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')OrTH edition Monday April 5 1971 Buffalo Evening News or News Want Ads 856 5555 40 Miscellaneous or Sale Lost and ound Help Wanted Male Help Wanted Male service company tor experienceo man QUALITY control (1) foods or related I Excellent wages and benefits or Io' urniture Wanted urniture or Sale Situations Wanted Male I Male Help Instructed SPRING Rd area Town of Tonawanda 834 8319 Train To Be STATIONARY Tractor Trailer Driver A ENGINEER DRIVE THE BIG RIGS UiLr rxu OiCOi xi ti ivii vi i I for Tammy Reward 684 9950 CASH Machinery HIGHEST PRICES PAID OR I drivers SALES STOPPERS GREER TECHNICAL INSTITUTE A Ryder School urs Provincial Hi i Stereo Equipment bedroom rr all SALES NEEDED 10 MEN reg $4488 now going for yard buc low price If you are in 1 631600 Horses and Equipment See Mr Caputi $15000 1 8000 Name Address Male Help Instructed urniture Wanted City State Hrs I Work Age Home Phone Business Phone actory Lost and ound News Want 856 5555 by or A BOB NEAL'S used furniture needs es tates household furnishings appliances fast service Cash 853 8959 895 9072 CARPET any size credit to all No red tape no co signers Social Security and Welfare Call Mr Murray TX 4 3128 BUNK BEDS maple Sale $3995 City Mattress 315 Broadway 854 6030 Gas space heaters Bedrooms Living room sets Kitchen sets RENT IT NOW rent It new rent Hyster 2000 22500 lb capacity lift trucks for rent call Don Smith Rausch Equip ment 684 9040 CARPET wholesale to the public this Saturday alcon Wholesale Carpet 1200 Genesee 9 AM to 6 PM MATTRESSES all sizes new $18 City Mattress 315 Broadway 854 6030 CASH immediately for furniture any kind wanted Trucks sent with cash Phone TL 4 1538 days TR 3 1768 eves BRICK block stone work wanted 833 0109 PLUMBER Sub contract labor for new houses and apfs 773 7171 TRACTOR trailer driver 15 years ex perience on diesel 1 41 6 8 71 675 7 CARPENTRY kitchen baths paneling small lobs our specialty 894 6304 CHINA ranciscan (apple) service for 12 1 1 a re 6 3 4 9538 No youRSoup MADAME1 Berg near Class I benefits Write to Interview apply at Service Systems Corp 770 Elmwood at Auburn license required full fringe starting rate $375 per hour A 17 News Office CARPENTER remodeling repairs no job too small 823 3970 SHORT order cook full time days Apply in person Villa Romano Restaurant Main Place Mall SHORT ORDER cook over 18 eves no Sun or holidays Apply in person Blvd Mall Restaurant SHORT order cook 11 AM to 7 PM Ap ply 264 Main between 10 AM and 2 PM CAT gray with white bib lost Sage Seneca 6 toes on all feet Widetrack 823 9143 NEW distributing company has opening for full or part time sales positions good salary and working conditions company training 894 5903 Immediate opportunity with enmnanv for experienced man BRICK work block work fireplaces repair work 652 7400 652 4474 PAINTING with you in mind Kama freshest brush in town ree estimates 893 7002 STATIONARY ENGINEER MOTOROLA Zenith stereo and color TVs Selling out entire stock '70 and '71 models below regular cost Example: 320 watt Zenith 8 speakers (2) 15 in Woofers 4 Midrange 2 horns regular $795 now $498 Cash or finance 683 7476 CARPETS by Gulhstan 9x12 values $9 for $45 Guilian 1720 Military Rd PROGRAMMER dergee or equal Cobol experience 360 130 local to $11000 fee caid Buffalo Placement Agency 525 Klllcott Sq Bldg 856 3011 500 MATTRESSES from $10 902 Delavan ENROLL NOW at Robert's Barber School 37 East Chippewa 853 4017 OUND female dog well trained and be haved West Side TT 47 916 patND wire hair puppy grev and white male with red collar 893 8340 AIRLINE CAREERS Colored small cat lost Thurs vicinity of Jersey and Ketchum Re ward 886 4783 (2) foundry both local to $10500 Halloran Agency 430 Brisbane Bldg 856 3170 CARPET wall to wall or area sizes famous brands $2 per week 875 2005 POODLE gray missing hair on right ear lost vicinity Mulberry reward 856 0696 SHOE REPAIR man experienced good wages Apply National Athletic Products 1200 Niagara St DINING ROOM bedroom appliances whole household bought Sloans TL 6 6057 Trad Mab aymicatt Ulllfl ATTICS cellars yards bldgs cleande garages torn down and hauled away Trees cut 549 4236 549 4895 CAT brown Siamese female lost Colvin Sheridan area reward 873 2436 CHIHUAHUA fawn with white markings answers to "Penny" lost vicinity Moselle St 895 3444 training and motivation with lucrative earnings to ambitious men 834 3325 COMBINATION cash register with shelves glass case for shoes or jewelry also shoe store fixtures 624 5511 AM LOADER back hoe rubber tired 7 used machines Prices start at $2800 Buv now and save 1st payment June 15 Case Power Equipment 701 Ens minger Rd Tonawanda 875 6 9 63 LOADER BUCKET 60 in twin cylinder674 2065 LOADER backhoe rubber tires 694 3594 after 6 PM PLOW 10 in double 3 point hitch 674 2065 and QH shows Has DRYWALL hung finished sprayed cheap Empire Drywall NR 4 5660 WHAT KIND Oj AN ENTREE IG THIS ONE PEELED GRAPEj near to MustachiO LARGE Bozak systems 5 speakers in each insulated box for large auditoriums schools or halls original cost $700 will sell for $400 Call 825 4235 HUNT" OR CHEV INC 2240 DELAWARE MALE or female full or part time ex perienced or interested in financial planning If you can sell you can enjoy a rewarding career with our firm Complete training excellent com missions Call for a personal con fidential interview 856 3224 BOX SPRING and mattress by Restonic Special $79 the pair bedroom 5 piece Pecan Spanish $3895 Sofa 84" crushed velvet $32950 to clear Louis Omel urniture 1245 Bailey Ave QUALITY CONTROL Must have ex perience in the food industry Duties in clude checking of raw and in process materials as well as the development of Quality control standards of new pro ducts Manpower 905 Walbridge Bldg 43 Court St 854 4000 AUBURN haired mannequin's head with stand all facial features Reasonable Write to 44 New office AUTOMATIC gas water heaters double approved type sold up to $100 on sale picked up at $5295 Sperer's 5807B roa dway Depew 683 2300 BAKERY EQUIPMENT pizza ovens mixers cases etc New and used Munht and so'd 46 Broadway apoliances radios track oiavors players 3 track tapes $175 novenes cweirv fresh perfumes PART GERMAN shepherd puppy black IREPLACE artifical screen and tools with tan markings iost tours Answers to tangy cnna pei cjj yjq WANTED electric overhead traveling crane 40 60 ton capacity 40 85' span Send specifications and price to Brooklyn Steel warehouse Co 1819 lushing Ave Brooklyn 11237 Phone 212 386 3804 must be mechanically inclined Apply 3343 Bailey Ave IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT for security officers In the South Buffalo area over 35 neat reliable and depend able Uniforms and company benefits provided all shifts 0Pen Apolv in person Mon ri 9 5 PM William Burns International Detective Aoencv Inc 30 Church St Suite 300 Buffalo 14202 Openings for several salesmen In our department of motivation and com munications Draw plus commissions Opportunities for advancement to management positions Call 685 4194 TRACTOR TRAILER INSTRUCTION ull or refresher courses Individually trained on gas and diesel Check our competitors first then call us 284 1267 Masters Driving Schools Niagara alls ORKLIT Hyster QN 20 2001b capacity air tires runs and Icoks good $1250 Call Joe O'Geen Batavia 343 2903 ORK LIT Clark air tires like new 2000 lb capacity Call 892 3782 9 AM 5 HOBART portable gas welder 14 in American lathe 694 4883 876 8018 We phases of dry and freezer warehous ing Salary open for right man Start at oncel Call for appt: 653 2016 ACME DISTRIBUTIONS CENTER H's all "Go" for the man who is all "Go" me now and take off the "Stoppers" Mel Brown 627 2331 Paul Robshaw's Gallery of Homes CARPENTER with imagination will design and remodel kitchens baths ad ditions rec rooms etc Call for estimates after 6 PM 876 1 073 CARPENTER cabins cottaaes oarages additions siding porches 837 0678 car'penter builder complete remodeling kitchens baths additions family room new work insured licens ed Coniglio Builders Inc 825 7078 CARPENTRY paneling ceramic tile plaster repair and painting In and outside 875 9961 HWA "used appliance king" needs your used furniture ard appliances Your ap pliances need not be in working order we need your appliances for parts 823 1600 I PAY THE MOST for dining room sets furniture stoves antiques anything old a s3 11 Ge 8 5 G3 1 85 LOOKING for used furniture and antiques (clocks china dining room and chairs) 648 0052 MODERN or older furniture will pay your price TX 2 6252 DRATSMEN needed We train you Stu dent loan and VA approved Write CTI Box 60 Attica 14011 or call 591 1232 collect anytime rai ma us si ueiA Pull man 125 Hirschbeck 684 6599 i1 BLACK AND TAN SETTER lest linwood Barker vicinity Generous reward 881 1693 ALL NEW 3 complete rooms of furniture only $29995 2 pc living room suite 2 step end and 1 cocktail table 2 lamps 5 pc dinette suite 3 pc bedroom suite box spring and mattress No cash dowa eabiebi Terms doss Die urniture Co 2363 Broadway Harlem Open nightly 'til 9 BUNK BEDS complete $99 cabinet cop pertone stove 6 moths old $99 kitchen set 3 months old like new $59 6 months old double door frost free refrigerator absolutely like new $149 Sylvania portable TV 9 months od real good shape $69 bedroom set complete with box spring mattress and night stand $179 30 in gas range good shape $69 maple 46 In hutch $89 upright freezer 9 months old $99 new Spanish bedroom set with huge dresser and chest full size or twin teas only $249 with box spring and mattress These are only a few of the many items on sale daily at the A A urniture Co 1600 Genesee St one of Buffalo's oldest used furniture stores serving Western for over 25 years TX 6 7716 Immediate delivery Master Charge and Empire Card easy terms TRACTOR TRAILER instruction accele rated course free classroom training lob assistance Call Anthony Driving School 602 West Utica TT 3 3055 SALES BUSINESS forms ideas systems and procedures to business in NY minimum to $8200 excellent potential Haloran Agency 430 Brisbane Bidg 856 3170 SALES OOD products related ex perence required to $15030 fee paid Halloran Agency 430 Brisbane Bldg 856 3170 SALES ORIENTED? We offer constant HELP WANTED for sales and service No experience necessary to work with local facilities of large eastern elec trical manufacturing company We will ttain those men selected by an aptitude test Those hired must be available to start work Immediately! Profit sharing and bonus plan with high Immediate earnings Call Tues 9 5 only Personnel Manager 684 8383 PROJECT engineer degree heavy machining on hard metals to $15000 fee paid Malley Agency Genesee Bldg COLOR TV and practical electronic training Day and evening programs Theory shop practice Instruction by top Industry trainers Veteran approved NETS 1062 Walden 759 8198 894 6610 OR HIGHEST CASH PRICES or Your No Longer Needed urni ture and Appliances 1 HOUR CASH SERVICE SALESMEN A SALEMAN'S DREAM SALESMAN Excellent opportunity for experienced salesman with Royal typewriter company division of Litton Industries High earnings potential op portunity for advancement hospitalization retirement stock option programs No need to travel outside of Buffalo An equal opportunity employer 853 7710 500 RUGS used factory seconds from Mohawk Carpet Mills most like new Save up 75 on hall stir runners room size rugs or wall to wall carpets ABC Warehouse urniture 355 Grant St (rear) TT 5 7748 $1030 CASH buyer wants old furniture China cabinets desks brass beds round tables trunks old chairs rockers old piclure frames clocks old lamps cut glass old jewelry pottery fine china ware etc Top prices paid 833 1396 PLANT engineer ME or EE 3 local openings to $17000 fee paid Halloran Agency 430 Brisbane Bldg 856 3170 HORSE gelding 4 years green broke gentle with equipment 492 2572 PONY weil raj re a so na ble 895 1 66 7 REGISTERED QUARTER horses These are do it all horses quality not quan tity or information and appt call Norman Gilbert Quarter Horse arm Alden 937 7041 937 6531 5 years ex If your are interested in job security and high earnings get into the trucking industry where jobs are waiting for trained SALES ENGINEER relocate Chem degree required call on plastic manufacturers on Central East Coast salary $1 2000 514000 plus bonus all fr inge fee paid Halloran Agency 4X Brisbane Bldg 856 3170 Lack of college degree lack of op portunity corporate politics super iors ego limited market strikes lack of training lack of management assistance! We've removed the "STOPPERS" HOUGH 4 wheel drive motor gas 2 yard bucket good condition $3000 496 9865 HOUGH Payloader 4 wheel drive V'? ydru ouuKvi gvEMJ curiuiiiun ojz oj4o or ATTENTION! Cash for furniture I glassware miscellaneous housewares SIAMESE mouern or annque we Duy everyming py zuv ozj yjqi aamaoea nina size on exrra i rm quilt top 2 sets only reg $12995 perl set $44 per set Erie urniture Warehouse 1296 Niagara St Buffalo CRITICAL shortage of professional truck drivers Double or triple your present income after training period VA ap proved Gerer 824 8656 anytime A URNITURE 1600 GENESEE TX 6 7716 ITRACTOR TRAILER driver training Student Loen and VA approved write Highway Transportation Institute Box 60 Attica 14011 or phone 591 1232 collect anytime GERMAN SCHNAUZER male IVa years ail DiacK iost brecxenriage Elmwood Answers Pnwarri ARI 3976 GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER liv er color with white spots lost in Elma area children's pet reward 652 8217 GERMAN SHORTHAIR male lost Re i ward 825 7086 WAREHOUSE MANAGER need a man experienced In 5 30 LARGE installed wall to wall top quality chenille rug cost $2795 per yard and rubber waffle pad both for $200 In ex citing magenta color Shown by appt 6 ABC WAREHOUSE URNITURE CO 355 Grant St (rear) TT 5 7748 SURPLUS INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT including large quantity 4 wheel carts various types and sizes used work benches steel shelving all sizes office desks tables and cabinets Seneca Surplus Industrial Division 127 139 Cherry St near Tupper and Michigan 854 7540 THIS WEEKS specials Kalamazoo horizontal band saw Boice crane planer radial arm saw Buffalo orae drill presses jointer Delta wood shaper powermatic wood lathe But terfly die filer Delta 16 in band saw Atlas 7 in metal shaper powermatic band saw 10 in Snuthbend lathe Machinery and Equipment 877 4344 USED grinder Leach 6 inxlO in wilh coolant Large assortment of lathe ogs 6 6 0 6 6 USED WHEEL horse tractor 8 hp elec trie starting with 36" rotary mower $600 West Seneca Tool Rental 822 9600 SALES Very unusual and rewarding op portunity for a good ard Life agent to sell our "No Money Down in surance program to qualified crospects on a payroll deduction basis year potential $20X)00 $25000 Call Mr Harry Zaritsky collect: Area code 312 274 3100 xt 326 SALES engineer ME 2 5 years industrial experience electro hydra 1 1 mechanical systems local to $17000 ee paid Buffalo Placement Agency 5J5 Ellicott Sq Bldg 856 301L SALES many openings Call now Adams Agency 725 Ellicott Sq Bldg 854 5650 SALES REP pharmaceuticals 8 open ings in the fee paid Salary plus bonus car expenses and full benefits or the men that can sell to the medical profession Joe Todaro Dunhill Agency 86 3 8 420 LEADED glass Tiffany style hanaing and tabic lamps o'd and reproductions glass bending and repair Spectrum Glass 3332 Bailey 2 9 Saturday 10 6 closed Wednesday 838 4646 NEW NAME brands refrigerators freezers automatic washers dryers banges dishwashers and TVs Indan! financing with warranty 'er vice and Installation Ziff's TV Appliance 5888 Main St 633 2582 BETTER SCHOOL MARKS Program builds reading comprehension speed attention span study skills memory All levels Qualified teachers 836 8112 (PRIVATE TEACHER mathematics glisi reading Latin 8 1515 I PRIVATE TEACHER math drafting I English electricity technical subjects 632 5628 SCHOOL noodle grooming brochure on iequest877 5252 TUTORING all subjects and languages taught your home 833 8833 TUTORING elementary school subjects or junior hinh math Williamsville Am herst area 631 5491 DRYWALL ceilings paneling windows repairing remodeling TX 2 8728 ONE ONLY Panasonic video tape re corder model NV 204 complete 1" re corder with 23" monitor with camera ana trinnfl: a ridirulmic Inu nriro terested you may see the unit appt Call 835 2250 Mr David Mr Harvey PURCHASE RADIO'S 9th anniversary Sansui system sale 1st time ever been offered at a discount price Sansui AM stereo receiver with walnut cabinet consisting of Sansui 200 BSR 310x automatic turntable 2 famous Purad Mark IV 2 way speaker systems full warranty factory sealed cartons total price $38735 save $12740 pay only $25995 during Purchase Radio's 9th an niversary sale 747 Main St 1230 Niagara alls Blvd and Union at Seneca 2 Beds Chairs Dressers Stoves IMMEDIATE PICKUP 852 9828 BUNK BEDS 6 piece very nice $39 I Mindy's 191 Seneca TL 2 9828 CAT white female lost Clinlon Ogden area "Snowball" Reward 822 5519 RETIRED BUSINESSMEN 20 30 security coordinators required for prominent local retailer ideal I morning or afternoon scnecuies hours week primarily responsible for the accuracy of deliveries and subse quent invoicing This is not a Guard position Training will be provided Send complete resume including work history earnings and references Io 5 News office 2 SALES Are you a man who can work 8 hours a day without a boss standing over you? Are you a man who likes to be self employed and earn S200 S300 commission per week representing a well known national concern? Top earn ings and personalized training If you have self discipline call Bankers Multi ple Lin? Insurance irm 873 3678 aft er 5 PM call 684 1619 Leading Home Study School member of Association of Home Study Schools has an opportunity for mature reliable man capable of earning $15000 $18000 annually This is low pressure sales work as the leads furnished are from individuals who want and need our training Ex cellent commission and bonus Management Is available within a few months for capable man Write 33 News Office Clerks ile Clerks 100s of Other Types of Jobs keep Present Job While Training GENERAL TRAINING SERVICE BELLMORE WEST GENESEE ST RM 1110 Call Now 9 AM 8 PM 854 8870 CAff male beige lost vicinity Buf falo needs pills should have ID Reward 832 3338 Instruction AUTO DRIVING standard or automatic home pickup classroom lessons Shur Drive 324 Argonne Kenmore TR 5 8843 ORGAN piano lessons In your home chi Id ren adults 826 5275 SALES REP chemicals to $12000 bonus car expenses and full fringes fee paid Joe Todaro Dunhill Aqencv 883 B42O SALES VP local food products through brokers nationally salary to $25000 fee pad Halloran Agency 4X Brisbane Bldg 856 3170 PART TIME bartender wanted week ends experienced and references necessary Safari Inn 1900 Campbell Blvd Amherst 693 0123 PART TIME sales trainees over 21 to to work Sat and Sun only from 9 AM to 9 PM for fir? detection eauipment sales No experience necessary $50 guaranteed salary plus commission Call 877 5617 PART TIME afternoon beverage merchandizer must be reliable own car Apply in person 3060 William Si PART TIME evenings or full time printer for offset printing plant Must be experienced on Davidson 500 and 700 press plus Harris 19x25 offset press All around knowledge and make ready procedures a must Don't apply unless you know your trade and are more In terested to get the work done than in how many coffee breaks you can take Excellent pay for right person Call 894 5450 for Interview RETIRED active couple to maintain apt building full time apt plus wages or appt call 886 5300 cost $250 new best offer 877 8155 LOU RESCENT fixtures reconditioned 4 ft 2 bulbs $650 bulbs 50c flush recessed $350 Main Off Equpt 900 Main i OLEY modern lawn mower sharpener ORMALS and wedding gown size 8 10 RIGIDAIRE products La Boy chairs guaranteed lowest prices urniture Showcase 2804 Delaware Kenmore URNITURE lady's large size clothing881 0634 GE STOVE double oven copper used few months 40 in bought for $379 GE refrigerator automatic Icemaker cop per 16 custom made bought for $380 like new both for $450 After 4 PM 832 9561 HOTPO1NT electric stove 30 in good condition $75 Westinghouse refrige a tor 13 cu ft good condition $95 Call after 4 PM 883 3885 KELVINATOR 1971 side by side oodorama brand new coppertone 35" wide 21 cu ft $475 Two Mediter ranean living room chairs fruitwood caned back gold velvet seats brand new never useo STereooaio 12 14 APT STOVES DRESSERS CHAIRS SPRINGS (Including Queen and King) MINDY'S AT 193 SENECA ST CALL TL 2 9828 CARPETS remnants room size ruqs all brand names save 40 70 Colony Carpet Center 700 Beach Rd 632 7390 CERAMIC KILN spring sale April 5 8 $25 worth of supplies free with any size kiln ordered 249 Tacoma Ave Base ment studio 7 9 PM SWIMMING POOL SALESMEN (2) wanted Leads furnished Top com mission on the best products See rank at Boulevard Pools 2524 Niagara alls Blvd Wheatfield 694 1936 TCAruEDC raninn! mnna nnaninn In Western New York We are an In ternationally famous sales organization of educational reference materials We call on schools libraries and homes all fringe benefits or interview 8 52 0700 TELEPHONE professionals wanted New dea best in town or appt 853 2527 TIRE MEN passenger "service with latest I equipment available for expanding retail automotive service center ree Blue Cross Blue Shield life Insurance pension vacation and uniforms Permanent good starting salary Apply In person Village Tire Center 5326Main St near Union Williamsville TIRE SALESMEN experienced to work In store and outside calling on com mercial accounts and dealers Excellent opportunity for right man Write 41 News office TIRE serviceman experienced on truck tires full or part time Apply Art isher Tire Co 1587 Main St 500 RUGS Used actory Seconds ROM MOHAWK CARPET MILLS SAVE UP TO 75 PER CENT ON Room Size Wall to Wall WAREHOUSE foreman supervise warehouse dispatch delivery trucks beverage industry experience preferred but not necessary Write 7 News office WELDERS experienced very clean shop top wages good benefits year round full time work Hard ace Welding Machine 196 Philadelphia St Buffalo 875 3380 An equal opportunity employer WELDING ENGINEER local to $14000 Halloran Agency 430 Brisbane Bldg 856 3 170 AGGRESSIVE person Io assist me retail store experience helpful opportunity 10 S150 $200 a week hard goods Phene TL 4 3393 9 AM 5 PM 649 5582 rfter 6 PM Equal Opportunity Employe' AMBITIOUS MAN to work mornings as supervisor with a top cleaning concern Experience helpful or will train Apply Ace Industrial Service Cleaning 116 Gruner Rd between William and Broadway off Harlem Rd Personnel hours 6 9 PM 896 3032 CAPABLE responsible man looking for fast advancement in restaurant business Night manager position now open for experienced man willling to work Apply at Jimmy's Drive In Transit at Wehrle Or call lor interview at 634 0717 KITCHEN chairs and furniture reupholstered by experts reasonable free estimates jay's TR 6 8854 KITCHEN cabinets birch including formica counter top double sink 834 2482j LIVING ROOM SET desk and char double oven electric range shoo vacuum dehumidifier other misc 683 4908 LIVING ROOM sectional chairs tables lamps ABC washer Westinghouse refrigerator 5 ft steel desk and chairkitcher set 839 1757 between 4 7 PM OVERCOAT man's 1 spring 1 winder woman's large black dress 2 wool blankets man's new shoes size 10 270 Trenton Ave (rear) PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE solid maple harvest table 2 years old Sacrifice 2 window cornices 8mm movie projector Bell Howell 835 4944 PLASTIC GLASS sheets ail sizes for windows table tops shelves priced low Vacu orm Products 2312 Main Young Men Women or glamorous public contact posi tions as Reservationists Passenger or Ticket agents Communicationists Good pay travel security advancement Preliminary home program to help prepare you need i I 2 Inquire concerning I benefits High school graduates see if you can qualify by Write loday to Weaver Airline Personnel School of Kansas City Box 155 Buf falo New York 14233 (EN 45x8) Refrigerator Carload Sale LIKE NEW ALL COLORS CU BEDS TABLES HEATERS MATTRESSES CARPENTER DESIRES small jobs all BOX SPRING and mattress smoke wnrk auaranteed 8947804 damacted cinole siz? onlv extra firm REGISTRD marp cellent youth horse Shown successfully do ooen A QH A pleasure points Seen by apptOnly633 54565 6PM BOX STALLS for rent Evans area 3 miles past Lakeview off Rte 20 Call 885 9478 between 4:30 an 7 PM REE horses from now through June 3 available immediately all suitef for children beginner to advanced English or Western 652 9495 HORSE BOARDING modern buildings Amherst English and Western facilities $35 $60monfh 837 5428 HORSE STABLES and Arenas Umbaugh Pole Building Oc Box 245 BataviaNIY 4020 KINGSTON horse trailer 2 or 4 horse in stock 1 used 2 horse trailer 689 9314 after 6 MEN WOMEN 18 60 TRAIN NOW OR CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS NO EXP NO HIGH SCHOOL POSTAL CLERKS Starting Pay Is MAXI DISCOUNTS loor samples (new) furniture Sleep sofas $79 2 pc front room set $149 7 pc dinette $69 4 floors of stock for at once delivery Riverside urnit ure 754 Tonawanda St NEW URNITURE Save $100 to $200 living room and bedroom suites only $99 dinettoe regular $89 nwv $38 Gerstman 939 Broadway 856 4923 Call Anytime 824 8656 VETERAN APPROVED National Job Placement Assistance GUTTERS cleaned $6 and up chimney roof repaired andreplaced 877 1272 GUTTERS cleaned $5 up roof repairs $15 up insured 883 3183 HANDYMAN no iob too small Quality workmanship insured 893 7002 LEN'S expert wall washing service! Ladies do your painted walls need 837 581 ODD lobs inside painting reasonable 826 5198 after 3 PM OUTSIDE painting "All Brite" 5 year guarantee paid on completion free es mates insurance references 4 9422 PAINTING exterior repairs 40 years experience licenses STORE CLERK 3 evenings a week 10 PM 7 AM If you are on Social Security and want to earn extra without penaliz ing your Social Security write 16 News office SOA BED brand new compare anywhere at $199 Big selection onlv $65 Gerstman 939 Broadway 856 4923 SOA smoke damaged Early American wing back gold tweed reg $349 $159 Erie urniture Warehouse 1296 Niagara StBuffaio SOA bed vinyl gold color new 897 3561 from 5 8 PM SALE Nylon web halter with matching lead red blue or green reg $950 now $595 for both Halter separate $395 lead $250 Meadow Saddlery 8591 Main 10 8 daily 10 5 Sat 633 5368 SAVE on vour horse trailer! Discounts on 20 new Mileys Kings and Trail ets Also three late model used Mileys Bab cock's Batavia SILVER MOUNTED bridles reins bits cantie plates horn caps and conchas Corral Saddlery mile south Aurora 652 6430 9 9 1 6 Surv THE Western fashion show NHAI meeting Tues April 6 Lamplighters Inn Goodrich Rd Clarence Center at 8:30 PM Everyone welcome Clothes furnished by Wagon Wheel Tack Shop 3514 Carmen Rd Middleport 14105 Models are The rontier Cowgirls COMPANY expansion requires men for display and sales work full or part time $50 per week minimum salarycar necessary 5904 DISCOUNT GAS station manager no bays start $135 per week plus hospitalization no layoffs Write 4NeAsof ice DUNCAN BROS Sunoco need service station attendant 2080 Delaware at Amherst EXCELLENT opportunity for ambitious man over 21 as office furniture and equipment salesman Seneca Office urniture 1184 Main Call Mr usco 882 0980 SILVER gray miniature poodle lost female answers to Mia can be distinguished by a pink toenail Harlem Main vicinity Snyder $50 reward 839 9617 SILVER TERRIER lost April 4 Genesee Dick Rd area children heartbroken Train On The Latest Model Diesel Rigs BARTENDER mlxologist new class starting May 3d WNY's only school of mixology Buffalo Bar Training Call 884 6741 for interview Ask for Mr Rossi Bonded bartenders available for all oc cassions COLOR TV repairmen needed We train you build and keep color TV set and test instruments Similar courses in in dustrial electronics automotive mechanics building construction and computer programming Student loan and VA approved Write CTI Box 60 Attica 14011 or call 591 1232 collect anytime JOB RESUMES and letters expertly writ ten IBM typed and or tfay printed Counsel included Photos Area's only specialists since 1962 Trimble Acsocs 5411 Harlem Snyder 839 2800 TRAIN NOW Io become a heavy equip ment operator learn bulldozers backhoes cranes and drag lines field training Also tractor trailer instruction VA approved Call TA 4 1229 anytime Double or triple your present income after tr a i i ng ADDITIONS kitchens bath porches all types of remodeling ree estimates best prices terms 838 3100 anytime ABSTRACT WORKER will clean attics basements ast dependable service 838 1396 parts LPN Parts Service of Buffalo 874 4545 CLARK 3000 lb capacity fork 37 ft lowered height 8 ft lift 12 ft 10 in good running standard transmission $1800 883 1083 between 9 AM 4:30 PM ELITE tool and cutter grinder in stock Hahn Tool Machine Co 826 1094 $95 nalr Olvmoie and bar combination oolhhed walnut finish $153 or appt between 11 6 854 1137 iKIRBY rebuilts with lifetime service warranty $3995 and up Kirby Center of Buffalo Inc 3322 Bailey 836 0700 SUB contractors for ceramic tile floor covering plumbing and carpentry work Apply in person Wayside Nurseries VIM PtM SUPERINTENDENT of engineering degree experienced supervision strong background in tooling and automatic wire welding to $18000 CM Agency 420 Rand Bldg 853 3329 SUPERVISOR part time evenings for the Tonawanda Niagara alls Grand Island area experienced or will train Working with a top cleaning con cern Apply' Ace Industrial Service Cleaning 116 Gruner Rd between William and Broadway off Harlem Rd Personnel hours 9 6 PM 896 3032 MATTRESSES beds dressers stoves wanted Truck sent with cash Phone TL 4 1538 days TR 3 7168 eves ALL KINDS of modern or antique home furnishings wanted Spot cash quick pickup 683 2974 or 683 9538 COUCH and chair very good condition Call 882 2720 DARIEN shirts briefs men's Write for wholesale price list Darien Knitting Co Darien Open daily I DETERGENTS laundry needs quality low prices 825 6097 BAR 7 ft new ormica top was $100 sacrifice $80 896J772 BASEMENT sale antiques mini barbells kcs rocker books ping oonq table Incinerator power mower adding om i ti i 1 1 (civ i in i zuj lvvciiikj 'vci BEDROOM SET 3 piece like new $100 box soring and maltress set $40 modern counterflow cas heater 63000 Btu $100 All 2 months old J97 2388 BRICKS 1500 new will sell some or all 942 3761 CARPETING $299 sq vd 1st quality with thick foam oad Vinyl asbestos tile from 5c up Vulcan loors2J0 Winchester TX 4 454L CARPETING wall to wall room sized ruas at low discount prices Cail Pete 895 8730 AIR conditioning and refrigeration men needed We train you Student loan and VA approved Write CTI PO Box 60 Attica 14011 or call 591 1232 col led anytime ANNOUNCERS disc iockeys and newcasters needed Call one of Bufalo's leading announcers for recorded message 853 7530 Tired of Layoffs? Earn High Pay APPLIANCES bedroom sets living room sets rugs all to go below wholesale price Must vacate warehouse 883 6070 BEDS complete with box springs and mattresses $29 896 2404 BEDROOM SET smoke damaged 5 Piece solid maple with no mar tops includes large dresser and mirror full size bed and two 3 drawer commodes reg $399 $149 Erie urniture Warehouse 1296 Niagara St Buffalo SPOT cash for furniture all kinds old or modern 1 piece or entire houseful 1 hour pickup Call day or night 882 0688 WANTED urniture all kinds chairs tables lamps dishes china cabinets op Pricas a ything 882 0688 WE BUY and sell any type furniture Used urniture 505 Michigan Call 854 5882 after 2 30 call 886 2650 WILL remove old furniture etc from at tic or basement or qarage 838 1396 BANKRUPTCY Sale fabulous machines Read today's Auction Column Anderson Cutini Anderson CERTIIED service center for Lincoln and Miller welders also service and parts for all makes Volland Equipment 1511 Niagara St 884 2713 NEW HOMELITE 52 cnain saw com plete with 14" bar and chain $13995 Homelife actory Branch 1650 William St 895 1515 BEDROOM 4 plece Danish walnut $90 City Mattress 315 Broadway 854 6030 BEDROOM SUITES choice of finishes 6 pieces including Serta firm springs mattresses special $14763 Kolipinskl 1119 Broadway Buffalo TX 2 8511 EXPANDING sales force needs man 1o call on supermarkets We will train you no commissions start $85 pr week plus benefits car furnished 856 1827 EX SERVICEMEN looking for positions in sales retail and administration please call 823 4642 5 7 PM CARPENTRY bathroom kitchen dormers general remodeling and repairs free estimates 695 1253 CELLAR wall Dowed cracked or leaking? House sagging? Piers shifting or crumbling? Lumber rotting? Put your home back on safe solid level foun dation Continuous concrete block foun dations built Timbers and joists in stalled steel beams erected tile systems broken walls permanently reinforced All work guaranteed oun dation experts since 1941 9 1881 ELECTRICAL wiring and repairs li censed Call 674 4456 ELECTRICIAN old new work reason able all work guaranteed 824 7804 LOOR SANDING and finishing most reasonable Dick Calhoun NX 3 3525 LOORS hardwood sanded and refinish ed satisfaction guaranteed over 30 years experience Galloway loors Inc 834 9313 633 7481 634 8374 SEMI drivers needed experience helpful but not necessary Local and over the road hauling You can earn $10000 $15000 per year after short training or application and interview call 716 852 7719 or write Safety Dept United Systems Inc co Thruway reight Terminal 1285 William St Buffalo 14206 SUMMER job! Work part time and trainor a full time summer position salary Plus bonus display and sales work car neces sary 894 5903 WANTED Chef must have knowledge of all facets of food operation Phone for appt for interview 825 8100 COMPLETE or partial households top prices 894 5713 GRAND ISLAND Auction! Items accepted Wed 7 9 PM 773 4786 ALLIS CHALMERS industrial equipment sales service and parts also used equipment IER Inc 3530 California Rd Orchard Park 662 7026 662 7840 AMER EDEL in stock maximal models 7 and 10 also Toolroom Turret Lathes Erie Machinery Corp 824 0500 DISHWASHER Kenmore $75 gas dryer Kenmore $25 stove 30 in Kenmore $40 GE refrigerator 2 door $40 child's gym set $5 meat slicer new $5 all excellent condition 883 7902 ELECTRIC wringer washer $30 hp i motor consote iv 4 piece luggage GLASSES boys' brown rirn lost bo fUECTROLUX Hoover Kirby many tween Verel and South Park 822 0775 others Lifetime Service Guarantee GRAY miniature poodle female lost! Special Kirby like new $4895 Save East Side "Nicky" $50 reward 873 1 salesman's commission on just about 9694 892 1216 any new vacuum and save many MINIATURE grey poodle named ifiJ Queen City Vacuum Co 897 0107 lost in letcher and Two Mile Creek IBERGLASS supplies mat cloth resin Rd area Town Of Tonawanda834 8319 1300 Broadway 894 5114 9 AM 4:30 PM ELECTRIC wiring ana repair licensed Nowicki Owen 542 5352 TX 4 9262 ELECTRICAL WIRING licensed building code violations corrected University Electric 652 1774 SERVICE writer must be expe rienced Excellent opportunity for the right man Apply Hamburg Chrysler 5201 Camp Rd see Richard Izzo SERVICEMEN tpp pay and fringe bene fits Experienced only Adding machines and calculators Call Steve Popeluk Town Country Office Machines 825 5310 SHIPPING CLERK fabricators liaht machine operators will fra Call between 10 AM and 3 PM 877 7523 SINGLE bedroom set rench Provincial dining room set 675 1452 SOA BEDS choice of colors $49 City Mattress 315 Broadway 854 6030 ORKLIT Hyster QN 20 200 lb capac ity air tires runs and looks qood $1250 Call Joe Q'G Batavi a 34 3 2 9 OS WAYNE STREET sweeper 1963 good condition make offer 692 6385 WELDING and cutting outfits from $7695 up arc welders fcm $8995 up Ooei Sat from 8 AM noon Irish Welding Supply Corp 1777 Sycamore 893 0072 WOODEN shipping skids random sizes 856 1614 WOODWORKING machines planers shaper table saw chain mortiser and others 35 Lathrop WOODWORKING machinery auction scheduled for May Send postcard for brochure Java Center 14082 Vern Trageser your machinery auc tioneer 457 3005 WORTHI NGTON 30 complete with motor and starter $395 873 2133 CARPENTER repairs roofs porches rem odelinq licensed i ns ecL 8 32U75 5 CARPENTER capable for home repairs no job too small 823 6292 CARPENTER reasonable Kitchen bath additions plumbing Homes built 634 4950 692 4942 CARPENTER remodeling kitchens bath rooms additions rec rooms 2 2270 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN booming sale require 2 additional quality salesmen Call Mr Lytle 835 1234 REAL ESTATE full'1 or part time will train if necessary Call for details Ocelli Realtor 833 3700 REAL ESTATE fast growing company needs experienced persoonel or will train to handle large volume of homes and apt clients Unlimited fioor time plus higher commission and listing rate and benefits or confidential interview call Conti nen taL 8945330 REAL ESTATE" sales Abbott Deptula Inc 8427 Main St Harris Hill 633 1717 REAL ESTATE sales Multiple Listing Service Lillian Gross 832 2680 RETAIL SALES we are looking for peo ple who are not interested in the run of the mill lob rather people to whom the unuusual is a challenge The type of challenge that could lead Io $25000 per year or more or appt call 896 2749 5 7 PM SALESMAN freight solicitor must be strong in less than truck load freight with proven sales results Write A A 8 News office SALESMAN industrial machinery ex perience In equipment ideal 30 travel some trade shows excellent firm $15000 area all fringe fee paid Halloran Agency 430 Brisbane Bldg 856 3170 SALESMAN home improvements best pay plan and fringe benefits Car necessary we will train or appt call 9 AM to noon 846 3130 SALESMAN degree major tire or oil company sales experience Triple A company will pay S700 S900 a month plus commission plus car Unlimited potential fee paid Allen Speth 869 Niagara alls Blvd 836 5070 SALESMAN experience clothing and haberdashery salary commensurate with ability many benefits Phone 853 1268 SALESMAN 2 years college minimum business machine field chance to assume territory manager's iob $150 per week salary plus commission fee paid Call for appt Alling Consultants 4140 Sheridan Dr 631 5500 CEMEN1 porches patios awnings wrought Iron rails reasonable 875 2009 CEMENT" porches and driveways free esimates 876 1438 CERAMIC tile guaranteed work lowest prices Call now and save NT 4 56 5 5 CHIMNEY masonry roofs gutters painting and many other repairs 25 years in business reasonable licensed incuron a hhh? CONCRETE and work driveways sidewalks reasonable TX 3 2030 CONCRETE AND BLOCK work large or small job reasonable TX 3 8855 CONCRETE driveways sidewalks cellar floors garages porches free estimates TT 4 8067 CONCRETE work driveway sidewalk cellar floor garage patio free estimate 882 8848 CONCRETE driveways sidewalks and patios inancing arranged Call for free estimates 633 4290 895 8764 CONCRETE work 10 years experience done by licensed insured contractor or free estimate call Marinaccio Con crete 694 6405 CONCRETE porches patios foundations and block work satisfaction guaranteed 684 7118 I CONCRETE porches patios qarage I slabs drives and foundations and block work fully insured free estimates Sebasfiano Construction 684 6699 CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION Mario Campanella Cellar floors garage floors patios driveways etc reei estimates 876 2540 COUNTER tops formica special or stan dard size from $6 sq ft 632 5628 SCOTT 2 17 2 way air suspended stereo speakers cost $125 will sell $75 684 2779 STEREO CONSOLE Magnavox walnut cabinet excellent condition Call after 5 PM 632 531 1 BEDROOM lamps smoke damaged values to $2495 $5 Erie urniture Warehouse 1296 Niagara St Buffalo BEDROOM SET smoke'" damaged 6 piece maple includes large dresser and mir ror 5 drawer chest night stand and 2 single bookcase beds reg $31995 $99 Erie urniture Warehouse 1296 Niagara St Buffalo BEDROOM 3 piece walnut new $97 Haber urniture Warehouse 109Seneca BEDROOM SET single dresser with mir ror chest and bed good condition $75 674 5747 BEDROOM set 4 piece with Restonic mattress like new Call between 4 7 885 7953 BEDROOM Spanish provincial 6 piece like new Mindy's TL 2 9828 BEDROOM canopy bed white rench Provincial triple dresser Mindy's TL 2 9828 BAROLDER pipe lock and drive machine 30" ft shear Beverly shear power hack saw 4 ft 14 gauge brake duct fittings registers grills drives and slips roof flanges steel storage rack 48x120" ladders scaffolds planks benches 1 ton chain fall 892 4311 CATERPILLAR D4D dozer 1966 new engine very good condition Bison Truck arts 489 Walde UR STORAGE cleaning remodeling at low spring and summer rates Lila RnpnblAtf Rt Alien USED bought sold restyled cleaned CLARK industrial lift truck replacement I I nKI Cainrn QiihsIa repaired zvusura rurs ouo wain osz 5198 Miscellaneous or Sale AIR conditioners Philco ord 5000 6000 8000 Btu al cost 852 8623 AIR CONDITIONER Comfort Aire 7500 Btu's moving Used only 1 '5 months AIR CONDITIONERS" 5000 and '8000 uJL' 1 ''Cfr cd first $85 and 894 0061 AMERICAN Optical microscope oil im mersion HP LP mechanical stage sub stage Jioht TT 5 02J3 ANTIQUE Kittinger table pine 3 secter bench cobblers bench 634 9533 ARMSTRONG inlaid linoleum S2 sq yd solid vinyl tile 9x9 15c ormica rem nants 25c sq ft Discount looring Center 1380 Broadway TX 2 7756 PAINTING papering exterior interior free estimates TT 2 1471 876 2695 PAINTING steaming $15 room 4 2955 PAINTING interior exterior very cheap 892 2061 PAINTING by expert Special on jobs contracted now 684 8698 HYSTER fork lift pneumatic tires 5000 lb capacity 151" lift gas monotrol trans 42" forks certified value Call Ra sch Equipment Don Smith 68 4 9040 HYSTER fork lift cushion tires 2000 lb capacity aas 146" lift monotrol trans 42" forks hi quality Call Rausch Equipment Don Smith 684 9040 JE 40 dozer top condition $1600 941 5102 JOHN DEERE 1969 350 highlift low hours 633 7103 JOHN DEERE 440 hi lift with backhoe excellent condition 937 9961 LANDSCAPE tools with truck and trailer 941 5550 RIGIDAIRE 30 in electric stove GE refrigerator freezer 2 door $75 each 837 5975 after 6 PM URNITURE rifles shot guns from estates at 2518 Elmwood rench Colo nial Spanish Oldtique KITCHEN SETS 5 piece very nice $39 Mindy's 191 Seneca TL 2 9828 LINOLEUM RUG sale room size $399 City Mattress 315 Broadway 854 6030 LINOLEUMS all sizes very nice $349 up indy's 191 eneca TL 2 9828 LIVING Room tables modern blonde $35 lamps $10 822 9125 LIVING sets 2 piece $14995 Swados urniture 893 4429 LIVING ROOM set i 1 1 ty ci a i ut yas ranyc tuyj ucuiuuiii set vacuum cleaners other items Call appt 892 8767 AC ARC welders for farm home and shop new Lincoln and Miller machines from $95 Mills Welding Supply 85Great Arrow 876 7300 AIR COMPRESSORS all sizes new and used We trade rebuilt and exchange pumps and parts or lowest prices ca I Angert's Auto Parts 650 Broadway TL 2 1730 Seneca and Bailey TA 3 1630 AIR COMPRESSORS drill and punch presses lathe mills shapers grinders fork lift trucks electric and hand hoists conveyors shelving lockers electric motors switches and reducers Machinery Equipment 155 Chandler off Military Rd near AustinS Th ru a ve it AIR COMPRESSOR wood and metal working machinery electric and hand hoist forklift trucks conveyor electric motors and blowers welders pumps and many other items of industrial equipment Machinery Equip ment 155 Chandler St 877 4044 ALLIS CHALMERS certified service center and distributor for industrial electrical equipment parts and service I Vollard Electric 8B4 2713 ATTICS basements buildings cellars garages yards to be cleaned and haul ed away 549 3403 ATTICS basements cleaned out hauled away old furniture etc 838 1396 BLACKTOP driveways afl quality work estimates Paving 6 0066 BLACKTOP driveways and parking areas stone excavations free estimates Gene Kelly Paving 892 5855 BLACKTOP DRIVEWAYS sealing free estimates 937 7665 CHAIR smoke damaged Early American club chair print fabric reg $15995 $49 Erie urniture Warehouse 1296 Niagara St Buffalo COME TO ANTHONES to see the new spring styles in furniture also old styles in Early American solid maple pine and walnut carpets and bedding by America's leading factories If you have never been here you'll be amazed at what we can show you at such low prices Cash only A few blocks from Main St park next to store 692M i hig a corne Gen esee URNITURE and appliances sold at dis count warehouse sale 383 Babcock St corner Dorothy 8 22 3431 open 1 5 PM GREEN vinyl sofa bed with matchingswivel chair $43 652 0101 HOME URNITURE in the Carton 1010 Main St next to Gleason's free park ing in back of Sunbeam Brand Name Kroehler Bassett Berk line Serta ICO's more Visit our 50000' Warehouse and Showroom Money back guaranteed that our prices are lowest 882 3120 Mon Thurs ri 10 9 Tues Wed Sat 10 AARON BENCHES old rockers old frames round tables desks china cabinets old clocks lamps old jewelry cut glass old pottery deldare etc Top prices 838 1396 AARON benches furniture all kinds tables lamps desks china cabinets one piece or houseful 1 hour pickup All day or night 882 0688 AB APT stove and all kinds of furniture and appliances single items or house hodls Immediate pickup top prices paid Call 852 9828 APPLIANCES furniture heaters snow blowers etc 886 4072 835 4853 APARTMENT antique old or modern furniture best price 823 1995 APARTMENT and household furniture wanted instant cash Will buy attic or cellar items 896 8976 URNITURE ano guns all kinds We pay ore 874 3186 anytime TRAINEE sharp aggressive neat in dividual for management position prestige fringes $7000 Joe Scott 853 9158 Snelling Agency Genesee Bldg TRAINING CO ORDiNATOR degree plus 1 2 years local $9000 Adams Agency 725 Ellicott Jq Bldg 854 5650 TRUCK DRIVERS safe experienced tractor trailer drivers must be over 21 years old Mall resume to 37 News office TRUCK driver Class 3 Russ Employ ment Agency 1189 Kenmore TRUCK driver for local city deliveries company benefits included must know the city Call 632 1818 9 AM 3 PM RADIO CONTROL airplane with new Kraft control unit $400 or best offer also toboggan $10 876 3962 RAILROAD SALVAGE and new merchandise Check our prices on plywood groceries appliances furniture paneling and many other items 50 lb boxes coated box and com mon nail at $5 per 50 lbs low calorie soft drink (24 16 oz bottles $250 Sales Inc 960 rench Rd 2 miles east of Un on Cheektowaga 675 2675 RERIGERATOR Admiral excellent washer Hotpoint876 6675 RERIGERATOR IS electric stove $93 each 837 7096 after 6 PM RERIGERATOR GE $35 435 West er ry RERIGERATOR $25 qas on 's range $45 oth odc ndjj 895 7600 RILES shot guns diamonds watches tools machinist and garage tools musical instruments dealers invited Record players televisions etc Licens ed pawnbrokers Ben's 428 William 5tf 856 4837 RUG and1 pad 12x15 wool gray pattern condition 684 5368 RUGS wall to wall or area sizes also a tional brands $2 50 per week 8 75 2005 USED CAR SALESMAN EXPERIENCE NECESSARY excel lent pay plan new car demonstrator furnished plus gas allowance hos pitalization insurance plus many other fringe benefits CARPETING smoke damaged 9xi2 100 nylon rugs assorted colors reg $8995 $44 Erie urniture Warehouse 1296 Niagara St Buffalo COCKTAIL tables 3" thick solid wood must be seen Mroz Lu ben DINETTE SET smoke damaged 5 piece walnut table with 4 gold print chairs reg $7995 $34 Erie urniture Warehouse 1296 Niagara St Buffalo DINETTE SETS 5 piece dinette group of high quality as low as $129 with table centerpiece gift Call 648 0052 DINETTE TABLES freight damage $10 and up over 200 to pick from Ridge Dinette 47? Ridge Rd DINING room table 4 chairs 2 leaves and pads modern Danish roll away bed complete crib complete playpen high chair 875 5159 DINING room set 8 piece provincial 2 years old $150 894 4470 SALESMAN business equipment (not copiers) local territory some type of sales experience required salary plus commission equals $8000 812000 area plus expenses Halloran Agency 430 Brisbane Bldg 856 3170 SALESMAN territory manager Solid 5 years experience in consumer products to $12000 plus rontier Agency 1333 Rand Bldg 856 4490 SALESMAN construction equipment ex perience Inside to $9000 rontier Agency 1333 Rand Bldg 856 4490 PAINTING interior 3 rooms a day all patching Reasonable free estimates 894 6265 PAINTING exterior singles and trims our specialty Pre season prices ree est i mates Reasonable insured 894 6265 PAPERHANGING and painting quick service neat work 835 4066 PAPER HANGING and painting steam Ing Harold Thieke 2 2737 MEDITERRANEAN dininq room table octagonal with 2 17 in leaves pecan 4 unholsterpd chairs included glass top $250 Also Danish desk and chair $50 playpen $10 adisstable high chair $15 694 1543 RCA 21" floor model excellent best of fer chairs (2) 834 2523 PAPER HANGING done reasonable prices Call TA 5 8452 PAPER HANGING painting estimates free insured reasonable 826 0664 PAPER HANGING beautiful wallpaper expert work painting and steaming Hawthorne's 301 Genesee TL 2 0324 SHOWER stall 32 white enamel steelp an Is $3995 i on 56 2 Broadwa SINGER ZIG ZAG sewing machine monograms button holes sews on but tons Selling for $50 cash or terms Call credit manager 824 1228 SPIDER BIKE hand brake 20 in $25 aquarium 15 qal includes equipment $20 window fan 22 in 3 speed $30 836 2895 STOVE refrigerator wringer washer vacu urn cleaner rug TV 822 2429 SWIMMING POOL sacrifice distributor has redwood pools left over from 1970 season Vj prlce Guaranteed installation and terms Call 883 3832 collect days or eves SURPLUS MATERIAL handling equip ment including 2 and 4 wheel trucks roller and belt conveyor casters work benches steel shelving and other misc shop equipment Seneca Surplus In dustrial Division 127 139 Cherry St near Tupper and Michigan 854 7540 TAPPAN gas range 20 ft self defrosting refrigerator and freezer matching din i ing room set new nude statuesand paintinqs2Ca II 823 671 7 TIRES $2 up used 14 in wheels $295 used 15 in wheels $188 most cars Ben Klein Co 474 Babcock TA 4 5969 TIRES $2995 pair plus tax belted $4495 pair plus tax Most sizes 1035 William TL 6 1696 TIRES lifetime guarantee as low as 2for $12 95 795 Broadway 856 8155 TRUCK TIRES' 800x165? ply mounted 2 snow tires 685 3919 TV portable 19 in new $92 1035 roa dway TYPEWRITER standard office modeTperfect condition $35 825 5626 TYPEWRITER portable? $1399 adding machine $2390 Lengene Typesman 271 Broadway 893 3575 TYPEWRITERS? new and used from $25Atlas2529 6 9400 TYPEWRITERS all makes' new and used rom $15 6 34 2666 McN ulty's VINYL tubing polyethelene sleeving cor rugated and folding boxes Write 46 News office for detailed list WHEELCHAIR used folding withbrakes $49 852 3335 8:30 5:30 WRINGER washer gas stove CB power mower bic I 773 4786 APPROXIMATELY 50 display vanties must be removed fast for new replacements Sperer's 5807 Broadway epew 683 2 300 BANKRUPTCY sale fabulous machines read today's auction column Anderson Cutini Anderson CLEAR PLASTIC GLASS cut Offs 316" i and minimum size 3 ft 4 ft Seneca Surplus 86 Seneca St i CUSTOM made turtle nets 825 9781 DO IT YOURSEL upholstery leather ettes for kitchen chairs couches auto mobiles Jay's TR 6 8354 1723 Niagara ELECTRIC OUTDOOR flashing sign CallMr Lytle 835 1234 ENAMELED PLAQUES hanging plan ters slone beads hand made jewelry House of Crafts new location 2191 alley Ave 83580 84 ENTIRE HOUSE of furniture and ap plian es moving 881 2115 EXPERT fast saw sharpening service Philipps Bros 3159 Bailey 834 8353 ANTASTIC offer 158 piece huskey socket tool set brand new $35 662 7330 REIGHT and railroad damaged re frigerators freezers washers dryers dishwashers gas and electric ranges A'l carry factory guarantees 684 7777 I I JU (I 011311 Ml SA! Tues Everything must be sold regardless of price up to 80 off All new ouaran tee i oois smaii typewriters cesspit: eech novelties jewelry toys TVs leather qo ds fresh perfumes v'elcome 38C8 Clinton in rear of StarMofors 675 1986 GOOD OLD 5 10 features party favors 10c Oplers 5522 Main Wil liamsville 634 0142 JUST RECEIVED $75000 worth of groceries at low low prices cereals canned fruits and vegetables bottled goods dressings mayon naises ketchups condiments coffees teas cocoas Mex ican and Spanish food juices soups baby foods soaps toilet papers towels etc 3 trailers meat flavor Rival dog food 52 oz can 35c 26 oz can 2 37c 15 oz can 2 27c famous Park Regal paints from $297 a gallon also paint accessories 10 piece ire King ovenware by Anchor Hocking $199 cards for all occasions price health and beauty aides hair preparations dental preparations perfumes stomach remedies cold remedies 8 track stereo tapes $299 while they last close eut records 3 S1 No one but no one seli rnenpr tnan MsnxruoT Warehouse Sales 2 locations 1018 and 1270 Broadway Open Monday Thurs I day riday 9:39 8 PM Tuesday I Wednesday Saturday 9:30 6 PM ree pi MADAME ZPAir)P vnil I Ohl Rumnnt not ASKED THAT never EASYTO TSERVEVOuJ MIND All world Hijni wwrvw I 4 IBM 1 A 1 IVir lAta I I PEEL A LIGHT I 1 rQADP 1 MCAI I A ri Mii: 1 Ei I Kvs ej mf rm I i 1 sas $35 1 HR UNSKILLED? Need a trade? Greer can train you to operate heavy equipment Bulldozers scrappers back hoe crane and drag lines ield training VA ap proved Also tractor trailer instruction 824 8656 anytime Situations Wanted emale BABY SITTING one or two children mv home days 855 0200 BABY SITTING my home 1 or 2 children days Allentown area 886 3175 BABY SITTING my home days 1 or 2 children have playmates fenced in yard Please call 892 Q454 CLEANING WOMEN for offices on a contract basis Will save you money or information call 832 8655 DAYS work wanted housecleaning 885 2304 EXPERIENCED cleaning woman wishes part timeworlc854 6523 EXPERIENCED woman desires cleaning day work 837 3229 LADY would perform household duties for small furnished apt or large room 693 3075 NURSES AIDE desires work full or part time experienced TT 4 7707 OICE CLEANING have references days Call 854 3225 RELIABLE mother will baby sit one or two children my home days 835 2293 TYPING done In my home 40 words per minute accurately 885 6843 WOMAN desires day work 886 8373 WOMAN desires office hotel or household cleaning 882 1628 Situations Wanted Male MALE desires part time days labor clerk tow motor837 9635 MAN desires job with general contractor has some rough carpentry and painting experience 632 6039a fter 6 PM ABOUT TO ADD ON repair or remodel call for a free estimate 892 8728 a small contracto ABOUT cleaning attics or basements fast dependable service 838 1 396 ARE you in need of a handyman? ea ona bleC al lS ha 874 446 7 ATTENTION: Attics cellars cleaned out hauled away furniture etc 884 3727 BOOKKEEPER looking for part time work to supplement income Thoroughly experienced in full set including balance sheet payroll taxes etc 693 6984 DRATING design work all types 632 5628 ThE BUALO ASSOCIATION for the Blind Is equipped to handle outside con tract jobs such as small assembiingi collating etc TT 2 1025 864 Delaware PAPERING $18 a room up 2 rooms or more Your paper A work 852 4254 PLASTER A drywall carpentry remodeling free estimates TA 4 1312 PLASTER all types repaired small or large Ed ederowicz 684 7552 PLASTERING all types small or large repairs also textured ceilings free estimates 822 834 PLUMBER jobbing and remodeling preferred 2 years experience 874 0101 PLUMBER DESIRES small jobs All work guaranteed TA 4 7804 PORCH remodeling new or repairs con crete and wood reasonable 875 2009 REPAIR WORK needed bv plumber reas ona ble ra Cal l8 8 4 0 3 1 ROO REPAIRS and new installations Canvas Decks siding all types reasonable free estima tes 875 2009 ROOING new all types all repairs 18 years' experience estimates free gutter cleaning with repairs 826 2277 ROOING CHIMNEYS siding gutters chain link fences new and repaired licensed and insured free estimates Lupke Bros 877 8870 873 6852 ROOING siding deck work porch remodeling reasonable prices free estimates bank terms TR 6 1438 RUBBISH removal and dean uo also demolition work 873 2435 SIDING all types aluminum plastic and vinyl ree estimates 876 1438 SIDING roofing porches remodeling free estimates bank terms 838 3100 SUBCONTRACT man 25 years ex perience wants to do subcontract work heating cooling or sheet metal 836 5014 WINDOW cleaning screens up storms down gutter cleaning 895 8298 arm Equipment 100 USED tractors aTl types and sizes Special spring sale Batavia arm Equipment 7941 Oak Orchard Rd Batavia 343 9263 urniture or Sale ADMIRAL apts'izrefrigerator S69 apt Size Magic Chef range 10 months old S99 dressers S2O chests $20 hide a bed Simmons colonial style $89 kit chen seis 5 PC $20 30 in gas ranpe like new $79 bedroom set 3 pc hke new $69 Danish modern bedroom 3 pc like new $99 2 pc modern living room set $69 metal folding chairs $399 each odd kitchen chairs $2 Robright urniture 902 Delavan near Moselle 896 2604 AM combination DuMont $150 837 5869 I.
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