balding male called Dave according to Sandra's memories. "Its a good thing we clock off in a couple of hours, Sandra. Give me a chance to snuggle with the wife." The man said before turning towards the terminal doors. "Look lively, girl. A heard of suits at twelve o'clock." Following his gaze, Ellana noticed the entirety of Task Force Ellana walk through the doors heading towards them. Leading the procession were none other than her old foes, L & M. Hm? They look tired. Time to make them look like idiots.. She smiled grabbing a scanning wand, as L approached her first.

"Could you please put your mobile phone and anything metallic in the tray as I wand you, please?" Asked the pretty young security guard as L approached the security station. "And all of you in single file please." Added the male colleague. After she compiled, L allowed herself to be scanned looking up she noticed Agent T from MiB London wait for her beyond the security checkpoint. "Yes, that's it you're all clear. Next!" The female guard called as she retrieved her belongings behind her M was next to be scanned. Stifling a yawn, L approached T a thirty something British agent with shoulder length blonde hair. "Agent T? Have you or your team seen any sign of the fugitive Ellana, in the guise of BA stewardess Vera Richardson?" The woman shook her head. "No, sorry Agent L. Not a sign of your changeling. My team and I have been here since three this morning." Pinching her nose L let out a frustrated sigh, feeling M's presence at her shoulder. "What?! Agent M and myself saw board the flight to London ourselves! You're telling me you haven't seen any blonde stewardesses?" Agent T shook her head. "Look, L. I have my guys positioned at every exit in this terminal. She won't be gett-" " Not good enough, dammit! We have been hunting her the past year and know all her tricks! I want all 5 terminals searched from top to bottom! Get on it!" Nodding fearfully T walked away to consult with her team. "Come on boss. She will surface eventually. Let's get some rest, it's been a long flight." L turned to her partner. "You better go with them, rookie. Hold their hands." The rookie agent shrugged, eyes full of sleep. "Come on boss! It's four in the morning..." Her voice trailed off as she L shot her a harsh look. Letting out a huge sigh, M turned following after T. Next to her P appeared at her shoulder. "You're too hard on the kid, Linda. You've been on her back since Kuala Lumpur." L shook her head at the departing M. "We had her, Paddy! In the back of the patrol car and she slipping through our fingers. It was M who put her in the car." P laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Don't beat yourself up or the kid. Your both doing your best. Look, let's go for a drink. Let these young pups search. We can check the team into an hotel..." He smiled, leaving the sentence hanging. Looking at him, she could have kissed him if they didn't have an audience. "As long as drinks are just the start, Patrick." She purred his name as they walked towards the terminal exit.

Sighing with relief under her breath, Ellana frisked the last of the task force letting them through. Over the course of the last two hours, Ellana watched as the MiB fruitlessly searched terminal two before pulling out after an hour. She found the security guards job to be just as boring as it was when she had impersonated Nikki's friend Courtney, back at the hospital. All we do is search people. Why can't we arrest anyone? Where are the criminals? She had found the drama between the MiB agents to be entertaining and interesting all in one. My old friends seem to be close to breaking point. A shame, I have grown quite attached to them strangely enough and L seems to be in a relationship with the ginger haired male P. M doesn't have any idea. I wonder what would happen once she does? As soon as the clock turned 6, she bade Dave farewell as their relief arriving retrieving a hooded top and car keys from Sandra's locker. Using the woman's memories, Ellana left terminal two through the staff exit locating the girl's red car getting behind the wheel she gunned the engine, driving towards her home in Fulham.

The Residence of Sandra Wheaton, 52 Parsons Green Lane, Fulham 06:30am

Sandra's home turned out be a modest upstairs flat in a maisonette, and it seemed she had none one waiting up for her. Which suited Ellana just fine. Letting herself in, she fixed herself a quick bowl of cereal before researching nearby legal institutions using Sandra's tablet. Hmm? I'am far away from New Scotland Yard, which seems to be the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service. After finishing off her breakfast, Ellana decided to get in a power nap to recharge and gather her strength. Despite plenty of sleep on the flight over courtesy of British Airways. Once she picked out a suitable outfit to wear, Ellana got her head down sinking into the soft pillow of Sandra's bed.

Room 105 London Heathrow Travelodge 07:30am

"Hey, Martie! Honey, how are you? I have missed you so much." Said Agent V as she appeared in the view screen of M's communicator, wearing nothing except a sexy black lace baby doll and matching string thong she sent her from China. M smiled as she felt her tit* perk up under her solid white cropped camisole, at the site of her lover. "Vicky, sweetheart. I have missed you too." V's sweet face flashed her a look of concern. "You look terrible, baby. Is something the matter? How's the hunt for Ellana going?" M leant back on her bed clutching her phone, letting out a tired sigh. "That's just it, babe. It's not going well at all. She's always one step ahead of us and L's been on my back since Malaysia, second guesses everything I say and do." In fact M had been wondering why L hadn't shown up in their room. She hadn't seen her since the fruitless searching of the airport that yielded bupkiss. V smiled a reassuring smile. "Martie, my love. I have faith in you and so does L. You're my big strong soldier girl and I love you. If anyone can catch that awful woman it's you." M felt a warmth spread through her at the sound of her girlfriend's voice. "Thanks, babe. You always know what to say to keep me going. I love you so much." V grinned suggestively as she loosening the straps of her baby doll. "I can give something else to think about, as well. Would you like that, honey?" M nodded her head, as she watched V starting to strip off her top. The rookie agent moved her hand underneath her white thong, inching towards her vagin*. Suddenly a knock at her door interrupted the intimate moment. "Cat sh*t, dog sh*t, rat sh*t!" M cursed as V put her baby doll back on. "It's alright, Martie. We will just have to take a raincheck baby. I will call you later." She said blowing a kiss as M caressed the screen blowing one back, bading her farewell. Tossing her communicator on the bed in frustration M stalked towards her door.

Opening it revealed a very excitable Agent N, who averted his eyes away from M's scantily clad form. "What is it N? I have only just got my head down." She snapped telling a half truth. The young agent flinched a little bit his enthusiasm remained unbowed. "Agent T's team has just found Ellana's latest victim! It's that security guard who wanded us through." M let out a tired groan pinching her nose. She's done it again! That bitch! Kuala Lumpur all over again. Motherf*cker! "Well that's just great, probie. Why are you telling me this? Shouldn't you be informing L or P about this? I mean they are senior agents." N began to bounce nervously on his feet. "Well I...uh..saw the two of them coming back to P's room around 05:00am." M sighed shaking her head. "Wait she did what? Ugh, don't answer. Just give me a minute to get dressed and we can go find her." She said slamming the door, making N jump.

Five minutes later and fully dressed, M fell into step beside the young N as they walked towards P's room. Knocking on the door, M could have sworn she heard the sound of running water from beyond. The door opened to review a surprising sight, L brushing her teeth dressed only in a white bathroom. "Yes probies? Something up?" The two young agents just stood mouths agap in shock as they heard the water cease running and moments later P emerging wearing just a towel. "Huh. And here I thought it was room service." He said walking up to put an arm around L's waist, as the woman herself let out a frustrated sigh. "Come on! What's the problem, kids? We are two consenting adults. Get over yourselves." Letting out a terrified squeak, N ran off down the corridor leaving M on her own who just stared at a spot behind P's shoulder. "We have just found Ellana's latest victim. She played us again, boss! She was that pretty security guard who checked us in!" L cursed loudly. "For f*cks sake! Of course she was!" With that she groaned before closing the door on her partner. M shrugged her shoulders. "Fine! Whatever! I will be in the car!" She said angrily as she stalked back to her room, feeling rage at her mentor. Damn you, boss. Of all the things you are; a friend, my mentor. I never expected you to be a god damned hypocrite!

Parsons Green Lane 08:30am

Waking up at her usual time of 08:30 sharp, Ellana looked out of the bedroom window finding the morning to be dull and overcast except for a flash of yellow by Sandra's car which drew her attention. It was a young attractive human female wearing a yellow high visibility sleeveless jacket, with Parking Enforcement in blue and white stenciled on the back with the Met police badge on her right breast, white shirt underneath with yellow epaulettes. Black trousers with matching sensible shoes, a hand bag looped over her shoulder. From her vantage point, Ellana could see she was pretty with a curtain of auburn hair under her bowler hat, which framed a sweet rounded face with high cheekbones, and emerald eyes. Curious, Ellana ran from her bedroom to confront the woman dressed only in Sandra's pyjamas.

Traffic Warden Gemma Fawcett grinned with satisfaction as she slid a parking notice under the front wipers of the red Ford Ka. Another driver caught breaking the law, oh the look on their face when they get that little white letter will be priceless! The sound of a front door slamming in front of her caught her attention, she looked up to see a pretty young woman, most likely the driver of the car stride towards her, wearing only a set of pyjamas. And here's the driver, probably going to try and get me to wipe that ticket, well good luck love. "Excuse me? What are doing? What's with the funny piece of paper?" The young woman asked as she took out the ticket, waving it front of Gemma. Looking at the girl as if she was a child, Gemma plucked the ticket from her hand putting it back. "I'am Parking Enforcement and you were parking illegally hence the ticket. Didn't you see the double yellow line when you pulled up?" She said pointing to the lines under the car. The girl merely shrugged. "And? How is that breaking the law? I'am not hurting anyone." Gemma let out a long sigh. Seriously? The girl must be pulling my leg. "Look, love. I don't make the rules I enforce them, says it right there on my jacket." Then the girl looked her up and down, Gemma suddenly getting a feeling she was being sized up. "Have you caught many criminals? Is it a fun job?" Gemma was caught wrongfooted by the girls bizarre change in direction. "Well, I have caught many drivers who thought they were above the law. And yes it's satisfying." The girl co*cked her head. "Then I want to become you and give it a go!" She grinned raising her right hand, Gemma rearing back afraid. "I beg your pard-ugh!!?" She felt a sharp pain in the right side of her neck, as the girl struck her with a quick chop. Gemma let out a small pained squeak as she tumbled unconscious in Ellana's waiting arms. "Let's get you out of that uniform first, dear." She whispered into the traffic wardens ear dragging her inside Sandra's house.

Laying the unconscious traffic warden on Sandra's bed, Ellana shedded Sandra's pyjamas before straddling the woman on the bed. Taking her into her arms, Ellana assumed her form with a kiss as she removed the hat and vest. "Gemma Fawcett, 29, Traffic Warden. She used to be a constable but after a particularly rough Friday night, where she was assaulted by a drunk clubber, Gemma requested a transfer to parking enforcement. She prefers this assignment since it's not as dangerous. Oh the irony." Ellana chuckled to herself as she unbuttoned Gemma's shirt revealing a hint of A-cup breasts emphasised by a black lace push up bra before unzipping her trousers. Unlacing Gemma's shoes, Ellana slipped them off then peeled her trousers from around her hips down her long legs along with her matching black lace thong, exposing a small cl*tor*s crowned with a trimmed strip of auburn hair. Pulling up the underwear, Ellana stripped the uniform shirt from Gemma's body then rolling the half naked woman onto her side, getting a good glimpse of her tight pert buttocks as she unclasped the bra. Flipping the naked Gemma onto her front, she clasped on the bra admiring the woman's small cute freckled breasts with puffy pink areolas. After getting dressed in the rest of Gemma's uniform, Ellana tore up Sandra's pyjamas binding the young woman's limbs and gagging her. Taking her by her ankles, she dragged the naked form off the bed stashing her inside the closet. Grinning, Ellana looped the wardens handbag over her shoulder then snatched up her ticket book. "Let's go catch some criminals!" She said enthusiastically sweeping from Sandra's house onto the street.


Over the course of the next hour, Ellana walked up the street with a spring in her step ticketing every car she could see. Some that were on the strange double yellow lines, the significance of which was lost on her, while others that weren't. Passing from car to car, she noticed that quite a few humans had emerged from their homes discovering their little pieces of papers and jeering at her. Humans and their strange fascination with paper, I will never understand it. As she walked back down the street towards Sandra's house, Ellana froze. Outside she noticed that the house had been cordoned off by police officers, with an ambulance nearby. At the centre was parked two black vehicles she knew all too well. Emerging from the sedan were the familiar forms of L & M, and from the van two redheaded agents, one male the other female, she had seen at the airport. They were walking towards Sandra's maisonette. Typical MiB, here to spoil my fun. Well it looks like I will need a new look. Flicking through Gemma's ticket book, Ellana noticed she had two tickets left looking up at the MiB vehicles an idea formed in her mind. Grinning, she walked towards the police line flashing a smile to the male constable who let her under the tape then approaching the MiB vehicles Ellana placed the remaining two tickets under their wipers. That will show them. Smirking, she crouched back under the police line cutting down a nearby alley away from the gathering crowds.

As she crept down the alley, Ellana noticed a police car at the far end with a young female officer standing with the door open speaking into her radio. " NS 294 to control, over." She heard the woman say as she approached, appraising her through the reflection in the cars rear view mirror. The officer was an attractive woman with squared features, pronounced cheekbones and big blue eyes, honey blonde hair tied into a know under her checkered bowler hat. The rest of her uniform consisted of a white uniform shirt with numbered epaulettes, a white and black checkered tie. Over which was a black stab vest with "Police" stencilled in blue and white on the back, similar numbered epaulettes, "metropolitan police" on the right breast, name on the left which read "Stephanie Tate." Black trousers held up by her equipment belt with black sensible shoes. An attractive woman in an attractive uniform. I will enjoy being her. I once thought about joining the Zenobian Planetary Police Force back home, given my love of detective simulations. But I felt that wanderlust, instead. "Yes, control. All clear. Will give another situation report in the hour, over." Letting the officer put away her radio, Ellana quickly pounced. Clamping a hand around the woman's mouth to muffle her cry of surprise Ellana grasped the officers throat. "It's okay officer. I'am your relief." She hushed into PC Tates' ear pinching the sweet spots of her slender throat, the officer letting out a brief muffled aroused squeak as she slumped unconscious into Ellana's arms. "Let's see you out of that uniform, officer Tate." Ellana quipped as she dragged the woman deeper into the alley.

Leaning the WPC's body against the dumpster, Ellana shed Gemma's uniform before kneeling beside the unconscious woman feeling her form shift as she kissed her, removing her hat working out her scrunchie adopting her bun. "WPC Stephanie Tate, 24, Metropolitan Police Service. She spends at lot of time at the gym and is where she met her girlfriend, Danni. They are both fitness freaks and ran this summers London Marathon. Stephanie is planning a romantic hike in the Peak District to propose." Ellana as she unzipped the officers vest before unclipping her equipment belt, slipping it from around her waist. Unlacing the officers she's then pulling off her socks, Ellana loosened the tie unbuttoning Stephanie's uniform shirt getting a glimpse of well formed B-cup breasts enveloped by a nude coloured sports bra. Once she had unfastened the officers trousers peeling them from her slender hips and down her long toned legs, Ellana whipped off the blondes matching bikini shorts exposing a full cl*tor*s topped with a small trimmed triangle of golden pubic hair. Pulling up the underwear, she stripped off Stephanie's shirt then reached around her back unclasping her bra slipping it loose from her chest, admiring her well formed breasts with light pink circular areolas. After getting dressed in the officers uniform, setting on her hat Ellana tore up Gemma's shirt binding and gagging the naked toned form of Stephanie. Picking the woman up under her shoulders, Ellana tipped the naked officer into the dumpster along with the remains of the traffic wardens uniform. Has she closed the dumpster lid, she could hear footsteps coming around the corner in the direction of the patrol car.

It was a young male officer with dark brown hair, clutching two steaming styrofoam cups of coffee from Costa. "There you are, Stephanie. I have a nice cuppa with your name on it." The officer, who's name was PC Steve Downey Stephanie's partner, said as he held out one cup. Ellana smiled as she accepted it, feeling the hot refreshing liquid pour down her throat before getting into the car with her new partner. Steve took a measure of his coffee before letting out a frustrated sigh. "Ugh! I hate it when some foreign suits, most of them yanks, just waltz into our neck in the woods acting like they own the place." He paused before taking another swig, as Ellana copied him. "And you know what the cover story is? That they are CIA looking for some dangerous terrorist. Bloody yanks!" He took another swig of his coffee as Ellana decided to use the situation to her advantage I do need to get going, Gemma would have woken by now.. Taking a measure of the warm liquid herself, Ellana turned to him. "Why don't we just drive off and catch some real criminals?" Steve laughed patting her on the shoulder. "I have always liked your enthusiasm, Steph." That was when the cars radio burst into life. "Control to Alpha 2-4? Come in over." Came the female voice as Ellana picked up the radio. "Alpha 2-4, officer NS 294 here. What's the situation, over?" The woman cleared her throat. "We have had calls from the public about an IC1 male, early twenties. He's been mugging elderly women in the vicinity of Chelsea Manor Road. How copy over?" Finishing his coffee, Steve grinned as he gunned the engine. "You know what? Screw these yanks." Switching on the sirens, he pulled onto the main road. "Alpha 2-4 to control. We are en route over." Putting away the radio, Ellana felt adrenaline surge through her as they sped towards the crime scene. Let's go arrest some criminals!

The Residence of Sandra Wheaton 09:45am

"After asking all these weird questions about my job, she just cold co*cked me and the next thing I remember I was kissing the blonde agent, sorry about that. I'am not gay by the way. I don't know what came over me." Said a redressed Gemma Fawcett as Agent L and M stood over her in the bedroom M blushing slightly. "It's quite alright, Ms Fawcett. Now if you could just look into this light here..." The agents put on their glasses as L took out her neuralyser, flashing her once the woman blinked with a blank expression on her face. "You were not assaulted or stripped of your uniform. You were working your shift as normal and you had a funny turn. Ms Wheaton was kind enough to call the paramedics, who just said you were overworked. Have a good morning." L replaced her neuralyser before taking off her glasses. The agents then left the house, leaving Gemma to her tea.

Feeling the morning air on her face, L let out a frustrated sigh. "Why are we always one step behind her, rookie?" Behind her M spoke into her fist, fixing her boss with a contemptuous look. "I can think of a few reasons, boss..." She muttered under her breath, L turned to her. "You say something rookie?" M recovered flashing her a false smile. "Nothing. I'am sure we will catch her soon. She replied innocently as P approached them, clutching two yellow parking tickets. "Well, she must have walked right past us. She even gave us tickets, the clever girl." M rolled her eyes. "She's toying with us, just like Malaysia! So what now...boss?" L noted the tension in her partner's voice but before she could reply, Gemma walked out behind them. The crowd then started to jeer angrily at her, some even had begun to throw small objects. "So what's their beef? Did she piss in their teas today?" Asked M as the three walked away towards the van, leaving the crowd control to the police. "She only went and ticketed everyone on the street." P replied with a sardonic chuckle. Suddenly a group of 4 children had come running towards the police cordon from a nearby alley.

The leader a young ginger haired boy, spoke up. "We just found a hot naked lady, tied up in a dumpster!" Leaving P by the van the two agents ducked under the police cordon, approaching the kids before they were intercepted by an officer. "Where exactly is this naked lady, kid?" The kid crossed his arms as his three friends, two other boys and a girl caught with him. "How much is it worth to you, miss? Because I ain't budging unless I get 20 quid." The girl, a !title brunette with pigtails added. "Each!" The group laughed as M went red with anger. "You little limey brats. You'll get nothing you will us for free." She said hand reaching into her jacket pocket. L gently grabbed her partner's wrist. "What are you doing, M? We don't flash kids! What's got into you?" M pulled her arm loose of L's grip as the veteran agent got to the kids level. "What's your name, son?" The boy co*cked his head. "Peter. But my mum told me not to talk to strangers." L smiled. "Well that's very good advice, Peter. Always listen to your mom. Tell you what?" She took out her wallet. "Let's say I throw in £25 each? You could treat yourselves, on me." She held out the £100 in notes out, as Peter thought it through he then smiled. "Pleasure doing business with you, lady. Follow me." He said after the kids pocketed the money. As L rose to her feet, M shrugged. "I didn't know you were good with kids, boss?" As they fell into step behind the children L sighed. "There are a few things you don't know about me, rookie. Let's leave it at that now. Alright?" For a second, M thought she saw a shadow in her bosses eyes that made her look older and more weary. M knew that look, it was one of loss. Fine, whatever. Just another thing I have to find for myself. She thought bitterly as they reached the mouth of the alley. Peter pointing to a seemingly innocent green dumpster at the far end.

Leaving the kids at the mouth of the alley to enjoy their cash, the agents approached the dumpster. Taking a deep breath, M opened the dumpster as L covered her with the stun pistol. "Yep, looks like Ellana left us another present. A blonde this time." She said as L followed her gaze seeing a bound naked young blonde woman, honey blonde hair flowing around her shoulders. The remains of a traffic warden uniform partially concealing her. "Dammit! Let's get her picture and sent to N. I want to know everything to know about the victim. Her place of work, side of the bed she sleeps on and significant others." M nodded as she took the the woman's picture, sending it to N. "And I suppose we should tell P we have another one."

Chelsea Manor Road, Chelsea, West London 10:15am

As soon as they arrived on the scene, Ellana and PC Downey immediately saw a young white male dressed in a black hoodie snatch a handbag from an elderly woman right in front of them. "You see that, Steph? The little bastard! Let's get him." He shouted as they watched the man bolt down a nearby alley. Jumping out of the patrol car they immediately gave chase, running past the distraught lady who was frantically directing them in his direction. "Okay Steph. I will cut him off through this side alley, you funnel him to me and we'll have him." Steve peeled down a side alley as Ellana caught up with him using her superior Zenobian agility. No I have a better idea! I can get him myself! Closing the distance Ellana tackled him to the ground, sending her hat flying. "Get off me! You pig bit--ugh!!" Ellana silenced him with a swift neck chop before securing him with the handcuffs. As she retrieved her hat, PC Downey came around the corner. "Bloody hell! That was amazing, Steph! You've only gone and knocked him out cold." He grinned as he scooped up the lady's handbag then helped Ellana haul the unconscious thief onto his feet.

Leaving the alley, they were approached by the old woman. "Thank you very much, my dears. I don't know what I would have done hadn't you come along." Ellana smiled. "All in a day's work madam." She replied as the old woman regarded the thief. "That serves him right, bloody hooligan! Make sure you throw the kitchen sink at him." She then turned to her bag. Steve flashed her a sympathetic smile. "I'am sorry mum but we have to keep it for evidence. You will get it back later." The lady just nodded as she let them past dragging the thief towards the waiting patrol car. "A job well done, I'd say. Let's call it in and get him booked in at the Yard. You should get a commendation for that, Steph." Taking up the radio Ellana called it in. "Control, Alpha 2-4 here. Suspect apprehended. On route to the Yard, over." Feeling immense satisfaction, Ellana leaned back in her seat as Downey followed the signs to New Scotland Yard. I wonder what's awaiting for me there? I can't wait to find out. But first I want to see this thug locked in a cell.

New Scotland Yard 10:45am

"I'am telling you! This is police brutality! That bitch knocked me out cold, I want to make a complaint!" Yelled the thief as he was manhandled into a cell by two police officers. "For f*cks sake! You have the right to remain silent, sonny! So why don't you exercise it?!" The custody sergeant yelled back, before turning back to Downey and Ellana. "So do you strike him Tate?" He asked her as Downey shook his head. "I certainly didn't see anything and that's going my report." Ellana smiled she was beginning to like the man. "He was resisting arrest, sergeant. So I had no choice, I had to restrain him or he would have been a threat. To me, PC Downey and the victim." The portly man just shrugged. "Works for me. I doubt anyone will take his word over that of two of the best officers in the division. I'am putting you in for a commendation, PC Tate. Via Downey's recommendation of course." Beaming, Ellana bade the man farewell as PC Downey approached her. "So you want to hit the cafeteria before we head out again, Steph?" As much as I have enjoyed policing with Steve here, I need to investigate and that means acquire a new form at the earliest opportunity. Ellana nodded. "Yeah. But first things first, I need to head to the loo. That coffee went straight through me." She lied as Steve nodded. "A!right, no worries. I will catch up to you in a bit. See you soon and good work." Putting a parting hand on her shoulder, her walked down the corridor as Ellana left in the other direction.

As she searched the corridors of New Scotland Yard, looking for a new form Ellana became intrigued by signs that lead to somewhere called a 'Crime Lab'. Interesting? I wonder how far developed humans are in forensic science? We are pretty advanced ourselves back home although it's not something that I'am interested in nor know much about. Perhaps now is my chance. But I doubt I will be let in wearing this face... She followed the signs until she arrived at two double doors with "Crime Lab" above them. Scanning the area for a suitable female, Ellana noticed a young smartly dressed woman leaving flashing her a friendly smile as she walked towards a women's bathroom. She was a pretty ebony skinned woman with angular features, sculptured cheekbones and almond shaped brown eyes. Head crowned in short black hair cut in a pixie style. Her ample curves covered in a charcoal grey pinstriped suit, underneath which was a white blouse and brown leather pumps. A small chain graced her neck with looped earrings. Flashing her a warm smile back, Ellana followed her into the toilet. She will do just fine.

Dr Charlene Woods let out a relieved sigh as she emptied the contents of her bladder into the toilet bowl, her suit trousers and blue lace tanga thong down around her ankles, revealing a small vulva topped with a trimmed black strip of pubic hair. I'am not enjoying the prospect of testifying today, I hate having to dress up in this suit. Besides the case isn't going well. From what I heard, the barrister is really tearing us apart. Hearing the bathroom door open drew Charlene from her thoughts and back to the present. Feeling the last of her water leave her bladder, she wiped herself down then pulled up her trousers. After flushing the toilet and opening the cubicle, she was startled as she came face to face with the pretty blonde constable from the hall. "Jesus Christ! Don't do that. Is there a problem, constable?" The blonde just her head checking Charlene out. "That's a really nice suit." Charlene was taken aback by the bizarre compliment. "I...uh...thank y-agh!!!" She didn't see the blow to the side of her neck coming, letting out a little pained squeak as the constable struck her, knocking her instantly out cold. "I would like to borrow it, along with your pretty face dear." Ellana quipped as she took Charlene's collapsing weight dragging her back into the cubicle.

Sitting the unconscious woman onto the toilet bowl, Ellana straddled her stripping off her uniform before assuming the woman's form with a kiss removing her jewellery before slipping off her suit jacket. Her body becoming more curved, skin darkening and hair shortening. "Dr Charlene Woods, 33, Forensic Scientist. She is divorced with two children, a son and daughter, who she doesn't see much of on account of her work. This is the reason that she lost custody of them in the first place. Regardless, she loves her children more than anything." Putting on Charlene's jewellery, Ellana slipped off her pumps then unbuttoned her blouse revealed large ample D-cup breasts enveloped by a blue lace bra. After unfastening the scientists trousers Ellana worked them off her full rounded hips, peeling them down her long legs then she whipped off Charlene's matching thong, exposing her trimmed cl*tor*s. Pulling up the lingerie, she stripped off the woman's blouse then unclipped the bra from the front folding it open to reveal large well formed breasts with full puffy black roundel shaped areolas. Admiring Charlene's voluptuous naked form as she dressed in the woman's clothes, Ellana tore up Stephanie's uniform shirt binding Charlene's wrists and ankles before gagging her with the constables tie. With the woman secured, Ellana hoisted her under her shoulders dragging her towards the attendants cupboard, stashing her inside along with the remains of the constables uniform. Pausing to wash her hands, Ellana smiled with her new face in the mirror then she left the bathroom.

Outside New Scotland Yard 11:15am

"What is it with this country, M? Why isn't there a couple of WPC's around when you need them." Exclaimed L as the two agents stood in an alley next to the Metropolitan Police Headquarters. Thanks to some due diligence from N, the agents had discovered the identity of the woman Ellana had replaced as WPC Stephanie Tate, who was based out of Scotland Yard. After tracking the police vehicle through their onboard police scanner, L & M found themselves outside trying waiting for two appropriate disguises for the past 30 minutes but so far they had no luck. "Lucky them..." The younger agent said under her breath as two young female officers suddenly appeared at the mouth of the alley. "Shh! Look there. We have a couple of winners." L said as they appraised the women. Their uniforms consisted of white shirts over which was a yellow hi visibility stab vest with "police community support officer" stenciled in blue and white on their backs, black trousers and flat shoes. Bowler hats with a blue band perched on their heads. The girl on the left had long ash blonde hair tied into a ponytail, while the officer on the right hand short shoulder length ginger hair. "Right, the blonde looks to be my size and I think you can squeeze into reds uniform easily enough. Let's take them." M held up her hand. "Boss? Are you sure this is going to work? They don't look like regular officers, they aren't even armed." L let out an impatient sigh. "Just like all the cops in this country. Besides, they have police on their backs and their uniforms should get us in to get to Ellana. That's good enough for me. So are you done second guessing me, rookie?" M sighed nodding her head as they crept up on the unsuspecting women.

With reflexes honed through years of training, the agents struck fast. L snaked her arm around the blonde officers throat before pressing a hand on the back of her head, leaning it forward. The officer barely had time to struggled as she let out a low moan slumping into L's arms. Simultaneously, M clamped a hand around the red heads mouth muffling her cry of surprise before wrapping her arm around her slender neck cutting off the blood supply to her brain. Tightening her grip, M felt the ginger officers consciousness fade as her arms fell limply to her side, letting out a long muffled rattle. "Shh! Easy, easy..." She whispered into the girls ear as the two agents dragged the unconscious officers deeper into the alley.

"Well it looks like I'am PCSO Juliet Hayes." L said as she glanced down at the scantily clad real Juliet, wearing only a navy blue lace bra and matching thong her tight young body on full display, as she lay slumped shoulder to shoulder in the dumpster with the redheaded Samantha Calvin who was dressed only in her white lace trim cotton camisole and matching hipster shorts. "And that makes me a Samantha, I guess." M sighed as her mind wandered to V. Both fully dressed in their stolen uniforms, the agents closed the lid on the underwear clad officers. "Well, I'am not going to complain. It's great to steal a uniform that isn't two sizes too small. But boss. We need to talk about you and P. " L shook her head as she slapped M upside her head. "Not going to talk about it rookie! Not when Ellana as a head start on us. Let's go." She said storming out the alley M trailing behind her. "You think you're going to brush me off that easy?" M coughed under her breath catching up to her boss as they entered the front lobby, a black mercedes leaving the police garage behind them.

30 minutes earlier New Scotland Yard Crime Lab

Walking through the science labs, Ellana was impressed with the level of sophistication of the instrumentation of the crime labs. I know quite a few scientists back home who would sell their right arms for set ups like this. While it's no where near as advanced as a Zenobian lab, the humans are well on their way. Personally, while I find science useful it takes the fun out of an investigation. Give me logic and deductive reasoning anyday. Using Charlene's memories, she found the woman's office. Sitting down she began to leaf through the doctors case notes finding everything about fingerprint analysis and blood splatter going completely over her head. Then she found a large dossier labeled "Danielle Worthington." As she picked it up, there was a knock at the door. "Come in." Ellana said leaning back into Charlene's chair as a pretty young brunette stuck her head around the door. "Erm, doctor? Aren't you supposed to give evidence at Danielle Worthington's trial at the Old Bailey, in 30 minutes for attempted fraud, identity theft and assault? You are the prosecutions expert witness after all." Ellana glanced at the dossier then smiled at the girl, whose name was Emma according to Charlene's memories. "Yes, thank you for reminding me Emma." She said pulling on Charlene's coat. Emma nodded. "You're welcome. There's a car waiting to take you in the police garage. I would go now. The judge trying the case doesn't like lateness or so I have heard." Bading her farewell, Ellana made her way to the police garage the good doctors memories proving useful once again. Finding the car well enough, she buckled in scanning the dossier as the car pulled out of the garage. She looked up in time to see two familiar friends enter the Yard, disguised as officers. Always one step behind. How I would love to see the looks on their faces, when they realise I'am long gone.. She chuckled as the car drove away from Scotland Yard towards this Old Bailey.

Looking at the details of the case, it seemed pretty open and shut to Ellana. One month ago, a Danielle Worthington had knocked out a young female teller who worked at the Barclay's branch in Hammersmith. She had stolen the girls uniform and ID card in an attempt to access the banks account system. However, an observant security guard saw through her disguise and she was later arrested. The girl was guilty and Ellana had no idea why she had to testify. Well I guess I will find out. Leaning back into her seat, Ellana watched in fascination as London rolled past her window.

Their disguises got the agents into the lobby easily but as they reached the double doors that lead into the station properly, they were faced with a problem. "sh*t. It looks like a card scanner opens the door. And I didn't see any cards on the women when we stripped them." L sighed as she tried to pull open the door with brute strength but it remained steadfast, refusing to budge. Next to her M shook her head. "I told you they weren't regular officers, boss. Maybe deputies or whatever passes in the UK for one? Either way, we are done if we can't through there." Resisting the urge to slap her, L reached into her stolen trousers pocket. "Maybe N can get us in-" "Excuse me? What do you think you're doing?" Said a British accent from behind them. They turned to face a small crowd of police officers, in front of them was a middle aged detective. "You should know that you are restricted from entering CID, right?" Looking at each other nervously, they flashed a smile at the detective. "Hello, Guv'ner! What a jolly good day it is? We need to urgently deliver a report, mate." L pinched her nose, their was no disguising M's Texan drawl, even if she tried to pitch a drunk Jack Sparrow. There were a few laughs from the crowd as L did her best to salvage the situation. "Yeah mate. Ooh-ahh. We need to jolly well get in and no mistake." By now none of the officers were impressed by L's take on the west country farmer. The detective shook his head, narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "You are no more British then Donald Trump. That's the trouble with you yanks, you all think we talk like the royal family. The thing is what are two Americans doing dressed like PCSO's doing in my station?" It was then a young Asian policewoman ran in. "Begging your pardon DCI Braithwaite but we just found two women in the dumpster in the alley. They are unconscious and have been stripped." It was then a deathly silence come over the lobby, as 6 heads turned in their direction. L in desperation reached for her neuralyser but found nothing but air. Next to her M rolled her eyes, as an officer was cuffing her. "It's not me this time! It's you boss! You insisted on taking it off me!" L let out a cry of frustration, a female slapping cuffs on her. "Ah shut up, rookie!" She shouted as they were taken into the station as DCI Braithwaite read them their rights.

The Old Bailey Courtroom 3 12:00pm

"You are 15 minutes late, Mrs Wood. The prosecutions expert witness you may be but I will not tolerate tardiness in my courtroom." Said the Right Honourable Justice Mr Alfred Little, resplendent in his red robes of office a strange little wig covering his balding bespectacled head, as Ellana took her seat in the witness stand. That's a lot of names for one man to have and what's with the wig? "Apologies, your honour but the traffic was pretty lousy." The judge sighed. "I don't want excuses, Mrs Wood. Council for the defence, your witness." He said turning to a beautiful young barrister with sharp tanned features, pronounced cheekbones and almond shaped brown eyes. Her short dark brown hair tied into a short ponytail under her white wig. Her petite figure and clothing hidden by a long black robe.

"Thank you, my lud. Mrs Wood is it? I'am Ms Faiza Hussain KC. Representing my young client here." She gestured to an attractive red headed girl, dressed in a denim prison tracksuit seated next to her. "I do hope the evidence you present to the court, is more reliable then your ability to arrive on time!" There were some snigg*rs from the public gallery as Hussain continued. "So, Mrs Wood. You were the attending forensic expert at the scene yes?" Ellana nodded. "That's correct. What's your point?" Hussain merely blinked smiling an acidic smile. "I believe I'am the one asking the questions hear. But my point as you put it, is this; How can you be sure my client committed these alleged acts?" Ellana fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat as she tried to come up with an acceptable answer. This woman is a fine orator and knows how to intimidate, she reminds me of mother. "Um, well she was caught at the scene red handed. Wearing the stolen uniform and ID. There were witnesses-" "Oh really? Then you must now that on that day the CCTV was out of order? There is no visual record of my client in the branch."There were mornings around the court as Ellana shrugged her shoulders. "Well, what about the victim? She was attacked and found in the alley in her underwear. And the security guard? I'am sure they weren't lying counselor." Hussain grinned as she regarded Ellana as a bearcat regarded a plains mouse. "I will get to them late. But I must admit for the prosecutions"expert witness" you haven't presented your findings to the court at all. You have just been argumentative. Is this the best the Metropolitan Police can offer? The defence rests, m'lud." Smiling she turned to the male prosecution barrister, who was sweating profusely. "Your witness, counselor." She said sitting down sharing a smug grin with her client.

Outside Courtroom 3 12:45pm

After half an hour of being cross examined by an increasingly irate prosecution barrister who grew fed up at Ellana's lack of evidence, she had become a laughing stock of the courtroom. Even the judge had commented that she was " Without a doubt the worst expert witness that ever graced my courtroom." He had declared a court recess for 15 minutes and has she filed out with the other attendees Ellana saw the young woman, Tabitha Drake who Worthington had stolen the uniform from, looking distraught and close to tears as she was comforted by her family. She had also noticed Hussain with her client huddled opposite the door, speaking in hushed tones. "We have this in the bag. All we have to do is to continue making the police look like idiots and have their evidence, if they even have any, thrown out as circ*mstantial. I mean that "expert witness" was a gift for us." Danielle smiled. "So it doesn't matter what I told you? That I'am guilty." Hussain shook her head. "My dear. All I have to do is make you a poor orphan girl betrayed by the system and persecuted by the state. The truth don't matter. Look, I need to go to the bathroom to freshen up. You will be alright here?" Worthington nodded as Hussain walked past Ellana towards the women's toilet. Suddenly an idea came to her. Thanks to me, this trial will fall apart and the guilty will walk. I cannot allow that. If I become Hussain, I can just say my client was lying the whole time that she confessed to me that she is guilty. Hopefully that will be enough to see justice served. Chuckling at her own ingenuity, Ellana followed the woman into the toilet.

Catching her reflection in the mirror Faiza Hussain KC smirked as she splashed water on her face. I wish all expert witnesses were like Ms Woods. I would certainly make my job all the more easier. The door to the bathroom opened behind her she looked up to see Charlene Woods reflection in the mirror flashing her a look of complete loathing. "What? Don't look at me like that. It wasn't anything personal. I was just defending my client." It was then the doctor flashed her an evil smile, raising her right hand like a blade. "That's no longer your concern, for now. It's mine." Faiza reared back, fear trickling down her spine. "No, wait s-ugh!!?" She let out a small yelp of pain as Woods struck her on the side of her neck, with a swift chop. She slumped unconscious into Ellana's waiting arms. "Now that's what I call a recess." She quipped as she dragged the woman into the empty waiting cubicle behind them.

Sitting the unconscious barrister on the toilet, Ellana stripped off Charlene's clothes before straddling the woman assuming her form with a kiss as she removed Faizas' wig, robes and jewellery. "Faiza Hussain KC, 28, Criminal Defense Barrister. She used to be a CPS barrister, but switched to defense because it's more !curative and she earns why more money. This however didn't stop her from joining the barristers strike to demand even more money." Putting on the woman's jewellery, adopting her ponytail then slipping off her high heels, Ellana unzipped Faizas' navy blue dress from the rear peeling it off her slim athletic body leaving her clad only in her crimson lace bra, matching shorts with stockings and suspenders. Going with the bra first, Ellana unhooked it from the rear slipping it off the barristers chest to reveal her small but buoyant B-cup breasts with perky dark brown circular areolas. After clasping on the stolen bra, Ellana stripped off the rest of the woman's expensive lingerie, admiring a full womanhood crowned with a trimmed fan of dark brown pubic hair. Getting dressed in the rest of Faizas' clothes, pulling on the robe Ellana tore up Charlene's blouse binding and gagging the naked tanned barrister before hoisting her up under her shoulders, dragging her over to the attendants cupboard. Stashing the bound woman inside, Ellana tossed in the rest of Charlene's clothes closing the door on the woman's naked form. Pausing to check her new reflection, she grinned widely. "Time to see justice served." She to the mirror leaving the bathroom.

Retracing her steps, Ellana met up with Worthington who was still smiling bouncing on her feet with excitement. "So, ready to get me acquitted counselor?" She excitedly as Ellana flashed her a small style. "Ready to see justice served my dear." Replied Ellana as they filed back into courtroom three.

Courtroom 3 13:00pm

"I see that we are all refreshed from our recess. Hold on, where is the prosecutions expert witness? Wasting the courts time again I expect." Allowing the judge to finish Ellana cleared her throat. "Yes? Do have something to say, Ms Hussain?" Ellana flashed the court room a smile. "If it pleases the court. I wish to make a statement on behalf of my client?" The elderly judge leaned over his box. "I say this is most irregular but if you feel the need and it has pertinence to this case, then by all means counsellor." Ellana glanced at Worthington then took a deep breath. "My client has been lying the whole time. She confessed to me that she was guilty of this hideous crime, your honour." Next to her Worthington's mouth opened as her family began to jeer from the public gallery. "You bitch! I told you that in confidence! You said you would get me off!?" The room let out a hushed gasp as the judge let out a cry of outrage. "I will have silence from the accused or I will hold you in contempt of court! Ms Hussain think carefully on your next words or it's your career." Ellana nodded. "I know my lud but I believe I can no longer represent my client. Not on my conscience." The accused screamed. "I will sue the f*ck out of you, you rich bitch!" The judge slammed his fist on his desk. "That's it! Your in contempt of court! Baliff, take the accused away!" As a burly uniformed male took Worthington down kicking and screaming, the judge turned to the jury. "Members of the jury. You will disregard everything you just heard as i will declare a mistrial and have this case retried at a later date. Never in all my years have I seen source disgraceful behaviour from a counsellor, Ms Hussain. Everyone, this trail is adjourned." Grinning as she watched the accused being dragged away, Ellana then left the courtroom blending into the departing crowds. Now to have a change of face, perhaps a criminal prosecutor?

Outside Courtroom 3 13:10:pm

Upon leaving the courtroom, Ellana noticed two young suited attractive women talking further down the corridor. One was a pretty ebony skinned woman wearing a violet pantsuit, the other an attractive redheaded female with rounded freckled features and sapphire blue eyes framed by long curly auburn hair. Her petite frame emphasised by a black pantsuit with a white low cut tank top and black flat shoes. With studded ears, a locket dangling above her C-cup cleavage and a wedding band on her left index finger. They are both suitable but I must hear more. Pretending to check her watch, Ellana listened in on their conversation.

Last edited by Stormtrooper1990 on Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:28 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Ellana's Cultural Studies on Humanity:- Chapter 32 :- Crime and Punishment Part 1 The United Kingdom (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

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Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.