Two Story House Feng Shui House Layout | Feng Shui New (2024)

Feng Shui, an ancient Chinese practice, emphasizes the arrangement and orientation of spaces to promote harmony and balance. In this article, we will delve into the world of Feng Shui specifically tailored for two-story houses. The layout and design of a home play a crucial role in creating a harmonious living environment, and understanding the principles of Feng Shui can greatly enhance the energy flow within your space.

When it comes to designing a two-story house with Feng Shui principles in mind, there are key considerations to keep in mind. From furniture placement to incorporating natural elements, every aspect of the layout contributes to the overall energy flow of the space. By adhering to these principles, homeowners can create a nurturing and balanced environment that promotes well-being and prosperity.

Incorporating Feng Shui into your two-story house layout goes beyond just aesthetics; it is about creating a space that supports positive energy flow throughout your home. As we explore the importance of layout in Feng Shui for two-story houses and provide practical tips for each floor, you will learn how to optimize your living spaces for optimal energy flow and harmony.

Stay tuned as we guide you through creating a tranquil abode that uplifts both your physical surroundings and spiritual well-being.

Table of Contents

Key Principles of Feng Shui for Two Story Houses

When it comes to applying Feng Shui principles to a two story house, there are key considerations that can enhance the flow of energy and create harmony in the space. Understanding these principles is essential for optimizing the layout and design of your home. Here are some key principles to keep in mind:

  • Balance: Balance is crucial in Feng Shui, especially in a two story house. Ensure that both floors are balanced in terms of furniture placement, colors, and decor. This will help create a sense of equilibrium and harmony throughout the house.
  • Natural Elements: Incorporating natural elements like wood, stone, water, and plants into your two story house can help promote positive energy flow. Consider adding indoor plants, a small fountain, or natural materials in your decor to connect with nature.
  • Circulation: Pay attention to the circulation of energy throughout your two story house. Make sure that there are clear pathways for energy to flow freely without any obstructions. This can be achieved by decluttering common areas and keeping furniture arrangements open and inviting.

By following these key principles of Feng Shui for two story houses, you can create a harmonious and balanced space that promotes positive energy flow and well-being for you and your family. Remember that each element in your home contributes to the overall atmosphere, so taking the time to fine-tune the layout and design according to Feng Shui principles can make a significant difference in how you experience your living environment.

Importance of Layout in Feng Shui for Two Story Houses

Layout plays a crucial role in Feng Shui for two-story houses, as it directly impacts the flow of energy throughout the space. By adhering to the principles of Feng Shui in your home’s layout, you can create a harmonious and balanced environment that supports overall well-being. Here are some key considerations for optimizing the layout of your two-story house:

  • Entryway: The entrance to your home is where energy, or “qi,” enters. Make sure it is well-lit, clutter-free, and welcoming to encourage positive energy flow into your space.
  • Staircases: Staircases are significant features in two-story houses as they connect different levels. Avoid placing mirrors facing staircases as they can create a sense of instability and disperse energy. Keep staircases well-maintained and clutter-free to promote smooth energy flow.
  • Bedroom Placement: In Feng Shui, bedrooms are considered sacred spaces for rest and rejuvenation. Ideally, bedrooms should be located on the upper floor for better privacy and tranquility. Avoid placing bedrooms above garages or near noisy areas to ensure a peaceful sleep environment.

Creating a balanced flow of energy between the upper and lower levels of your two-story house is essential for promoting harmony and well-being. By carefully considering the layout of each level and incorporating Feng Shui principles, you can enhance the overall energy flow throughout your home. Additionally, it is important to maintain cleanliness and organization in all areas of your house to prevent stagnant or negative energy from accumulating.

Incorporating elements such as natural light and proper air circulation can further enhance the positive flow of energy within your two-story house. Open up windows regularly to allow fresh air to circulate throughout each level, bringing with it revitalizing energy.

Utilize light fixtures strategically to illuminate dark corners and create a warm ambiance that promotes positive chi throughout your living space. By paying attention to these details in your house layout, you can effectively harness the power of Feng Shui to create a harmonious environment that supports overall well-being for you and your family.

Creating Harmony in Your Two Story House With Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a practice that has been used for centuries to create harmony and balance in living spaces. When it comes to two-story house design, the principles of Feng Shui play a crucial role in ensuring that the energy flow throughout the home is positive and balanced. One key principle to keep in mind when applying Feng Shui to a two-story house layout is the importance of creating a sense of unity and connection between both floors.

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The layout of a two-story house can significantly impact the flow of energy within the space. It is essential to consider both the upper and lower levels when designing the layout to ensure that there is a seamless transition between floors. Incorporating elements such as staircases, hallways, and open spaces can help maintain a harmonious energy flow throughout the house.

In addition to the physical layout of the two-story house, it is also important to pay attention to the placement of furniture and decor. By strategically arranging furniture and incorporating elements that promote positive energy flow, you can enhance the overall harmony within your home. With thoughtful design choices and attention to detail, you can create a balanced and serene environment in your two-story house that promotes health, happiness, and prosperity.

Key PointsDetails
Unity Between FloorsEnsure seamless transition between upper and lower levels for balanced energy flow.
Furniture PlacementStrategically arrange furniture to promote positive energy flow throughout the house.
Attention to DetailBy paying attention to both layout and decor, you can create a harmonious environment in your two-story house.

Feng Shui Tips for Each Floor of Your Two Story House

When applying Feng Shui principles to a two story house, it is essential to consider the layout and energy flow on each floor. The first floor of your home is typically associated with social activities, such as entertaining guests and dining, while the second floor is often linked to more private areas like bedrooms and relaxation spaces. To enhance the overall harmony in your two story house, here are some Feng Shui tips for each floor:

On the first floor, it is important to focus on creating a welcoming and vibrant atmosphere. Consider using warm colors like red or orange in the living room to promote energy flow. Place indoor plants strategically in this area to bring in vitality and freshness. Additionally, ensure that furniture placement allows for easy movement and encourages social interaction among family members and guests.

Moving on to the second floor, which represents more intimate and personal spaces, prioritize tranquility and relaxation. Choose calming colors like blue or green for the bedrooms to promote restful sleep and rejuvenation. Incorporate soft lighting fixtures and use natural materials like wood or cotton to create a sense of serenity. Keep clutter to a minimum in these areas to allow for a free flow of positive energy throughout the space.

Incorporating these Feng Shui tips on each floor of your two story house can help create an environment that supports balance, harmony, and well-being for you and your family. By paying attention to both social areas on the first floor and private spaces on the second floor, you can optimize the energy flow within your home and enhance the overall quality of life for everyone residing in it.

First FloorSecond Floor
Warm colors like red or orangeCalming colors like blue or green
Strategic placement of indoor plantsSoft lighting fixtures
Promote social interaction with furniture layoutNatural materials like wood or cotton

Utilizing Natural Light and Air Flow in Feng Shui House Layout

Natural light and air flow play a crucial role in creating a harmonious environment in your two-story house according to Feng Shui principles. In Feng Shui, natural light is considered a symbol of positive energy, while proper air circulation ensures the flow of good chi throughout the space. To optimize these elements in your home layout, consider the placement of windows, doors, and vents to allow for maximum sunlight exposure and healthy airflow.

When designing your two-story house layout with Feng Shui in mind, it is important to prioritize spaces that receive ample natural light. Rooms facing the east are great for welcoming the morning sun, promoting vitality and new beginnings. Additionally, rooms overlooking green spaces or water features can enhance the flow of positive energy within your home. In terms of air flow, ensure that there are no obstructions blocking windows or vents to allow fresh air to circulate freely.

Incorporating skylights or large windows on both floors can help bring natural light deep into your two-story house and create a sense of spaciousness. For rooms that lack adequate light or ventilation, consider using mirrors strategically to reflect light and open up the space. By optimizing natural light and air flow in your two-story house’s Feng Shui layout, you can create a vibrant and energizing atmosphere that promotes well-being and balance throughout your home.

Incorporating Colors and Materials in Feng Shui Design for Two Story Houses

When it comes to incorporating colors and materials in Feng Shui design for two-story houses, the choices you make can have a significant impact on the energy flow and overall harmony of your living space. In Feng Shui, each color is associated with specific elements and energies, so selecting the right colors for different areas of your home is essential for creating a balanced environment.

Color Palette Selection

Choosing a harmonious color palette for your two-story house is crucial in Feng Shui design. For example, earthy tones such as beige, terracotta, and brown create a sense of stability and grounding, making them ideal for common areas like the living room or dining room. On the other hand, cool shades like blue and green promote relaxation and tranquility, making them perfect for bedrooms or meditation spaces.

Material Choices

In addition to colors, the materials used in your two-story house can also influence its Feng Shui. Opting for natural materials such as wood, bamboo, stone, and metal can help create a sense of balance and connection with nature. Avoiding synthetic materials or cluttered spaces can disrupt the energy flow in your home. Consider incorporating these natural elements into your furniture, decor accents, and flooring to enhance the positive Chi throughout your house.

Balance and Harmony

By carefully selecting colors and materials that align with Feng Shui principles in your two-story house, you can achieve greater balance and harmony in your living environment. Remember that creating a cohesive color scheme and integrating natural elements will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home but also promote positive energy flow throughout each floor.

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Take the time to assess each area of your house and make intentional choices when it comes to colors and materials to create a harmonious space that supports well-being and prosperity.

Furniture Placement and Organization in Two Story House Feng Shui Layout

When it comes to designing a two-story house with Feng Shui principles in mind, furniture placement and organization play a crucial role in creating a harmonious and balanced living space. Proper placement of furniture not only affects the flow of energy (qi) within the house but also impacts the overall feel and functionality of each room.

Functionality and Flow

One key principle in Feng Shui is to ensure that furniture is placed in a way that allows for smooth movement and accessibility throughout the house. Avoid cluttering walkways or restricting pathways with oversized or misplaced furniture. It’s essential to consider both the aesthetic appeal and practicality of each piece when arranging your layout.

Zoning Areas

Incorporating zoning areas within your two-story house can help define different functions within each space. For example, create distinct areas for relaxation, work, dining, and socializing by strategically placing furniture pieces such as sofas, desks, dining tables, and lounge chairs. This not only enhances the usability of each area but also promotes a sense of balance and organization within your home.

Balancing Elements

Another important aspect to consider when organizing furniture in a two-story house is to ensure a balance of elements such as shape, color, texture, and material. Incorporate a mix of different styles and materials to create visual interest while maintaining harmony throughout the space. By thoughtfully arranging furniture based on Feng Shui principles, you can maximize positive energy flow, promote well-being, and cultivate a peaceful living environment in your two-story house.

Enhancing Energy Flow Through Indoor Plants and Decor in Two Story Houses

Indoor plants and decor play a crucial role in enhancing the overall energy flow in a two-story house based on the principles of Feng Shui. Plants are not only aesthetically pleasing but also serve to purify the air and promote positive energy throughout your home. When strategically placed, indoor plants can help create a harmonious environment that encourages relaxation and well-being.

Incorporating indoor plants in different areas of your two-story house can have a significant impact on its overall energy flow. In Feng Shui, certain plants are believed to bring good luck and prosperity, such as the money plant or lucky bamboo.

These plants are often placed near entryways or in the wealth area of the house to invite positive energy into your space. Additionally, incorporating plants with round leaves or soft edges can help create a sense of calmness and balance.

When it comes to decor, choosing items that resonate with your personal style while also aligning with Feng Shui principles is key. Opt for decor pieces that inspire joy and evoke positive emotions, such as meaningful artwork or sentimental objects.

Avoid clutter and choose decor items that have a purpose and contribute to the overall harmony of the space. By selecting decor mindfully and with intention, you can enhance the energy flow in your two-story house and create a peaceful sanctuary where you can unwind and recharge.


In conclusion, incorporating the principles of Feng Shui in the layout and design of your two-story house can greatly enhance the overall harmony and energy flow within your living space. By carefully considering factors such as furniture placement, color schemes, natural light, and indoor plants, you can create a balanced environment that promotes serenity and well-being for you and your family.

It is essential to remember that Feng Shui is not just about aesthetics but also about creating a conducive atmosphere that supports positive energy circulation throughout your home. By following the guidelines and tips provided for each floor of your two-story house, you can ensure that every room contributes to a harmonious living environment.

Ultimately, by taking the time to understand the foundation of Feng Shui principles and implementing them in your two-story house layout, you can transform your living space into a sanctuary that promotes balance, tranquility, and positive energy. Embracing these concepts will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home but also create a nurturing environment that fosters overall well-being for you and those who dwell within its walls.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Best Home Layout Feng Shui?

The best home layout in Feng Shui depends on the specific needs and energy flow of each individual. However, generally speaking, a layout that allows for easy circulation of energy (chi) and balances the five elements is considered ideal. This can include an open floor plan, natural light, and a harmonious arrangement of furniture.

What Is the Best Position for a House in Feng Shui?

According to Feng Shui principles, the best position for a house is one that allows for the smooth flow of positive energy (chi). Ideally, the front door should face towards auspicious directions like south, southeast, or east. It is also important to have a clear pathway leading up to the entrance to welcome good energy.

How to Arrange Your House According to Feng Shui?

To arrange your house according to Feng Shui, start by decluttering and organizing each room to allow for a free flow of energy. Consider the placement of furniture – avoid blocking pathways or placing furniture with sharp corners directly facing doors as it can disrupt chi flow.

Incorporate elements like plants, mirrors, and natural light to enhance positive energy throughout your home.

Two Story House Feng Shui House Layout | Feng Shui New (1)

Rita McGlothlin

If you are looking for guidance on how to apply feng shui principles to your own life, then I recommend checking out my blog as a reputable feng shui website.

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Two Story House Feng Shui House Layout | Feng Shui New (2024)


What is the feng shui for building a new house? ›

The house should not be built on a ridge, on a cliffside, at a river outlet, next to a bridge or highway, or at an intersection. Avoid sloping land behind the house. The most auspicious house direction in feng shui is south-facing, which is good for light, chi absorption and family harmony.

What is the best home layout feng shui? ›

For the last tip, generally simple and balanced floor plans within a well-proportioned square or rectangular shape offer the best feng shui. It may seem kind of boring, but with the straightforward squarish shape, there are no missing areas of the Bagua map, and things are in most often in harmony and balance.

What to bring first when moving to a new house feng shui? ›

It is customary for the Chinese to carry auspicious items when they first step into the new house. To attract wealth, all household occupants are recommended to bring feng shui coins, rice, and/or fresh fruits such as pineapples, oranges, apples, and peaches.

How to arrange your house according to feng shui? ›

Nine general tips for the layout of your home
  1. There should be an open space on the inside of the main door - no wall, bathroom or stove.
  2. Avoid a straight line from the front to a back door or window.
  3. The back of the house must be quiet.
  4. No bathrooms or utility rooms at the centre of the house.
Apr 12, 2023

What is the first thing to do when you want to build a house? ›

1. Building Site Preparation. Once your builder has acquired the appropriate permits, the first step in building a house is to prepare the land. During building site preparation, crews will clear the lot of rocks, debris, or trees.

What is good luck when building a house? ›

Coins as Good Luck

Another way to begin a good tradition that's going to be hidden but meaningful is to drop one or two coins into the forms of the foundation before it is poured, or directly on top of the slab during the pour. They won't be able to see the coin, but they'll know it's there.

What are the mistakes in feng shui? ›

  • Use too many colors. While it's important to use color in your design, you shouldn't use too many colors. ...
  • Use too much furniture. Another common Feng Shui mistake is using too much furniture. ...
  • Ignore the flow of energy. ...
  • Place furniture too close to the walls. ...
  • Hang photos or artwork too high.
Nov 3, 2022

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Good house numbers for luck and positive energy

According to the beliefs of feng shui, the lucky numbers are 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, and 9.

What is the first rule of feng shui? ›

1. Declutter Regularly. Decluttering is a key principle in Feng Shui interior design.

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Never move into a new home on a Friday, Saturday, or any rainy day in fact. You'll be plagued with bad luck. Thursday is the luckiest day to move in apparently.

Why do you bring rice and salt to a new home? ›

Traditionally, old homeowners would carry bread, rice, and salt the first time they enter their new home in order to ward off evil spirits. These items should be carried together with that new broom or sweeper. Sprinkling salt on your door means that spirits are unwelcome in your house.

Where do you put salt and rice in a new house? ›

To bless every inch of your new home, scatter a mixture of raw rice, green beans, salt, and tea leaves around it while following the natural flow of your house. You'll want to start from the living room/entryway, before sprinkling the mix in your bedrooms, kitchen, toilets, other home spaces, and at the entrance again.

How to increase Yang energy in house? ›

Inviting people and animals into your home will generate naturally occurring Yang energy as well. The energy and activity created by the movement and noise will work a long way towards balancing Yin and Yang in any home. Tip: When alone, turn up the lights and music in order to generate Yang energy.

What things bring positive energy in the home? ›

Keeping Plants: Keeping Vastu-friendly plants, such as money plants, bamboo, etc., to ensure the flow of positive energy. Bird Feeder: Feed birds in your home by keeping a bird feeder in the Northwest corner of your home. Sea Salt: Place the sea salt in a bowl in the corners of your home and replace it every 48 hours.

How to make a house lucky in feng shui? ›

5 tips to create good Feng Shui at home
  1. Keep the path to your front door clean and clear. ...
  2. Learn the command position. ...
  3. Clear the clutter in all the rooms to let the energy flow. ...
  4. Slow down the flow of energy. ...
  5. Choose your home placement wisely.

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What I Wish I Knew Before Building a House
  • Leave Room in the Budget During the Building Process. ...
  • It's All About Your Budget. ...
  • Start Simple and Add on Later. ...
  • Start Early With Your Building Plans for Your Own Home. ...
  • Reach Out to Others Who Have Built a Home Before for Advice for Building a Home. ...
  • Don't Strive for Perfection.

Which side should I built an house? ›

The best house direction as per Vastu, is northeast, as it is associated with the God of wealth. Similarly, the southwest is considered the direction of evil.

Which direction should you build a house? ›

Typical Design Practices
  1. Orient your home longitudinally. This means that the length of your home should be oriented east-west, and the smaller width of the home should be north-south. ...
  2. Find the true South. ...
  3. Orient your floor plan towards the Sun. ...
  4. Plant trees for shading. ...
  5. Install windows on your south-facing wall.


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.