There’s Nothing To See Here @alyssalauren - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)

Irreplaceable Chapter 15: Suppose I Never Ever Met You

Series Premise: Two years after his abdication and wedding to Katie, Leo meets Riley the night of Liam’s coronation.

Chapter Summary: Riley speaks to Liam, Leo meets with his lawyer and leaves for the circuit.

A/N: I’m meh about this chapter, I don’t know why. I’ve been messing with it for weeks, I need it to be out there.

Catch Up Here!

Leo, Riley, Liam and Drake belong to Pixelberry. Luca and Simon belong to me, as does this story.

Content Warnings: Language, reference to infidelity, sensuality

Music Inspo: Fidelity-Regina Spektor

Word Count: 5993

Thank you to everyone who likes, comments, and/or reblogs this. I appreciate it so much. ❤️


I stare at a giant fern sitting in the blinding sun in the corner of Milo’s office. The few times I’ve been here, it’s always bright and cheerful. It’s confusing. Divorcing Katie makes me happy, so maybe not.

“Leo?” Milo’s tone brings me back. I should probably be paying attention. “I can see you’re shocked. I don’t think we can use this, and it doesn’t change anything officially, as far as the divorce goes.”

I knew it wouldn’t. I guess it makes things easier. But I want to yell at Katie, demand some kind of explanation. Nothing will be good enough, but I need to hear something.

“All she cares about is appearances,” I sigh. “I think if I threatened to go to the press, she’d hate that.”

Milo squints and furrows his brow. “I’d warn against that. Given-” Milo looks down at his desk, to his large notepad. “Riley.”

“Katie doesn’t know about her.” I’m pissed at the thought of Katie doing anything to mess with Riley. I will dump jugs of tomato sauce all over Katie’s perfect living room if she somehow finds out and does any damn thing. “It’s not the same as whatever she’s been doing either.”

“I didn’t say it was. We aren’t sure what Katie knows,” Milo leans back in his chair. “You need to play it safe right now.”

I miss Riley. I always miss her, even when I’ve just seen her. I wanted to send her a text earlier, asking if she wanted to grab dinner or hang out before my flight, but I stopped myself and just said I hoped work was treating her okay. It’s the middle of the day, so I don’t expect a response.

Riley sent an emoji last night of a moon and stars. I think that’s a good sign. I don’t speak emoji, but I doubt it means anything bad. I’m f*cking happy she’s texting me again.

I’m so f*cking happy that she’s working for the team. I know all her past crappy jobs, and she deserves this. It’s not just because I’ll see her at work too, sort of. When I’m home. Mark said she’d be around more, and I am not sure what that means.

I’m blown away that she kissed me. It wasn’t just a polite cheek peck either; it was f*cking hot. She initiated it. She definitely hates me less. I don’t know how the circuit will go for the two weeks she’s there. I saw how she was at the meeting, professional but friendly. I have to follow her lead.

Riley’s tears in the car were awful, and I hate them. I’ve seen her cry a few times. Even when it’s not because of me, like that day on the plane, it hurts. If I do nothing else right, I never want to make her sad like that again.

Spain is awesome, and I have a few places I want to show her. If she wants.

“Leo?” Milo’s exasperated tone makes me snap to attention.“Have you given any more thought to asking for alimony or anything that would encourage Katie to hire representation?”

“I won’t ask for alimony,” I shrug.

I don’t want her goddamned money. I guess I can ask for something else, but what? What does she care about? I don’t want custody of any of her family.

“Did she really call every lawyer in town?”

“In addition to a few in neighboring cities,” Milo lifts his lips in a grim smile. “Katie is shrewd, Leo. There’s nothing you want to ask for? Even if you don’t actually want it, it can go a long way in resolving this matter.”

Katie is more deceptive than I gave her credit for. What would get her attention?

I suddenly realize what will make her lose it.

“I want the house.” I grin and cross my arms over my chest, propping my feet on the small tufted ottoman. “It’s not in my name, but she said she bought it as a surprise for me.”

I do not want the house. But if I somehow get it, I have very detailed plans for what will happen to it. I’ve had two years to think about it.

“That’s a start,” Milo chuckles and lifts his pen, scrawling a few words in his notes. “I’ll draw up the papers and have them couriered in the next few days.”

While I’m safely in Greece for a week training for Spain. I wonder if I’ll be able to hear her scream from there.

“Leo,” Mark’s voice cuts through the happy thoughts I’m having of Katie losing her sh*t. “Don’t confront her. It won’t help. She can decide to take you to civil court, even with the information we have regarding her activities.”

My phone buzzes, and I glance at it. Elena?

“Leo! It’s me Alex! Katie isn’t doing well! Is this my fault? I told you she was high maintenance before the bachelor party and you didn’t believe me!”

Alex figured out I blocked him. I thought it’d be another couple weeks.

Alex did say that in the limo. I laughed it off, said I loved her the way she was. It was true. I thought it was true. I guess it doesn’t matter now.

I’d block Elena, but she’s not that bad. She probably doesn’t know Alex is texting me from her phone.

“I won’t,” I promise. I have no desire to see Katie on my last day here. I have to drop my car off at the garage and finish moving my sh*t to storage.

“Good,” Milo exhales like he’s been holding that breath a long time. “I’ll call once she’s been served.”

I’m a little sad I won’t be here for that.



“Sorry I’m late!” I call as I close the front door behind me. “I had a cigar with the boys!”

Luca and I have this weird fifties housewife bit. He started it one day and whoever’s home last picks it up.

There’s a glass vase of huge peach roses on the table opposite the door. I pluck the card from the plastic holder and skim it.

“I meant what I said yesterday. I don’t want to screw this up any more than I already have. I can’t wait to see you in Spain. Love, Leo.”

Why does he have to be so smooth? It’s annoying. I didn’t make an effort to see him today. I need breathing room. I can’t decide if I’ll say goodbye in person. I’m leaning towards no.

I’m excited about Spain. I’m unsure about Leo. I miss him. I maybe feel what he said out loud. It’s all confusing.

“You go out with your fancy friends and come home smelling like smoke,” Luca appears in the kitchen doorway, collar unbuttoned and drink in hand. “Is this where I panic and say dinner isn’t ready?”

“What? No dinner?” I laugh and step out of the too-high heels I wore today. “Luckily, I was going to ask if you wanted takeout.”

“You do spoil me,” Luca sighs happily and bats his lashes. “How was work?”

“Good,” I grin and hang up my purse. “We got the new website up. I’ve been looking up sh*t to do in Spain when I’m there. What about you?”

There’s some canyon by the beach in Murcia, the city we’ll be in. You can rent kayaks and paddle around, and I am doing it.

“Katie came by the office early, no appointment again.” Luca’s smile drops a little. He sets his glass on the table and walks toward me. “She wants to have a big dinner when she gets back from some family trip next month; you are invited.”

“Ew, why?” I do not want to go to Katie’s for dinner. But I can’t let Luca go alone. The inside of that house has to be crazy, and I am curious.

I should probably tell Leo I sort of know her. Later.

“The aforementioned siblings have decided they want to meet me before they commit to hiring me,” Luca pulls a face. “I told her I would let her know.”

“How bad was it?” I wince. Katie is not subtle.

“She was surprisingly mellow,” Luca frowns. “She was raging a bit about whoever Leo left her for.”

My eyes widen. “What the f*ck? He said there was someone else?”

I don’t know what he said, other than the little Katie told me. Maybe I’ll ask him in Spain. I don’t really want to know, but it’ll make him squirm.

“He denied that someone else was involved,” Luca shrugs. “I don’t know much else besides Katie doesn’t believe him. She did say the new woman must be dumber than rocks.”

“That’s not very live laugh love of her,” I mutter and roll my eyes. I didn’t like her before I knew that she was Leo’s wife. It feels weird to think, but that’s what she is.

I remember what Leo told me in the car about her lying and cheating on him. I don’t know what to say about any of it, besides she sucks for cheating.

I could tell Leo was hurt, and it was more anger than anything else. I’d probably have set that house on fire, but I have self-control problems.

But, Leo cheated too. It’s all a mess.

Maybe I am dumb.

Luca snickers. “She definitely has one of those signs.”

“I’ll be back,” I walk toward my room, unbuttoning my blouse as I go. “Oh, what about that place with the really yummy tamales? I have cash in my purse.”

“On it,” Luca calls, and I catch his eye and nod before closing my door.

I’m trying to find a shirt when my phone buzzes. I check it, and it’s Liam. I hesitate, but drop to my bed and decide to pick up. I need to stop dodging him. Liam didn’t do anything.

“Riley!” Liam sounds good. Happy. Guilt gnaws at my stomach. I bet he’s been worried.

“I’m sorry-” I start to say when Liam cuts me off.

“Don’t apologize,” His voice immediately makes me feel better, and I should have picked up days ago. “I’m glad you feel up to talking. How are you?”

How does one question almost make me start crying? I’m not even that big of a crier, but lately, it’s all I seem to do.

“Did you talk to him?” Leo and Liam talk about every other day, or they did. Leo said he needed to make an effort at keeping in touch, and they have a standing time now.

“I have not,” Liam confesses. “Drake spoke to him several days ago. I was waiting to speak to you first. You didn’t answer my question.”

“I’m okay,” Tears spring to my eyes, and my throat tightens. He’s not going to believe me.

“Riley,” Liam says sternly before softening. “You don’t have to pretend for my benefit.”

That’s all it takes to break me. Tears flood my cheeks, and I’m crying so hard my chest hurts. I knew this was coming. I’ve been ignoring it, only letting myself cry a little before shutting it down. Even though I cried at the beach and in my car, I held back.

Liam makes soothing noises every so often to make sure I know he’s there.

The tears mostly stop. I don’t want to head to the bathroom because Luca will try to force-feed me ice cream. I settle for using the back of my hand to wipe my eyes.

“It sounded as though you needed that,” Liam’s kind voice floats through the phone.

“Yeah, probably,” I sniff and brush at an errant tear. “How’s the tour going?”

Please let me change the subject.

“We’re in Paris for an extra few days,” Liam sounds tired. It’s probably days of meetings and wedding talk. “Drake found Savannah.”

I am so relieved for the distraction and simultaneously baffled.

“He did? That’s great, right?” I found out about all that when I went out after him in Lythikos. Olivia was being herself, and I didn’t want him to freeze to death. He talked about Savannah, how he felt like he failed her when she ran away.

Liam and Drake have that in common, feeling bad when they shouldn’t.

“Yes, wonderful.” Liam hesitates, and I know something more is coming. “Drake has a new nephew.”

“She was pregnant?” I don’t remember Drake saying that. “Before she left?”

“It’s why she left,” Liam is tapping something; I hear it bouncing off a surface. “His name is Bartie.”

“Bartie?” I snort. I can’t help it. “That sounds like Bertrand, sort of.”

“She named him after Bertrand’s father,” Liam explains. “She was fond of the idea of using a family name.”

A family name? sh*t. Maxwell, you dog.

“Maxwell got her pregnant?” I shriek. Drake must want to kill him.

“Not Maxwell.” Liam trails off.

Oh my god. NO.

“Bertrand!” I splutter. “NO. No no. That means…”

I can’t say it. I don’t want to picture it. That explains why Savannah ran away.

Liam’s laugh is so loud I have to move the phone away from my ear. “It’s not unheard of.”

“I don’t want to hear it!”

“What makes you think I am going to give you those sort of details?” Liam’s laughing so much he can barely get the words out.

Luca pokes his head through the small gap in the door, his eyebrows raising. He takes in my probably blotchy face, the fact I’m only wearing a bra and skirt, and giggling on my bed. Luca’s head disappears. He’ll grill me later.

“Drake is spending some time at her apartment, convincing her to move back,” Liam continues, composing himself. “I get to meet the little man tomorrow.”

Liam sounds excited. That man and babies. He loves them.

I shouldn’t have an opinion on Drake’s sister. But he’s convincing her to move back? I don’t like the sound of that at all. Shouldn’t she want to?

Maybe it’s because of Bertrand. You can’t come back from that. Ew, does she love him?

“Uncle Liam,” I grin and stand, ignoring that Bertrand fathered a child. “Everyone is behaving, no assholes?”

“Olivia is keeping Madeleine from trying to take over wedding preparations,” Liam chuckles. “She asked after you.”

“Madeleine?” We did not get along. She’s standoffish and cold and made sure I knew how out of my depth she thought I was.

“No, Olivia,” Liam corrects. “After the coronation, she turned over a new leaf. She respects you for helping me, us. She was hurt that I never told her. But, she’s doing well. She’s going to take over command of the military when we return.”

“I’m going to have to see all that to believe it,” I snicker, then sober when I remember how Leo won’t say Madeleine’s name because she scares him. He’s such a weirdo.

“You are coming for the wedding?” Liam asks, a little cautiously.

“I wouldn’t miss it for anything,” My cheeks heat, and I’m glad he can’t see me flustered. He’d get all emotional. It’d be a weird time.

“I’d like you to stand up with me.”

“You do?” My breath hitches. Stand up with him, that means be in the wedding. I didn’t expect that.

“Yes,” Liam replies. “Regina is going to perform the ceremony; Leo is going to be a groomsman. I’d like you to be up there, too.”

“I'd love to,” I cough a little, trying to clear my throat. “Do you know when the big day is?”

“The date isn’t set in stone quite yet, but I will let you know the moment it is,” Liam promises.

“Can’t wait.” I mean it. I’m so happy for those two. Maybe a little jealous.

“Drake and I went through a tough time at the start of the season,” Liam begins. “He was furious.”

That’s a weird segue.

“About me?” I remember them having some loud conversations after the derby. I never knew how much Drake was aware of when it came to me and Liam in New York. I never said anything.

“No, about my behavior,” I hear a door click shut. Liam moved from wherever he was. “Drake didn’t know we kissed or about the Statue of Liberty. You appeared on the plane, and Drake was stunned.”

“So you had to tell him the whole thing.” I wince and balance the phone between my shoulder and ear as I continue the search for a shirt. That could not have been fun. Drake was super grouchy on the plane; I guess that makes sense now.

“Yes,” Liam’s probably rubbing his temples. He does it when he’s tired or talking about something he doesn’t really like going over. “Drake thought I was trying to leave him, without telling him.”

“It was just a kiss!” I gesture with one hand, scattering the clothes I was holding.

“It was the kiss coupled with your arrival,” Liam explains. “Drake dated a woman briefly; when he was in college, but he told me all about that when he returned.”

“Hold up; Drake had a girlfriend?” I freeze halfway to picking up a blouse off the floor.

“A casual one, yes,” Liam chuckles at my surprise. “She was kind, he says, but after the assassination attempt, Drake couldn’t leave fast enough. It’s when he knew there’d never be anyone else for him but me.”

“Wow,” I still can’t picture Drake with someone besides Liam. “That’s sweet in a crappy way.”

“I am lucky he has remained at my side,” Liam’s voice drops. “He was going to leave after the coronation, as you know. I don’t know what I would have done. A life without Drake. It feels impossible.”

Tears spring to my eyes, and I collapse back on the bed. “Well, it is not going to happen.”

“Drake and I came back from a few hard times,” Liam continues. “We worked it out, and now we’ll be together forever. I know we’ll have more fights in the future, but I know we’ll make it through. We’re on the same page.”

Sneaky bastard.

“I’ve known Leo for a month,” I tap my head against the pillowy headboard. “It isn’t the same.”

“I’m not suggesting it is,” Liam replies. “But you are a person who knows how they feel right away. You feel deeply, and you follow that feeling.”

“That’s called me making bad decisions.”

“No, that’s bravery,” Liam argues. “I need to say something, Riley. I need you to let me say it.”

My stomach sinks. “Okay.”

“I am sorry to have put you through that season. Had I gotten the bravery sooner, none of it needed to happen. You came all this way for me, and it was unfair.”

“Liam, it wasn’t your fa-“

“Yes, it was!” Liam interrupts me, his voice rising. “We had that moment, and I hoped you were someone I could fall in love with. Deep down, I knew better. I didn’t tell you or most people the truth about Drake and I. You were vulnerable, and you put yourself last, even before you discovered the truth. I’m glad to have met you and become friends, but it was to your detriment, and it’s unforgivable.”

Liam and the self-blame. Must be a day that ends in y.

“Listen to me,” I don’t like Liam down on himself like that. The talk we had in the garden at the coronation was more than enough, and I hate that he still feels guilty. Sure, I was thrown, but I moved past it. It wasn’t meant to be, and that’s okay.

“Did my heart get a little dented, yes. But, I gained so much from coming to Cordonia. You made me believe love was possible, see that I’d been avoiding it and too scared to give it a chance.”

“It came at a cost,” Liam says sternly. “You were hurt. Now Leo-”

“I don’t regret a second,” I interrupt. “Any of it.”

It’s true. Running off to Cordonia might not have gone the way I’d hoped, but I wouldn’t change anything.

I don’t regret Leo. I’m not done with him. I thought I was, then the beach, and the car. He’s leaving tonight and I don’t know what to do.

“You’re too good for him,” Liam replies wearily. “For me.”

Before I can disagree with him on his part of it, Liam keeps talking. “You fell for Leo. I know he hasn’t been honest. He should have told you the situation with Katie first. Leo gets strong feelings and tries to fight them. He didn’t with you.”

“Maybe he should have,” I snap, anger washing over me. “We both should have.”

“No,” Liam snaps right back. He’s feisty today. “I hear how you speak about him, the way he talks about you. You deserve to be loved the way Leo appears to feel for you.”

I wonder what Leo said. Liam is pissed at him, but he’s also making sure I know how the guy feels.

“Leo has been deeply unhappy for two years.” Liam’s tone is still a little tense. “He tried his damndest to hide it, but I saw. That woman is abominable. She once asked Regina if there were any spare crowns she could take home.”

“No, she didn’t.” A laugh spills from my lips before I can stop it. I can picture Regina’s face, she probably really had to work to keep it blank. She maybe did what she does with Penelope; patted Katie on the shoulder and redirected her.

“She did,” Liam sounds calmer; that laugh broke the tension. “She sold their wedding video, their photographs. She told Leo to follow his dreams and refused to support him.”

That’s why the vows were online. I wondered how they got all that.

“The racing, you mean?” I remember what Leo said about Katie not going with or texting him ever.

“Yes,” Liam says. “Leo and Katie were never going to last.”

“He was really in love with her at one point?” I ask, unable to help myself. “I’ve met her twice and-‘

“Wait just a minute,” Liam interrupts. “When did you meet her? How?”

I tell him all about how she is Luca’s new client, that we pretend to be together so she won’t flirt with him. I tell him she found him because he manages a reality star’s money, and some magazine wrote about it. Finally, I tell him our entire bizarre conversation after Leo left her.

“Does Leo know you’ve met?” Liam says after a stunned silence.

“No,” I admit. “I didn’t know who she was until I did an internet search. I couldn’t believe it.”

“To answer your question,” Liam pauses. “I spoke to Leo just after he proposed to Katie. The tower, I’ve told you some of that story. He was giving her time to respond to his proposal, but regardless of what she said, he was ready to abdicate. He was very different, excited and hopeful for his future.”

I remember. Liam mentioned Leo left for love, and Liam knew he wanted to take over and be king. Cordonia doesn’t deserve him.

“He was in love with her.” He had to be. The way he talks about her, though, the night he told me he was getting divorced. He doesn’t like her. Did he ever?

“I thought so at first,” Liam says as kindly as he can. “But looking back, I’m not so sure. I think Leo was in love with the idea of a new life that he created, not one he was supposed to follow; planned by men before he was born.”

Leo has his own idea of a path. He loves racing, but I wonder what he’ll do after that. He can’t ride bikes forever. Especially if he hurts himself again. I bet he doesn’t know.

Maybe Leo likes the thrill, the newness. He said he loved me. I believe him, but how long does that last? Until I’m not new anymore?

“Maybe that’s all it is with me, too. More in love with the idea of me.”

“Drake seems to believe him when he says how he feels,” Liam exhales, and I hear him sip something. “I do as well, though I didn’t hear that phone call.”

If Drake believes him, that’s a good sign. Drake sees through everyone’s bullsh*t.

“I saw him,” I blurt. “That job with the team? I still interviewed, and I got it.”

“You got the job?” Liam crows. “That’s wonderful!”

“Thank you,” I giggle at his enthusiasm. “Leo was surprised. I told him I wasn’t going to the interview.”

“I take it Leo was thrilled,” Liam chuckles.

“Of course,” I giggle again, and it feels good to laugh. “We talked a little.”

“Are you and Leo finished?” Liam sounds a little sad.

“He told me he loved me, Liam.” I dodge the question.

“Do you feel that way?”

Before I can answer, the phone beeps in my ear, and I move it to check the screen.

“Hey, Riley. Our flight got bumped up to 9 last minute. I’ll see you in a week. xoxoxo”

I check the time. I have an hour to get to the airport. I don’t even think. I know I need to see him.

“I have to go,” the words spill from my lips as I try to find an outfit. sh*t, I need to fix my face. “Leo’s flight got moved up, and I have to say goodbye. I can’t just let him leave.”

“Go,” Liam urges. “Next time I call-”

“I’ll pick up, I promise,” I finish the sentence. “Love you.”

“Love you too,” Liam says before hanging up.

I drop my phone and grab a pair of jeans and a green tank before running into the bathroom.



“She may not come,” Simon says after watching me glance down the long corridor for the millionth time. “I wouldn’t.”

Simon knows exactly what to say to make me feel better.

“I don’t expect her to,” I roll my shoulders back and shift on my feet. “I’m being optimistic.”

I sent a text earlier. I keep rereading it and hating it more and more. I didn’t want to say anything wrong or make her think she had to come to say goodbye. She had work today, and I know she was busy.

Damn if I am hoping against everything for her to show up and kiss me. I’m the girl again, in those stupid movies where the guy is racing through traffic and makes it just in time.

Simon clucks sympathetically. “Want me to hug you like I won’t see you for a week? Luce is probably still in the parking lot. She’d hug you.”

Simon told me he’d be right behind me and made out with his wife for twenty minutes. I can’t blame him. At least I wasn’t in the car like her sister was.

“I’m alright,” I shake my head; I don’t need pity hugs.

Simon pats my back and heads in the direction of the bathroom.

I walk over to the windows facing the airfield. This building is dead, not many people around. It usually is; it’s only for charter flights.

I’m usually psyched to get going and race again. I am. I’m excited to get out on the circuit.

Not seeing Riley every day is going to be hard. I didn’t see her for a week, and it was awful.

I hear footsteps and brace myself for Simon’s next stream of consciousness.

“Hi,” Not Simon.

I whip around, and there Riley is. Looking more beautiful than ever. “You’re here.”

My brain f*cking sucks.

“Yeah,” Riley smiles, her cheeks tinge pink, and she looks a little embarrassed. “I just ran through a parking lot and a freakishly long hallway.”

I immediately tug her into my arms. “Thank you.”

Riley hugs me back, and I feel myself relax. I breathe her in, and notice the rose shampoo is back. “Were you able to get everything done that you needed?”

After all my bullsh*t, she still cares.

“I did,” I pull back a little. I need to look into her eyes, just for a second. “I’ve done this a couple times; I have it all under control.”

“Okay,” Riley’s eyes search mine. “Good.”

I squeeze her again, holding her body as close to mine as I can. I don’t want to let go.

“Big night?” I take in her jeans and top. Her face is scrubbed clean, her hair is piled on her head, and she’s never looked more gorgeous.

“Yeah, Luca and I have takeout and plan on watching all the Lord of the Rings movies.” Riley’s lips curve in a rueful smile. “Not exciting, but I am all about not moving from the couch this weekend.”

Luca. Don’t react. Those movies are not sexy. Fur on feet, that creepy ass goblin.

“Sounds good to me,” I thread my fingers through hers and bring her hand to my chest as she steps back from the embrace. “Thank you. I really didn’t expect you to come down.”

“I didn’t either,” Riley bites her lip. “I got your text, and next thing I knew, I was rushing to get here.”

“You just made it,” I kiss her fingers gently. I can’t believe she’s really here somehow. No one’s ever seen me off before.

“Leo, I'm still figuring it out,” Riley moves a little closer. “I care about you, a lot.”

I can feel the but before she says it.

“But,” Riley rests her hand on my chest and looks up at me. “I don’t know yet. I know I miss you already and you haven’t even left. I just talked to your brother about you.”

“Liam?” Duh, who else? “It’s been a few days.”

“He said that,” Riley bites her lip again. She’s nervous. “I don’t know what my point was.”

“You miss me.”

Riley laughs softly and shakes her head. “I do, dammit.”

“What now?” I hold my breath.

“I don’t know,” Riley still has her hand on my chest, her finger is tracing random shapes. “Maybe try to be friends for a while first? I mean, you’re going through a f*cking divorce. That's a lot.”

Riley has a point. A good one. But, I am sick of waiting. Sure, I screwed things up and backed way off, but I have been on autopilot for two goddamn years. Riley woke me the f*ck up and I’m not losing her.

“I don’t want to be friends,” I lean down, pressing my lips softly to her cheek. “Is that really what you want?”

“No,” Riley’s breathing stutters and she shakes her head slowly. “Shouldn’t we at least try?”

“Okay,” I move to the corner of her mouth, smoothing another kiss against her soft skin. “Stop me if I’m too friendly.”

I rest my fingers against her jaw, and tilt her chin up. Her eyelids flutter, almost closing completely. I brush my mouth against her other cheek. My lips travel to her temple, and I can see her pulse beating in her throat. “Is that-”

The rest of my words are muffled as Riley pulls my head down, our lips crash together. Riley throws her arms around my shoulders and I pull her body against mine. Her lips part and I don’t know where she stops and I begin.

See? I can be all kinds of friendly.

“What’s going on?” Simon’s timing sucks.

Riley freezes and I chuckle against her lips. Riley backs up and runs her fingers through her hair, her cheeks flushing.

She’s so damn cute.

Simon smirks at me before turning to Riley. “Hi, Riley. Well, isn’t this a surprise?”

“I guess so,” Riley blushes a deeper shade of pink. “Uh. Hi?”

“Relax, I heard the whole story before I met ya,” Simon’s grin widens. “Mums the word. We have five minutes, Leo.”

Simon saunters off. Riley covers her face.

I peel one of her hands away, Riley drops the other. “I already thought he knew, but I totally forgot he’d be here.”

“I’ll see you in a week.” I want to say what I said before. But I’m walking a thin line, between kissing her and telling her I don’t want to be friends.

Riley’s eyes turn glassy and f*ck. “A week,” she whispers. “Be careful, okay?”

Her fingers find my wrist, and my whole body warms. I didn’t know these feelings were possible before her.

“I will. I’ll text when we land.” I brush my thumb over her cheekbone. I force the tears that seem to be building back. f*ck it. I’m saying it. She looks so sad, and I can’t take it. “I love you.”

“I-” Riley blinks, and a tear falls off her eyelashes. “I believe you.”

It’s all I could have asked for. I gather her into my arms for one last hug, breathing in her citrusy perfume.

“You have to go,” Riley’s words are muffled against my chest. I hug her tightly one last time.

“I do,” I whisper in her ear. “It’s never been this hard before.”

“That’s what she said,” Riley whispers back and I can’t help but laugh.

She does that, makes me laugh when I want to hit things or cry. What she said about sleepwalking at the beach still cracks me up.

“You know what I mean,” I kiss her forehead and her nose. “I want to talk to you more, but-”

“You have to go,” Riley sniffs. “We can talk more when I get to Spain?”

I don’t really know what that means, but I don’t have time to ask.

“We’ll talk in Spain.” I agree. “I’ll call and text when I can until then.”

“Okay,” Riley nods and lifts on her toes to kiss me quickly. I hold her for a few seconds longer and Simon is calling me.

I have to get on the plane.

I keep turning back as I walk to the exit. Riley raises a hand, and I wave back. I follow Simon out the door into the warm night.

I turn back to the windows, but I can’t see her anymore. My chest aches, and I feel my throat tightening.

Simon falls into step with me as we walk toward the plane. It’s smaller than the normal one, which makes sense. I wonder if Riley will be on this plane.

“You were never this gutted before,” Simon shoulder checks me. “Welcome to the club.”

I bump his shoulder back.

The sun in Greece is too f*cking bright. I squint as I slam the door to the cab.

I used to like Greece. Now, it just reminds me of how f*cking idiotic I was.

Simon and I walk through the automatic doors toward the counter to check in. We always stay at this hotel. It’s nice, very Grecian I guess. I’m studying tall stone columns that follow the path to an infinity pool when the hair on the back of my neck stands up.

I glance around as Simon approaches the counter and gives our names. A lone woman sitting off to the side in a giant wicker chair catches my eye.

I know her.

As she stands and throws herself at me, I move backward, immediately recognizing the tall figure with long dark hair and a gauzy white dress.

“Surprise, Casanova!” The woman manages to stop herself as I pivot so the counter isn’t behind me, and take another few steps away. I am not catching her. I’m not touching her.

I hear Simon mumble something beside me, but I’m too distracted to register what he says.

What the actual f*ck is Katie doing here?



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TRR/TRH: @jared2612 @sfb123

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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Author information

Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.