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Bult Nuus News4
















Jonathan Jansen wants to bring

people together

Afrika-leraars preek met


2008 was also a year of many


Frederick Fourie – net mens

The art of giving back to the


A year-long celebration of life

and survival

Kovsies se dramadepartement

laat waai

‘n Graad vir engele

Let the violins play

Regsopleiding vier 100 jaar

Regter Hefer roep tere

herinneringe op

A bridge to the future for

school leavers

Sporting feast awaits us this year

Boyden central to astronomy-year


Landbou is 50, maar nog

‘n jong kalfie

Take note of these Nguni breeders

Navorsing Research30





Tick resistance can hamper

food security in SA

Ons eie ‘CSI’-man

Taking your own medicine may be a

bitter pill to swallow

There is chemistry between

Sasol and the UFS

The leading edge

Personeel Staff40






Maryke excels in the genetic

improvement of crops

Gretha wen veld met meditasie en

visualisasie in die kerk

Letticia at home in the theatre and

the veld

Francois Tolmie: die man agter die titel

Johan Meyer praises the beauty

of maths

Beds of Hope gets a major injection

Studente Students53






Graduates should do youth service

in schools

Way to Botshabelo takes Ryan to Italy

Min kan trotser wees as

‘juffrou’ Emma

Kompetisie lok steeds room

van die oes

Service-learning helps to prepare

students for life

Die ‘groot appel’ wink vir twee oud-







Veritas word dertig

Now Everest is calling ...

Thabo’s voice opens hearts of people

Therese wil nog magic maak

Brand is doing us proud

Redakteur / Editor:

Leatitia Pienaar

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oudstudente, donateurs, sake- en

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vriende versprei. Artikels kan met die

nodige erkenning elders gebruik word. Rig

navrae hieroor aan die Redakteur.

Opinions expressed in the publication

are not necessarily those of the Editor,

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send to alumni, donors, business and

government leaders, opinion formers and

Kovsie friends. Articles can be published

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this regard.


Cover: Thabo’s voice opens hearts of people, page 70

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Nuustydskr i f / News magazinePubl ished by Corporate Relat ions

Univers i ty of the Free StatePO Box 339, Bloemfontein, 9300


Bult • U

niversity of the Free State • Issue 1 • 2009

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‘n Nuwe blad


Bult het ‘n nuwe vars blaai omgeslaan. Letterlik.

Ons bring vandag aan jou ‘n nuwe Bult met ‘n nuwe

voorkoms, ‘n nuwe aanslag en met nuus wat sal

weerspieël dat ons trots is op ons plek hier in die


Ons is groter en dikker en jy gaan meer lees van

ons prestasies as ‘n akademiese instelling en die

van ons mense op streekvlak en ook nasionaal en

internasionaal. Jy gaan meer lees oor personeel,

studente en ook van alumni en vriende van die

universiteit. Almal is belangrike speke in die wiele wat

hierdie trotse instelling, wat vanjaar 105 jaar oud is, se

momentum aan die gang hou.

As an institution we have also put a very difficult year in

our history behind us and are ready for the challenges

awaiting us. And there are many. We are positive that

this university will be an institution of hope, where

everyone will find a niche, where everyone will be in a

position to make a difference. Not only to the institution,

but also to our region and our country.

We are welcoming our new rector and vice-chancellor,

Prof. Jonathan Jansen, at the helm of our institution

and are sure that he will take the UFS to new heights.

He will take the reins of our university on 1 July this


Enjoy the reading.

Leatitia Pienaar


Geskiedenis herhaal homselfHennie Pienaar, Bellville, skryf

Die spreekwoord sê die geskiedenis herhaal homself,

en dit besef ek weer toe ek bloot per ongeluk ‘n Bult van

September 2002 oopslaan. ‘n Brief van ‘n oud-inwoner

van Olienhout, Nelis Zeelie, wat hartroerend sy mening

gee oor die destydse sluiting van Olienhout! Nelis, as jy

dalk hier lees wil ek net sê dat ons oud-Reitzmanne nou

meer verstaan waaroor jy destyds in jou brief geskryf

het. Om jou aan te haal: “Vir my was dit heel eenvoudig

– indien dit (die sluiting van Olienhout) as gevolg van

rassevoorvalle was, waarom ‘n hele tradisie ten gronde

bring? Hoekom is individue nooit eerder geblameer as

om ‘n hele koshuis toe te maak nie?”

As oud-Reitzman wil ek met dié brief hulde bring aan die

inwoners van die twee bogenoemde koshuise. Maar nog

meer – baie dankie aan al die ander oud-Reitzmanne vir

julle bydrae oor jare heen om Reitz dié koshuis te maak.

Reitz, die plek waar ek geleer het wat kameraderie en

vir-ewig-vriendskappe is! Soos Blouwillem ook al geskryf

het, waar jou mede-inwoners soos broers is, al kom hulle

vanoor die hele land.

Let wel Reitz mag gesluit wees, maar luister maar, ons

gees sal in die jare wat kom steeds daar rondswerf en

ween oor ons ontydige sterfte. (Brief verkort – Redakteur)

Nie meer so opgewonde Johann Jordaan, Status Makelaars, skryf

Ek ontvang sedert ek in 1979 klaar gestudeer het die Bult

en was altyd opgewonde om nuus van my Alma Mater

te ontvang, maar wat ‘n teleurstelling is die tydskrif die

laaste aantal jare. Die voorkoms en bladuitleg se kwaliteit

is nog steeds puik, maar die inhoud laat veel te wense


Ek kry die idee dat die bestuur van die universiteit

die blad gebruik vir hul eie propagandaveldtog. Ja,

bestuur het definitief te doen met die suksesse van

die universiteit, maar waarom kry die studente en hul

organisasies nie ook blootstelling in die blad nie. Ons kry

nie die Irawa nie en daarom kry ons geen inligting oor

die studente (waarvan sommiges ook ons kinders is). ‘n

Voorbeeld: wie is vanjaar se studenteraad? (Brief verkort.)

Redakteur: Johann, ek hoop jy kan van die

veranderinge al sien! Nuus

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Jonathan Jansen wants to bring people together

Integration among staff and students, and the promotion of indigenous languages such as Afrikaans and Sesotho, are some of the challenges singled out by the newly appointed Rector and Vice-Chancellor of the University of the Free State, Prof. Jonathan Jansen.

“The UFS has to find a way of integrating classroom

life while at the same time ensuring the promotion of

Afrikaans, an important cultural trust of the institution, as

well as Sesotho and other indigenous languages. It has

to bring academic staff, administrative staff, workers,

students, as well as the parent community behind a

compelling vision of transformation that works in the

interest of all members of the university community. And it

has to rebuild trust and confidence among students and

staff in the mission of the university,” Prof. Jansen said.

He is optimistic that he will be able to achieve this. “It is

a great privilege to lead the UFS and I will really do my

utmost best to be of service to the UFS.” Prof. Jansen

is the thirteenth Rector and Vice-Chancellor of the

institution in its 105-year history.

The UFS Council decided with an overwhelming

majority on his appointment, signalling the institution’s

commitment to be a world-class university that is also

pursuing transformation in the interests of the entire

university community.

In his announcement of the appointment Judge Faan

Hancke, Chairman of the UFS Council, appealed to the

entire UFS community – staff, students and alumni – to

support Prof. Jansen in his endeavour to lead the UFS

to greater heights. “This is an important moment in the

life our institution. We should celebrate this achievement

as a united university community. As a council we are

unanimously behind Prof. Jansen and want to assure him

of our full support,” Judge Hancke said.

“The University of the Free State has gained a national

reputation for three things: [1] its turnaround strategy

in terms of financial stability in a context where external

funding has been uncertain; [2] its research strategy

which has seen a steady and impressive growth in

research outputs; and [3] its managerial decisiveness in

the wake of the Reitz incident,” Prof. Jansen said earlier.

Prof. Jansen is a recent Fulbright Scholar to Stanford

University (2007-2008), former Dean of Education at the

University of Pretoria (2001-2007), and Honorary Doctor

of Education from the University of Edinburgh. He is a

former high school Biology teacher and obtained his

undergraduate education at the University of the Western

Cape (B.Sc.), his teaching credentials at UNISA (HED,

B.Ed.) and his postgraduate education in the USA (MS,

Cornell; Ph.D., Stanford). He is also Honorary Professor

of Education at the University of the Witwatersrand and

Visiting Fellow at the National Research Foundation.

His most recent books are Knowledge in the Blood (2009,

Stanford University Press) and his co-authored Diversity

High: Class, Color, Character and Culture in a South

African High School (2008, University Press of America).

Nuus News

Afrika-leraars preek met UV-kwalifikasieDeur Lyzette Hoffman

Vroeg reeds,

sedert die

vorige eeu,

speel die


sinode ‘n

belangrike rol in die Zambiese kerk. Dit is juis die

Vrystaatse sinode wat in die tyd van die Anglo-

Boereoorlog besluit het om met sendingwerk in Zambië

te begin. Hieruit het die stigting van talle kerke en

uiteindelik die vestiging van die Justo Mwale Teologiese

Universiteitskollege in Lusaka gevolg.

Daar is toe ook later ‘n band tussen die UV en dié

kollege gevorm. ‘n Aantal van ons dosente en studente

het verbintenisse met dié kollege. Prof. Rian Venter van

ons Departement Dogmatiek was voorheen aan Justo

Mwale verbonde en ‘n paar van Justo Mwale Kollege

se studente het onderskeidelik hul meesters- en

doktorsgrade in Teologie aan ons universiteit behaal.

Die verhouding tussen die Justo Mwale Kollege en

ons universiteit het gegroei tot so ‘n mate dat hulle

ons Fakulteit Teologie genader het oor die aanbied

van ‘n meestersgraad in teologie. Tans kan studente

slegs B.Th.-graad- of diplomakursusse aan die Justo

Mwale Kollege voltooi. Studente van die verskillende

Christelike kerke in Zambië, Malawi en ander lande

wat aan die Justo Mwale Kollege teologiese opleiding

ontvang, om as predikante in hulle kerke te gaan

optree, het ‘n toenemende behoefte ontwikkel vir

nagraadse kursusse in teologie aan hierdie kollege.

Die Accreditation Council of Theological Education

(ACTEA), ‘n akkrediteringsliggaam in Zambië, bepaal

dat slegs residensiële grade deur hulle geakkrediteer

word. Dit is egter ‘n probleem by Justo Mwale,

aangesien talle studente nie residensiële studente

is nie. Dit was toe dat die Justo Mwale Kollege ons

Fakulteit Teologie genader het.

Aan die hand van ons regulasies, is ‘n kurrikulum vir die

MA in Bybelse Studies en Hermeneutiek saamgestel.

“Ons universiteit en die Justo Mwale Kollege sal elk ‘n

dosent vir elke module aanstel en kontaksessies met

die studente sal in Lusaka aangebied word,” sê prof.


Studente wat die program suksesvol voltooi, sal ‘n

UV-graad ontvang by die gradeplegtigheid wat by

Justo Mwale sal plaasvind. In hierdie teologiegraad sal

aandag geskenk word aan ‘n eie Afrika-hermeneutiek.

Verder sal kerklike leierskap ook hierdeur ontwikkel

word. “Dit gebeur dikwels dat persone met nagraadse

teologiese kwalifikasies in bestuursposte in die sinodes

van die Zambiese kerk dien en so ‘n invloed kan

uitoefen op die kerk in die breë verband. Dikwels vervul

kerkleiers ook ‘n belangrike rol in die gemeenskap.

“Die besonderse band tussen ons universiteit en die

Zambiese kerk word tot nuwe hoogtes gevoer met

hierdie nuwe samewerkingsinisiatief,” sê. prof. Rian.

Prof Hermie van Zyl, Departement Nuwe Testament, dr. D.T. Banda, Prinsipaal van Justo Mwale in Lusaka, en prof. Fanie Snyman, Departement Ou Testament.

Toe ons Fakulteit Teologie ‘n besondere samewerkingsooreenkoms met ‘n Zambiese Universiteitskollege aangegaan het, het hy net weer bewys hy is ernstig oor gehalte, ook in die internasionale hoëronderwysgemeenskap.

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“The year 2008 was for this University, as Her Majesty

Queen Elizabeth II would have phrased it, an ‘annus

horribilis,’ Prof. Verschoor said. “On this occasion, last

year, we optimistically spelt out the strategic priorities

that we would have liked to drive, only to be confronted

one month later with a triad of tragedies, to wit: the

vandalism committed by protesting students, the

disclosure and world-wide broadcasting of the Reitz

video, and class disruptions in close pursuit.”

About 80% of management time was spent on these

crises and minimazation of its impact on the core

role of the UFS. And there were many dark clouds

building up on the horizon. “But as a university, we

put our shoulders to the wheel and we succeeded to

a large extent in limiting the damages. We honestly

and straightforwardly acknowledged our mistakes and

failures, in the belief that we thereby indicate that today

we are wiser than yesterday.”

Many blessings came our way:

• Major support was received from the Fulbright

Commission in South Africa for the placement at

the UFS of internationally-renowned scholars from

the US to assist in the establishment of this institute.

• Where we expected a decline in the number of

first-year students for 2009 due to all the negative

publicity; our student number increased.

• The Career Preparation Programme experienced

a large growth in student numbers and now has

more than 800 students. We provide this bridging

opportunity for students who would otherwise not

be able to prepare themselves for the University

entry requirements.

• The Master’s Degree in Sustainable Agriculture

presented by the Centre for Sustainable Agriculture

and Rural Development has the most students (70)

in the sixteen years of the programme.

• Staff excelled in many spheres. Prof. Maryke

Labuschagne received the National Science and

Technology Forum Award for research capacity

building that resulted from the training of a large

number of mainly black post-graduate students

from South Africa and Africa over the last ten years.

• Prof. Hendrik Swart of Physics and Prof. Jannie

Swarts of Chemistry received R10 million from

the National Equipment Program of the National

Research Foundation, and R3 million from Sasol

to purchase state-of-the-art equipment. The UFS is

one of the leaders in nanotechnology research.

• The School of Nursing received a financial injection

of R16 million over four years from The Atlantic

Philanthropies, an international philanthropic

foundation with a strong focus on community well-

being and health care.

• The UFS, in collaboration with US-based agencies,

was appointed as the lead grantee to spearhead

a 10-year research and development programme

of the Bill and Melinda Gates and WK Kellogg

Foundations. The WK Kellogg Foundation has

already granted R8 million to the UFS to lead

the initial 18-month exploratory phase. This

programme will revise agricultural education

curricula in Africa to become more responsive to

the needs of smallholder family farms to achieve

improved productivity, food security and economic

development in Africa.

• The Centre for Accounting will receive close to

R12 million over the next four years from the

Thuthuka Bursary Fund to train black students as

chartered accountants.

• DiMTeC concluded two international cooperation

agreements in risk management with the United

Nations University and the University of Novi Sad,


• The University of Minnesota and the Duke State

University of North Carolina, visited the UFS, and

memoranda of cooperation will follow.

• The strategic role that we play in Africa was also

highlighted by the fact that almost 200 international

students from fourteen countries obtained their

qualifications at the UFS in 2008. International

student numbers increased from 1 800 to 2 200

over the past two years.

• The assessor of the Association of Commonwealth

Universities 2008 Internationalisation Benchmarking

Review has commended the UFS on its excellent

progress towards supporting internationalisation.

• The Student Development and Success Division

has received R1 million from the Council on Higher

Education for a national pilot study to identify the

drivers of student success.

• Department of Quantity Surveying and Construction

Management received unconditional accreditation

for Construction Management from the Chartered

Institute of Building (CIOB). The honours

programme in Construction Management is also

unconditionally accredited.

• The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors

confirmed the UFS’s accreditation.

• The Centre for Education Development received a

grant of $100 000 from Hewlett Packard.

• We received R73,3 million in special funds from

the Minister of Education, of which R30 million

is for education training, R6 million for research

equipment and R17,1 million for Health Sciences.

• There were also achievements on the sports field.

The hockey team won the University Sport South

Africa (USSA) B section, three soccer players were

in the USSA team, rugby won the USSA competition

for the second time, netball made gold at the USSA

tournament for the fourth consecutive year, and the

ladies’ tennis won the USSA tournament.

• Four Kovsies are in the SA u.21 team who will

participate in the world cup on the Cook Islands in

August this year.

• The UFS was the host for the three-nation men’s

hockey tournament in March, where teams from

South Africa, Germany and Russia battled it out.

2008 was also a year of many blessings

In a year where the UFS made headlines around the world for the wrong reasons, there were also many blessings and achievements to celebrate. In his opening address earlier this year, Prof. Teuns Verschoor, Acting Rector, listed some of the achievements that we can be proud of.

Photos: H

annes Pieterse

Nuus News

Prof. Teuns Verschoor.

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Waar begin jou verbintenis met die UV?

Behalwe dat hy in ‘n ‘akademiese huis’ groot geword

het met sy pa die eerste hoof van die Departement

Handel, was hy as musiekmens reeds as skoolkind by

die UV betrokke. Hy en sy broer, Pienaar, het reeds op

skool die universiteitskoor met tjello en viool begelei.

Hoe het jou pad geloop? “Ek het nie geweet wat

ek wou swot nie. Ek wou nie musiek swot nie – ek wou

nie my liefde vir musiek bederf deur dit ‘n werk te maak

nie. Ek het nie geweet of ek argitektuur, B.Com of B.Sc

wou swot nie. Toe swot ek maar B.A. met Wiskunde,

Ekonomie en Filosofi e as hoofvakke. En dit het goed


Daarna het sy loopbaan ‘n pad gevolg via Harvard tot

professor in 1982. Sy bestuursloopbaan begin in 1994,

as departementshoof van Ekonomie. Vanaf 1997 is hy

dekaan, in 1999 viserektor, en vanaf 2003-2008 rektor –

‘n fase in sy loopbaan wat hy in 2008 afgesluit het.

Daar was soveel hoogtepunte in sy

topbestuursloopbaan van tien jaar, dat dit moeilik is

om net sekeres vas te pen. Daarom wil ek weet van die

hoogtepunte wat oor, sê, twintig jaar nog vir hom sal


“Die Eeufeesvieringe in 2004 sal altyd vir my uitstaan.

Ek was bevoorreg om toe rektor te wees. Dit was ‘n

wonderlike belewenis… die besef van ‘n waarlik ou

universiteit, die eregraadtoekennings, die opening

van die Eeufeeskompleks, die vieringe voor die

Hoofgebou, die afsluiting met die vuurwerkvertoning,

die bekendstelling van die geskiedenisboek. Dit

was wow-oomblikke vir ‘n trotse instelling. Pragtige

momente wat my altyd sal bybly. Dan was daar ook die

herinrigting van die Hoofgebou, die fi siese omgewing

wat so skouspelagtig verander het en ‘n ‘nuwe’ kampus

gelewer het…” Te veel om op te noem.

Maar die laagtepunte, wat jy wil vergeet? “Die

Reitz-goed. Die vandalisme een week en die Reitz-video

‘n week later. Die slegte (en onnodigheid) daarvan,

en die onverdiende skade aan die UV se beeld as ‘n

progressiewe, denkende plek, sal ek nooit uit my gestel

kry nie. En die stiksienigheid van politici en sekere

alumni wat alles probeer behou, maar in die proses

alles kan verloor. Hulle besef nie hulle gaan dalk alles

verloor as hulle ‘tradisies’ net so wil behou nie. Die UV

kan veeltaligheid verloor. Die protesaksies het grense

oorgesteek van wat die UV moet en kan wees. Ons was

so naby daaraan om iets wonderliks reg te kry.

As jy oor 20 jaar terugkyk, waarvoor sal jy onthou wil word, as jy alles afstroop? “Ek sal

eerstens graag onthou wil word vir die versterking van

die akademie, vir die sterk uitbou van die navorsing,

en die akademie as loopbaan. Sommige sal altyd die

fi nansiële draaistrategie onthou. Maar dit was bloot

‘n middel – weliswaar ‘n essensiële en dramatiese

een – tot ‘n doel: ‘n akademiese draai na ‘n baie

goeie universiteit met baie goeie onderrig, navorsing,

steundienste en fasiliteite. Die plan het daaroor gegaan

om die UV ‘n hoë-gehalte plek, met hoë-gehalte mense

en ‘n uitstekende kampus, te maak. Navorsing moes

die ruggraat wees, met genoeg robuustheid ingebou.

Ons sien reeds iets daarvan in die sterk groei in

navorsingsuitsette, asook die strategiese akademiese

klusters. Ek sal graag wil sien of die kluster-inisiatief

werk. As dit suksesvol deurgevoer word, kan die UV in

5-10 jaar ‘n wêreldleier in die klusterareas wees.”

Die ander groot projek was oor diversiteit en

transformasie. “Ons het ‘n wonderlike pad geloop met

die uitgebreide veeltaligheidsbeleid, kreatiewe denke

oor billike indiensneming, die intitisionele handves en

die beleid oor diversiteit in koshuise. Daar is ontsettend

baie intellektuele werk ingesit rondom hierdie aspekte

– om nuwe moontlikhede te ontdek, om nie vas te val

in òf-òf denke nie. “Ons het ‘n model vir ware nie-

rassigheid probeer skep. Die konsep van ‘n sense of

belonging staan sentraal hierin. Ons wou iets anders

doen en nie net reseppies vir transformasie toepas nie.

Die pad is nog onvoltooid.

”So, ek is hartseer dat die werk nog nie afgehandel is

nie. Maar ek besef ook dat groot kulturele veranderinge

tyd neem, selfs dekades. As ek eendag terugkyk, sal

ek nuuskierig wees om te sien of die benadering van

inklusiewe diversiteit en veeltaligheid die toets van die

tyd deurstaan het, en of ‘n institusionele handves dit

soos ‘n grondwet kan onderskraag. Ek hoop nie die

droom van ‘n tuiste vir almal sal verbrokkel nie.”

Nou kom ons by die mens, Frederick Fourie. Almal weet van sy liefde vir musiek en sy passie vir

motorfi etse – ja, hy ry nog sy motorfi ets. Hy het nadat

hy sy pos ontruim het lang tye in sy tuin deurgebring en

dit as’t ware herskep. “Dit was terapie. Dit is wonderlik

om tuin te maak, veral die kreatiewe deel daarvan.

Sonder vergaderings.”

Frederick sien homself ook as “sendeling” vir ernstige

musiek. Hy wil veral sien hoe die musiek-boodskap

na elke dorp en township in die streek uitgedra word.

Sy belangstellings is eintlik te veel, en moontlik kry hy

nou tyd daarvoor tussen navorsing en konsultasiewerk

deur. Ontwerp is ‘n passie. “Ek vrek oor ‘n mooi gebou

of ‘n mooi motor. Dit was wonderlik en kreatief om by

die herinrigting en ontwerp van geboue op die kampus

betrokke te wees.”

Wat van die pad vorentoe? “Die plan is om

terug te gaan akademie toe. Ek gaan navorsing,

studieleiding en konsultasiewerk doen in byvoorbeeld

mededingingsbeleid – een van my spesialisvelde. Ek is

‘n gewone mens, ‘n akademikus en wil dit doen. Dit sal

lekker wees om weer op ‘n ander vlak ‘n bydrae te lewer

tot die UV – nie as rektor met al die bagasie van die

amp nie, maar bloot as akademikus. Ek wil nie ophou

bou aan die plek nie.”

Frederick Fourie – net mensDeur Leatitia Pienaar

Na maande van oortuiging (lees soebat) kom die e-pos toe: dit is reg vir Dinsdag, so 3 uur. Intussen het ek al sy afskeid op 13 Februarie met ‘n uitvoering van die Odeion Strykkwartet bygewoon om my te bewapen, as die onderhoud nie ‘n werklikheid sou word nie. Daardie Dinsdag maak Frederick Fourie, uitgetrede Rektor en Visekanselier, by sy huis in Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein, gewilliglik ‘n venster oop op ‘n sy van die mens wat ‘n verbintenis van 38 jaar met die UV het, deur moeilike tye, maar ook vreugdevolle tye.

Nuus News

Photo: Leatitia P


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The UFS, in partnership with the national Department of

Arts and Culture (DAC) and the Free State departments

of education and arts and culture, has embarked on an

ambitious community project to promote and develop

interest in the arts among school learners.

The Artists in Schools Project: Free State (AIS FS) was

launched in 2004 as a pilot project focused on Grade

4-9 learners, following the bi-lateral agreement between

the DAC and the Flemish government in 2003. This

agreement was necessitated by constitutional

imperatives that made arts and culture a

compulsory learning area in the general

education and training phase in public schools.

“The whole idea of the Artists in Schools

project is to develop the arts and culture

learning area and also to create jobs for the

visual artists who are jobless since it is not

that easy for them to get jobs especially in

our province,” explained project manager

and fine artist Ms Nontombi Ntakakaze.

According to its previous manager,

Ms Janine Allen, the AIS FS project

brings artists,

educators and learners together in a “creative

collaboration” that involves a variety of stakeholders

ranging from government departments to educational

institutions and smaller local initiatives. “The part

educators play is of extreme importance since they

are in a reciprocal teaching relationship with the artist

facilitators,” she said.

“The whole experience was really gratifying and beyond

that I found it very calling in a sense that most of the

schools we go to are school of kids that come from

backgrounds that are not necessarily so stable,” said

artist educator and filmmaker and scriptwriter of note,

Mr Bareng Lichaba Lichaba.

“So somehow you begin to see them express

themselves through art and begin to actually

understand where they are coming from, and it is not

a matter of what you are giving them, but it is how you

link that with the way they express themselves.”

The art lessons presented by artists are based on the

use of materials found in the local environments such

as clay sculptures that are cow-dung fired and puppet

theatres made up of waste materials. Product-based

art projects with potential market value

are combined with non-object-

based art valued as aesthetic

and therapeutic, like the

sandscapes project

where learners use various

types of soil to create non-

permanent environmental art.

The project’s emphasis is on

the importance of cultural heritage

which is evident in activities like

dancing, clay sculpture, puppet theatre and


“The AIS FS project harbours indigenous knowledge

systems as an essential part of arts and culture

education, while simultaneously introducing new

technologically orientated and creative projects that

aim to shift the frontiers of art and culture education,”

explained Janine.

One core element of arts and culture lessons is

integrated learning where most projects include a

range of outcomes based education learning areas.

The AIS FS project compliments textbook knowledge

with real arts and culture experience and thus creating

a conducive climate of arts and culture in schools

and empowering educators who previously had no or

limited experience.

The project was not only beneficial to learners and

educators but to artist educators and students involved

in it as well, as student Dirk-Hannes van den Berg

discovered: “I have learned a lot from being involved

in this project, specifically from working with kids from

the townships which was something I had not done

before. You learn a little bit more of that side of culture

in general and the way that some of the schools work

harder to survive. It is very gratifying to be part of

something like that.”

“I have learned to understand my responsibility to

others more,” added Lichaba. “I began to understand

that I am in a much more advantaged position to make

a difference to other people’s lives. It has really made

me want to work more with kids that are coming from

disadvantaged backgrounds as much as those that are

coming from advantaged backgrounds – kids that are

in need in general. The more I deal with them, the more

I realise the passion that I have for doing that.”

In 2007 the project entered The Embracement Phase –

whose purpose was to get communities more involved

in terms of owning and managing project themselves.

As part of this initiative communities had to arrange

exhibitions within their regions and this resulted in

exhibitions being held in Phuthaditjhaba, Thabong,

Mangaung and Thaba Nchu. These exhibitions were

a showcase of artworks produced by learners who

participated in the project.

“I think there’s a lot of talent among young people and

I think what this project is doing is great. But a lot more

can be done to sustain such a project because it is one

of the few projects that are going on in black schools

to resuscitate art to be part of learners’ daily lives,” said


“We are making proposals to get more financial support

to sustain the project,” said Nontombi.

The art of giving back to communityBy Mangaliso Radebe

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This year the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles

Darwin and the 150th anniversary of the publication of

his book On the Origin of Species are celebrated at our

university with a year-long programme with the theme

The story of life and survival. We are the only university

in the country that is presenting such an extensive

lecture programme on life and survival and it is an

excellent example of how we promote critical scientific


Darwin was an English naturalist who realised and

presented compelling evidence that all species of

life have evolved over time from common ancestors

through a process he called natural selection. In

modified form, Darwin’s scientific discovery is the

unifying theory of the life sciences, providing logical

explanation for the diversity of life.

On the Origin of Species, published in 1859, is

recognised as perhaps the greatest intellectual

revolution in the entire history of science. “The brilliance

of this book lies in its clarity, one can almost say

simplicity and the meticulous and comprehensive

documentation of vast volume of evidence for

each statement,” said Prof. Jo Van As, head of the

Department of Zoology and Entomology at the UFS.

“The accepted view about the origin of biodiversity

before 1859 was that all species were created exactly

as they are now. Darwin’s work showed that all life

forms are interlinked and evolved like the branches

of a tree – a tree of life. Species gradually change

and evolve into other species under the driving force

of natural selection. This is the same process that

breeders use to change animals and plants to desired

forms. The only difference is that in the latter case it is

artificial and not natural selection,” said Prof. Van As.

“The same process of evolution also applies to

humans, we are not the pinnacle of biodiversity, but part

A year-long celebration of life and survivalBy Lacea Loader

It is a cursed evil to any man to become as absorbed in any subject as I am in mine. – Charles Darwin

At the launch of the programme to celebrate the story of life and survival were, from the left: Prof. Schalk Louw, Department of Zoology and Entomology, Prof. Jo van As, Department of Zoology and Entomology, Prof. Maitland Seaman, Centre for Environmental Management, and Prof. Matie Hoffman, Department of Physics. Proff. Louw and Seaman acted in a play about the life of Darwin, while Prof. Hoffman made a presentation on what nature tells us about cosmic history.

Prof. Schalk Louw and Prof. Maitland Seaman, as a journalist interviewing Darwin. The play was presented in cooperation with our Department of Drama and Theatre Arts.

Darwin sailed on the HMS Beagle across the Atlantic Ocean for more or less five years. Darwin and the crew went on land often during this time. He collected and made detailed observations of plants and animals, with results that shook his belief that species were fixed and provided the basis for ideas which came to him when back in the United Kingdom, and led to his theory of evolution by natural selection.

Darwin’s study at Down House, Kent in the United Kingdom, where he lived for most of his life.

The story of the life of Darwin was told in a stage play at the launch of the programme. Prof. Schalk Louw, played the part of Darwin.

Photo: Hannes Pieterse Photo: Hannes Pieterse Photo: Hannes Pieterse

of the large spectrum of the incredible creatures living on the only place in the universe that we know of where life exists,” he said.

The lecture programme focuses on the progress of man and does not only focus on Darwin. It started on 12 February 2009, Darwin’s birth date, with a stage play about his life and presentation on what nature tells us about cosmic history and will be concluded on 12 February 2010.

“With the programme we aim to portray the influence of Darwin’s theory of evolution on a wide range of disciplines. We are celebrating 200 years of scientific progress and the epic 4,6 billion year journey of life. I see this as a good opportunity to promote science in its broadest context,” said Prof. Van As.

Some of the topics that were discussed earlier in the year include the geological evolution of our planet; the origin of life, prokaryotes (simple organisms without

nucleus) and eukaryotes (organisms with visible nuclei)

and extinction.

“Today evolution is no longer considered to be a theory

and is widely accepted by most serious scientists as

the process responsible for the diversity of life on our

planet,” says Prof. Van As.

The programme is in conjunction with the National

Museum and the Central University of Technology

in Bloemfontein. Topics that will be discussed in the

rest of the programme are: evolution and biodiversity

of animals, the mechanisms of evolution: heredity

and natural selection; origin of humankind, plant

evolution: species, systems and agriculture; road to

civilization and human demography; proliferation of

technology and communication; human impact on the

environment; human impact: resistance ectoparasites

HIV/Aids, antibiotics; how to care for the world and the

last one on the future of evolution.

Nuus News


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Nie net het die departement ‘n klein plasie se prys in

beurse losgeslaan nie, maar daar was ook meer as ‘n

handvol toekennings. Dan het die departement ook

met ‘n paar van sy produksies na die platteland getoer,

en lê daar nog die deelname aan ‘n paar kunstefeeste

vanjaar voor, om nie te praat van al die produksies wat

in 2009 op die Kovsiekampus op die planke gebring

gaan word nie.

Dit maak ‘n mens uitasem net om dit alles op te noem,

maar as jy kyk na die energieke teaterman voor jou (wat

elke nou en dan opspring om ‘n nommer op die selfoon

te soek of ‘n program te gaan uitdruk of iemand te bel

vir inligting) dan sien jy (spring)lewende bewys van die

gesegde: “Real success is finding your life’s work in the

work that you love.”

Dít beaam die professor onmiddellik as jy hom vra

hoe die departement dit regkry om Kovsies se naam

keer op keer hoog te hou in ‘n bedryf wat bekend is

daarvoor dat dit “cut throat” is. “Almal hier is lief vir hulle

werk en daarmee saam gaan goeie spanwerk.” Byna

al die dosente het ‘n professionele teateragtergrond.

Watter soort bestuurstyl bring hierdie resultate voort?

“Ek loer nie oor hul skouers nie en ek hou hulle nie

artisties terug nie – ek sê, laat waai!”

Vir prof. Nico gaan dit allermins oor homself. Dit gaan

oor die studente en die dosente en die bevordering

van die kunste. Oor sy studente kan hy nie uitgepraat

raak nie. Hy vertel graag van die R150 000 se beurse

wat die departement van die Nasionale Kunsteraad vir

sy eerstejaars ontvang het. “Die afgelope paar jaar het

ons maar tussen R50 000 en R60 000 gekry, en vanjaar

het dit verdubbel.”

Eers as jy hom daarna uitvra, vertel hy dat hy ook by

die Nasionale Kunsteraad ‘n toekenning ontvang het vir

die skryf van die toneelstuk Don’t shoot the messenger,

wat as deel van die Darwin-herdenkingsprogram

ingestudeer word. Die toneelstuk, wat prof. Nico as

“opspraakwekkend” beskryf, se première was in

Maart vanjaar in die Wynand Mouton-teater op die


Ook is daar die R100 000 wat die departement van die

Nasionale Kunsteraad ontvang het vir die ontwikkeling

van ‘n musiekblyspel vir tieners wat ook op die

Volksblad-kunstefees gaan speel. Dit is juis op dié fees

waar die departement sy skoene meer as vol staan.

Die lede van die departement is deel van die artistieke

komitee, hulle is betrokke by die beplanning, by die

voorsiening van infrastruktuur en die studente help met

die tegniese aspekte van die fees.

Die departement glo ook daaraan om terug te

gee aan die gemeenskap en as deel hiervan word

voorgeskrewe werke by skole opgevoer. Hiervoor is

daar ook fondse van die Nasionale Kunsteraad ontvang

wat regisseur Michelle Luwes vir die opvoer van Reza

de Wet se Mis kon aanwend. Mis is ‘n voorgeskrewe

werk vir graad 12-leerders en die stuk het ‘n week lank

vol sale in die Wynand Mouton-teater op kampus

getrek. Mis was ook in Klerksdorp en Potchefstroom

‘n groot sukses. Vanweë die sukses hiervan het die

departement nog ‘n werk aangepak: Die potlooddief

en die engel van A.S. van Staden, wat voorgeskryf is

vir graad 11-leerders, word vanaf 18 tot 20 Maart in die

Scaena-teater opgevoer.

Prof. Nico sê dié geleenthede word ook gebruik om

reklamemateriaal van die departement aan leerders uit

te deel. “’n Mens weet nooit wanneer jy mense vir die

kunste kan werf nie,” sê hy.

‘n Ander inisiatief van die departement om mense na

die teater te lok is die nuwe Klub Theatron. Nog iets

waarop prof. Nico ooglopend trots is, is die nagraadse

studente. Hy vertel breëbors van een van sy studente,

Kea, wat werk doen by ‘n hospice vir weeskinders op

Hertzogville. Kea gee drama-opleiding aan kinders.

Die opleiding kulmineer in ‘n drama-opvoering deur

die kinders wat handel oor lewensvaardighede en die

voorkoming van MIV/Vigs.

Ook met navorsing wikkel die departement. Prof. Nico

sê daar is tans vyf magisters by die departement

geregistreer, en hulle spog ook met twee doktorale

studente. “Albei die proefskrifte handel oor baie

interresante onderwerpe. Karrabelo Leka Lake kyk na

die tekort aan swart vroulike regisseurs in Suid-Afrika,

terwyl Kingdom Moshounyane devising theatre as

onderwerp het.”

Die departement was gereeld in die nuus met

die sukses wat behaal is met die Sanlam-prys vir

Afrikaanse teater, oftewel SPAT. Die wenprys is die

grootste in die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrikaanse

teater vir die ontwikkeling van nuwe Afrikaanse

teaterproduksies. Kovsies se dramastudente het in

2005, 2007 en 2008 met die louere weggestap. Vanjaar

gaan die span van Kovsies met die bekroonde skrywer

Jeanne Goosen se Spokie Snygans probeer om vir

‘n vierde keer die ander departemente se stertvere te


Prof. Nico se laaste woorde beaam dít wat die meeste

mense reeds lankal vermoed: “Ons kan regtig nie kla

nie. Dit gaan goed met die kunste by Kovsies!”

Kovsies se dramadepartement laat waaiDeur Margaret Linström

“Ja, jong, dit woel hier!” Aan die woord is die trotse hoof van die Departement Drama en Teaterkuns, prof. Nico Luwes, oor sy departement se onlangse gesonde oes prestasies.

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Ons bied gehalte programme aan. Een van hierdie

programme is die MA/MTh in Pastorale Terapie in die

Fakulteit Teologie. Dit bied studente die geleentheid om

hulself nie net op ’n gespesialiseerde wyse op teologie

toe te spits nie, maar ook om ’n verskil te maak in die

lewe van mense in nood.

Al skryf studente van verskillende denominasies

hulle vir die kursus in, ontmoet hulle mekaar op gelyke

grond. Almal word toegerus om ander mense te help

om die lewe soos wat hulle dit ervaar te hanteer en om

perspektief te vind in moeilike omstandighede.

Die program is in die 1980’s begin om die nood van

individue, gesinne en gemeenskappe op ’n pastoraal-

terapeutiese vlak aan te spreek. Prof. Jan-Albert van

den Berg, ’n spesialis in narratiewe terapie, is die

koördineerder van die program.

“Die program was oorspronklik slegs vir predikante

geoormerk, maar is vandag ook vir mense vanuit ander

beroepsrigtings, soos opvoedkunde, maatskaplike

werk en sielkunde, toeganklik. Met al die belangstelling

is die kursus sedert 2004 so aangepas sodat mense

met ’n toepaslike B-graad deur middel van ’n

oorbruggingshonneurskursus toelating kan kry,” sê

prof. Jan-Albert.

Saam met prof. Jan-Albert maak prof. Johan Janse van

Rensburg, drs. Jeannette Steyn, Johan Nel en Dawid

Kuyler deel uit van die formidabele span praktiese

teoloë wat betrokke is by die aanbieding van die


Studente maak kennis met nuwer ontwikkelinge in

die terapeutiese veld. Annette Smit, ’n onderwyser

aan Bloemfontein Sentraal, is ’n suksesproduk van

die program. Sy pas haar kennis in haar werk toe.

As voltydse terapeut by die skool werk Annette met

kinders wie se ouers in die gevangenis is asook

kinders wat self by misdaad betrokke is. “Buiten dat

studente se leerervaringe in skole toegepas kan word,

word studente ook toegerus om ’n verskil te maak in

instansies soos tronke, hospitale en vigs-hospices. Die

diensleermodules is in Januarie 2005 geïmplementeer,”

sê prof. Jan-Albert.

Meer as 150 studente het al in die program

gegradueer. Jaarliks word net tien studente gekeur.

Twee studente wat tans met hul doktorsgraad in

Pastorale Terapie besig is, is Itumeleng Julius Pudule

en Madeleine Fourie. Itumeleng is kapelaan in

die Welstandsprogram in die Suid-Afrikaanse

Polisiediens. “Vanweë die multidissiplinêre

benadering tot terapie het die program my

gehelp om maklik by my kollegas in ‘n

professionele werkskonteks, in te pas,”

sê hy.

“Hierdie was ’n baie verrykende

kursus en het my tot totale

nuwe insigte gebring,” sê


’n Graad vir engeleDeur Leonie Bolleurs


: Pro

f. Ja



t van




Let the violins play By Ailsa Uys

The words “township” and “classical” are not often

used in the same sentence. The Mangaung String

Programme (MSP) is however challenging these

stereotypes by teaching violin to more than three

hundred ordinary township children, introduced to the

instrument through proactive teachers and volunteers

from the UFS and Free State Musicon. These children,

however, do not stay ordinary, developing talent and

focus like no other.

Peter Guy, a trained musician from Montana, USA,

initiated the programme with eighteen children

from one school in 1998. Ten years on, hundreds of

performances later and with more than 350 budding

musicians registered, nothing stops the music.

The programmes’ public face is the Bochabela String

Orchestra, one of three orchestras, with musicians

ranging from 12 to 21 years old. This orchestra has

surpassed all expectations as it is heard nation wide at

music festivals, on television, radio and in theatres, and

even with their role models, the Soweto String Quartet.

Politicians, celebrities and parents wonder at the

developing talent. It is this reputation that is creating a

stir nationally and internationally and the MSP has been

invited to tour Belgium and Europe in 2009 and have a

full calendar of local performances.

Learners attend their own schools in the morning and

continue classes at the UFS and at the Musicon in the

afternoon. Saturday is orchestra day. They catch MSP

buses across the city and take their instruments home

to notch up extra practice hours.

The learners are driven by their talent, discipline and

desire to have a future. Advanced training is given at

the UFS, by dedicated teachers, only too happy to pass

on the art. In a further development, all UFS final-year

music students must complete community-service

education and the MSP is being used as the module for

experience. The programme is therefore not just about

music but is developing life skills in young people.

Peter Guy truly believes the violin is a tool of expression

and has a place in any culture. It teaches discipline,

focus and dedication – essential skills for life and a

career in music.

The learners are upbeat about the possibilities open to

them. One said: “I used to sit around on the street and

do silly things. Now I have the violin. It has changed my

life, and it has changed it a lot.” Another girl, aged 12,

says: “The violin is my future. You cannot play music if

you do not practice. If you want to be a musician you

need to be patient; that is what I have learnt.”

The teachers agree. Elene Coetzer says: “Some of

them are sparks – bright sparks! It is unbelievable the

talent we come across. For some it is the only thing

they have. They live for it. They are anxious to learn. It

makes a huge difference in their lives.”

The Mangaung Strings Orchestra is ten years young and celebrated its success towards the end of 2008. The violin-playing children and their tutors are being hailed nationally and internationally for their dedication. This is their story.

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Die Minister van Justisie en Konstitusionele

Ontwikkeling, mnr. Enver Surty, het die fakulteit vir

hierdie prestasie geprys. Tydens die bekendstelling van

die fakulteit se eeufeesvieringe het mnr. Surty gesê:

“Die fakulteit het regdeur sy bestaan bewys dat hy die

vermoë en kapasiteit het om welbekende regskundiges,

regspraktisyns, akademici, regters en politici op te

lewer. Die universiteit kan trots wees op die feit dat hy

as ‘n instelling so goed gedoen het.”

Die fakulteit is een van die oudste en uitnemendste

fakulteite van regsgeleerdheid in Suid-Afrika. Sy ryk

geskiedenis kan so ver teruggevoer word as 1908 met

die totstandkoming van die Grey Universiteitskollege.

Met ‘n beskeie begin is die saad geplant vir die

Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid, wat veral stoomkrag gekry

het toe Bloemfontein in 1910 die geregtelike hoofstad

van Suid-Afrika geword het.

Daar is aanvanklik slegs voorsiening gemaak

vir aspirant prokureurs wat onder die leiding

van ‘n plaaslike advokaat voorberei is vir die

prokureurseksamen. Die doel van die eerste regsvakke

wat gedoseer is, was om sulke studente vir hul

prokureurstoelatingseksamen af te rig en later is

enkele LL.B.-vakke daarby gevoeg. Hierdie lesings is

deur die bekende adv. Colin Steyn vanuit sy kamers


Adv. P.U. Fischer is die eerste dosent in Regte (1909)

wat in die fakulteit se anale genoem word. Hy het ‘n

B.A. LL.B. aan die Universiteit van Cambridge ontvang

en was die eerste regsdosent wat permanent aangestel


In 1918 is die eerste LL.B.-grade aan mnr. C.R. Swart,

later die eerste Staatspresident van Suid-Afrika, mnr.

S.P. le Roux, Minister van Landbou in die Malan-

kabinet van 1948, en mnr. Walther Leinberger ’n

latere baie bekende prokureur in die stad, toegeken.

President Swart was lewenslank trots op die feit dat

hy en sy kabinetkollega en vriend, mnr. Le Roux, van

die eerste studente was wat die LL.B.-graad aan

hierdie universiteit verwerf het. Mnr. Leinberger se

graadsertifikaat is nog steeds ‘n uiters waardevolle

museumstuk in die besit van die fakulteit.

In 1945 het dit ‘n volwaardige fakulteit geword, en in

1948 is ‘n nuwe akademiese era binnegegaan toe

dr. J.P. Verloren van Themaat as die eerste voltydse

professor aangestel is. Hy was ook die eerste dekaan

van die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid. Na hom het ses

dekane die fakulteit gelei tot die aanstelling van prof.

Johan Henning, huidige dekaan.

Prof. Henning, ‘n voormalige student en een van die

eerste Uitstaande Professors van die UV, het ‘n groot

bydrae gelewer om die beeld van die fakulteit uit te bou,

nie alleen in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook in die buiteland.

Onder sy leierskap bied die fakulteit unieke geleentheid

vir beide nasionale en internasionale studie.

Noue samewerking met baie oorsese universiteite

verseker dat grade internasionaal erken word.

Samewerkingsooreenkomste is gesluit met Britse,

Amerikaanse, Australiese, Europese en Suid-Afrikaanse

universiteite en getuig van die fakulteit se verbintenis tot

die handhawing van internasionale standaarde.

‘n Ander hoogtepunt in die fakulteit se meer onlangse

geskiedenis is toe die Attorneys’ Fidelity Fund in

1999 die fakulteit as die beste regsfakulteit in die

land aangewys het. In dieselde jaar is dit ook as die

Bloemfontein Instansie van die Jaar aangewys.

Deur die jare het studentegetalle aansienlik toegeneem

en vandag het die fakulteit meer as 2 700 voor- en

nagraadse studente.

‘n Interessante program word vir die eeufeesjaar

beplan met lesings en funksies regdeur die jaar.

Aktiwiteite sluit in ontbyt-geleenthede vir verskeie

alumni-groepe van die fakulteit en ‘n reeks intreeredes.

Cum Laude-toekennings is ook aan regter Lex Mpati,

President van die Hoogste Hof van Appèl, en regter

Louis Harms, Adjunkpresident van die Hoogste Hof

van Appèl, gemaak word. Die feesvieringe word in

November met ‘n prestige-ete afgesluit.

Regsopleiding vier 100 jaar Deur Leonie Bolleurs

Die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid vier vanjaar 100 jaar van die beoefening van regswetenskap onder die tema Iurisprudentia 100. Die mylpaal in die geskiedenis van regswetenskap aan ons universiteit is nie net die gevolg van gehalte-onderrig oor die jare heen nie, maar getuig ook van die fakulteit se verbintenis om goed toegeruste en gebalanseerde regslui aan die professie te lewer.

Nuus News

Mnr. Enver Surty, Minister van Justisie en

Konstitusionele Ontwikkeling, en prof. Johan


Een van die bekendste alumni van die fakulteit, oudpresident C.R. Swart (tweede

van links) en ander hooggeplaastes met die sooispit van die gebou destyds.

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Thousands of learners in schools fail to qualify for post-

school education and training. Now a unique project

funded by the Ford Foundation and being piloted at

our university seeks to provide such learners with a


The 2008 Grade 12 results showed once again that

the schooling system is – and has been for a long

time – in the throes of a severe crisis. The most

disturbing feature of this crisis is that the system

does not produce learners with the required level of

literacy, numeracy and other cognitive skills to further

their education or to become part of the country’s


Clearly this situation is untenable in a developing

country such as ours, facing the immense

challenges of a severe skills shortage, poverty and

unemployment. We cannot afford to have hundreds

of thousands of young people walking the streets

without any prospect of a decent living and a future

of opportunity. Our university and partners in the Free

State Higher Education Consortium have devised a

unique programme to help under prepared and even

unprepared school-leavers who have fallen through the

cracks of the school system.

“We are hoping to make a meaningful contribution

to the challenging field of creating educational

opportunities for post-school study and the world

of work through the generous support of the Ford

Foundation,” said Ms Merridy Wilson-Strydom,

Research Consultant at the Centre for Higher

Education Studies and Development at the UFS.

“The Skills for a Changing World Programme is aimed at removing barriers to educational opportunities for school-leavers who are not able to access higher education. At the moment there are few, if any, meaningful opportunities for those learners who come through the school system un/under prepared,” she said.

The primary target group is young people between 18 and 25 who are currently excluded from post-schooling educational opportunities. The duration of the programme is one year.

The core modules of the activity-driven curriculum are English Literacy and Language Development, Mathematical Literacy, Information and Communication Technology and Your Global Positioning System (YGPS), which focus on study skills and critical life skills, e.g. dealing with diversity. Students will also be supported to make informed choices about their future study or career directions.

“From the second semester we plan to test the programme by means of a pilot project, which will be conducted on our university’s South Campus in Bloemfontein,” said Ms Wilson-Strydom. The pilot study will involve a group of 20 to 50 learners”

The project team aims to have the programme accredited as a higher certificate and is also exploring the possibility of registering the programme as a short learning programme. “Our focus on developing the Programme as a qualification in its own right is a key innovation in the current education and training landscape,” said Ms Wilson-Strydom.

A bridge to the future for school leaversBy Lacea Loader

Afgetrede appèlregter Joos Hefer stap nog kiertsregop.

Hy is een van die klas van 1955 wat nog lewe.

Hy gaan sit en wys na die foto. Sy brein is nog flink en

hy onthou elkeen van die klasgroep, sowel as wat hulle

gedoen het. Elkeen het ‘n plekkie gevind. En hulle het

kontak behou.

“Dit was ander tye,” onthou regter Hefer. “Ons het

nie voltyds klas gehad nie. Ons was almal deeltyds.

Bedags het ons ge-‘article’ en in die aand het ons

klas gedraf.” Tog was hulle ten volle deel van die


As mens na regter Hefer luister, besef ‘n mens deur

hoeveel veranderinge die kampus, die land en die

regsprofessie gegaan het. En daar is baie goeie dinge

om te koester. Soos klasmaats. “Deesdae is die klasse

so groot dat mens nie meer ‘klasmaats’ kan wees nie.

Tog, dit kan seker nie anders nie. Dit is jammer, want

die dosente ken nie meer die studente nie.”

Regter Hefer onthou hoe hy kort na die voltooiing van

sy studies as dosent aangestel is. Een van die studente

moes ‘n mondeling doen. “Hy het vreeslik gesukkel en

ek het geweet hy ken die werk beter as wat hy besig

was om aan te bied. Toe vra ek of hy die vorige nag

geslaap het. Nee, hy het nie. Ek het gesê hy moet

eers gaan slaap en dan sy mondeling kom doen.” Dís

die menslike regverdigheid wat regter Hefer uitstraal.

Dís die kaliber regverdigheid wat hy glo Kovsies se

regsfakulteit nastreef.

“Deesdae praat almal van ‘n regstaat; tog het ons selfs

in die ou dae, voor 1994, die wette van die regering

uitgevoer. Onthou, as regter is ‘n mens se rol om wette

te interpreteer en toe te pas. Dis vandag nog die geval.

Die belangrikste is dat ‘n mens billik en regverdig moet

wees. Mens moet met jou besluite kan saamleef.”

Regter Hefer verduidelik hoe die reg moet aanpas by

die samelewing. Die reg is nie staties nie. Samelewings

verander voortdurend en ‘n mens moet aanpas. In

Suid-Afrika het baie dinge verander. Tog is dit jammer

dat daar al meer regters is wie se skandes in die media

verskyn. As regter moet jy konstant aan jou eie sin vir

regverdigheid werk en jy moet ‘n voorbeeld kan stel.

Anders is daar moeilikheid.”

En as die regter uiteindelik gevra word oor watter

advies hy vandag vir studente kan gee? Die regter dink

‘n rukkie na, en gee dan sy uitspraak. “Leer verder.

Spesialiseer. Word beter. Daar is kompetisie daarbuite.

Hou aan om voluit te werk. Skep jou eie geleenthede.”

Hy kyk weer na die foto. Die meeste van die klasmaats

en dosente se herinneringe is inspirerend. Hulle was

passievol oor regverdigheid en geregtigheid. Dís wat

saak maak – die passie.

Daarom stap oud-appèlregter Joos Hefer nog


Regter Hefer roep tere herinneringe opDeur Igno van Niekerk








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In addition to local tournaments like the hostel sport

leagues, the FNB Varsity Cup (presented by Steinhoff

International) and the annual intervarsity with the North-

West University, our university is set to host a number

of international and national sports events in 2009.

Recent upgrades have been made to the hockey,

rugby, athletics and netball facilities. Upgrades on

the swimming and soccer facilities are yet to follow

and should be completed before the end of the year.

Mickey Gordon, Head of Strategic Business and

Sport Development, says: “The long term benefi ts of

improving our facilities will provide us with the capacity

to host more high quality international and national

events.” He also added that his department is

in the process of restructuring and that more

improvements on and off the sports fi eld are still

to come.

We are geared to host players of championship

format. We recently hosted the world hockey

champions and the current Olympic gold medal

holders, Germany, who took on their South African

counterparts. Russia also featured and opened the

tournament against SA U.21. The matches were played

on the Kovsie astro fi elds early in March this year. Apart

from the USSA cricket week held at the UFS cricket

oval, the USSA hockey tournament, with more than 28

tertiary teams participating, is scheduled for 4-27 July


Our university frequently hosts school

sporting events and this year is no

different. Mickey says it is important

to start developing players before

reaching university level. He

said this with reference to a

hockey course for schools

that will be presented at

the Kovsie astros from

26 April until 2 May.

More than a thousand players will participate in the


Mickey is of the opinion that although most of our

university’s sport facilities are currently compliant with

the university standard, “we still have a lot of improving

to do in order to have the best”. He says: “The main

focus now is the commercialisation and improvement

of our sports facilities and the establishment of a

high performing centre within the next two years.”

The forthcoming high performance centre will not

only provide accommodation for sportsmen and

sportswomen near the sports facilities, but will also

feature a high class gymnasium.

Mickey supports the notion that sport at a university is

an integral part of being a student and, through student

participation, can be used as a

powerful marketing tool.

Sporting feast awaits us this yearBy Jamie-Ryan Turkington

of international and national sports events in 2009.

Recent upgrades have been made to the hockey,

rugby, athletics and netball facilities. Upgrades on

the swimming and soccer facilities are yet to follow

and should be completed before the end of the year.

Mickey Gordon, Head of Strategic Business and

Sport Development, says: “The long term benefi ts of

improving our facilities will provide us with the capacity

to host more high quality international and national

events.” He also added that his department is

in the process of restructuring and that more

improvements on and off the sports fi eld are still

to come.

We are geared to host players of championship

format. We recently hosted the world hockey

champions and the current Olympic gold medal

holders, Germany, who took on their South African

counterparts. Russia also featured and opened the

tournament against SA U.21. The matches were played

on the Kovsie astro fi elds early in March this year. Apart

Our university frequently hosts school

sporting events and this year is no

different. Mickey says it is important

to start developing players before

reaching university level. He

said this with reference to a

hockey course for schools

that will be presented at

the Kovsie astros from

26 April until 2 May.

university’s sport facilities are currently compliant with

the university standard, “we still have a lot of improving

to do in order to have the best”. He says: “The main

focus now is the commercialisation and improvement

of our sports facilities and the establishment of a

high performing centre within the next two years.”

The forthcoming high performance centre will not

only provide accommodation for sportsmen and

sportswomen near the sports facilities, but will also

feature a high class gymnasium.

Mickey supports the notion that sport at a university is

an integral part of being a student and, through student

participation, can be used as a

powerful marketing tool.

Our sporting community can look forward to an action-packed sports

menu this year.

Nuus News

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This year we have the chance to give a big up to all

the shiny dots in the night skies and to all the people

investigating them. It’s offi cially the Year of Astronomy.

Our university plays a big part in the celebrations.Not

everyone knows it, but the Boyden Observatory outside

Bloemfontein was handed over to us in 1976. This

observatory’s history stretches back to 1889 and to the

mountains of Peru.

In 1879 a mechanical engineer named Uriah A. Boyden

left in his will a sum of $238 000 for the expressed

purpose of carrying out astronomical research at high

altitude. Harvard College Observatory (HCO) eventually

(1889) found a suitable site, 8 km from the small town

of Chosica, near Lima, Peru. It was on a hill, which was

later named as Mount Harvard, with good weather and

a clean dry atmosphere. The new observatory, the fi rst

Boyden Station, was established there. It was later on

moved to Arequipa, also in Peru, because of unstable

weather patterns.

South Africa’s excellent climatic conditions were fairly

well known and in 1908 a team was sent by the HCO

to South Africa to investigate a possible third site for

the Boyden Station. They travelled from Cape Town via

Worcester to Hanover in the Karoo, and expeditions

were also sent to Kimberley, Bloemfontein and even to

Salisbury (now Harare). Taking all considerations into

account, Bloemfontein was the more preferable site. In

1923 the order was given for the station at Arequipa to

be moved to the new site on a koppie, 24 km north-east

of Bloemfontein, and overlooking Maselspoort.

And then in 1976, Harvard University handed the

Boyden Station over to our university and it became the

Boyden Observatory. Facilities of our university were

now at the disposal of the observatory.

The older Department of Physics and later Department

of Physics and Astronomy of our university played a big

role in making the Boyden Observatory a world-known

facility and exposing the public and school groups to

the world of astronomy.

In celebrating astronomy this year and also the 120th

anniversary of Boyden Observatory, our Department of

Physics and astronomy has a full programme to carry

out their responsibility to share the universe with the


The Boyden Observatory anniversary is planned for

8 May 2009. Boyden Observatory will also have a

special astronomy exhibit at the Grahamstown Science

Festival that will be visited by thousands of people. Two

workshops per day aimed at Grade 10-12 learners will

be presented.

In April the Boyden Observatory contributed to

the International Year of Astronomy 100 Hours of

Astronomy project. Celebrations will also form part of

the annual Volksblad Arts Festival in July. For the third

term of 2009 school groups will visit to Boyden.

Let’s celebrate the twinkle of the stars!

Boyden central to astronomy-year celebrationsBy Willem van der Berg

No matter what your belief of how it got there, the starlit skies at night fascinate us all. The fact that there is no end to it, boggle our minds. The specs and measurements are just too supernatural for the mere human to understand.

The Boyden Observatory outside Bloemfontein.

Photos: M

aurits van Wyk


Boyden Station over to our university and it became the

Boyden Observatory. Facilities of our university were

now at the disposal of the observatory.

The older Department of Physics and later Department

of Physics and Astronomy of our university played a big

role in making the Boyden Observatory a world-known

facility and exposing the public and school groups to

In celebrating astronomy this year and also the 120th

anniversary of Boyden Observatory, our Department of

Physics and astronomy has a full programme to carry

out their responsibility to share the universe with the

The Boyden Observatory anniversary is planned for

8 May 2009. Boyden Observatory will also have a

special astronomy exhibit at the Grahamstown Science

Festival that will be visited by thousands of people. Two

workshops per day aimed at Grade 10-12 learners will

In April the Boyden Observatory contributed to

the International Year of Astronomy 100 Hours of

Let’s celebrate the twinkle of the stars!

Nuus News

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Die landboufakulteit is die jongste van sy soort in die

land. Voor die samesmelting van die landboufakulteit,

natuurwetenskappe en bouwetenskappe in 2002 om

een fakulteit te vorm, was landbou ‘n fakulteit op sy eie.

Op ‘n vergadering van die universiteitsraad op 11 April

1949 is besluit dat ‘n fakulteit van landbou ingestel

moet word. Die destydse Minister van Landbou, mnr.

S.P. le Roux, het op 15 November 1955 opdrag aan ‘n

komitee gegee om ondersoek in te stel en aanbevelings

te doen oor die instelling van ‘n landboufakulteit aan

die UV.

“Die vernaamste motivering was dat ‘n landboufakulteit

die sentrale deel van Suid-Afrika moes bedien. Mnr.

Le Roux, wat ook ‘n alumnus was, het hom besonder

beywer vir die totstandkoming van die fakulteit,” sê

prof. Herman van Schalkwyk, dekaan van die Fakulteit

Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe.

Voor sy uittrede uit die politiek, kon mnr. Le Roux nog

sy ideaal verwesenlik sien toe hy op 21 Maart 1958

die hoeksteenlegging van die nuwe fakulteitsgebou

waargeneem het. By hierdie geleentheid het hy wyse

woorde gespreek wat vandag nog as inspirasie en

rigting aan beide personeel en studente dien: ‘n

Volk wat vir sy Landbou sorg, sorg vir sy toekoms. Dié

woorde pryk op die fontein aan die voorkant van die


“Die fakulteit het sy vroeë bestaansjare in die ou

offi siersmenasie by Sunlawns deurgemaak terwyl die

landbougebou in aanbou was. Van die personeel is

begin 1958 aangestel en toe kon die eerste studente

met studies in landbou begin. Met die aanvang van

die eerste klasse was daar slegs sewe ingeskrewe

studente. Die studentetal het na vier jaar honderd

bereik en hierna aanhou groei in voorgraadse en

nagraadse studentetalle,” sê prof. Van Schalkwyk.

Prof. Rabie Saunders was die eerste dekaan en as blyk

van waardering vir sy bydrae tot die daarstelling van die

fakulteit is die fakulteitsbiblioteek na hom vernoem.

Op 19 April 1963 is die indrukwekkende nuwe

fakulteitsgebou amptelik deur die Minister van

Landboutegniese Dienste en Waterwese, mnr. P.M.K.

le Roux, geopen. Dié gebeurtenis was nie alleen ‘n

mylpaal in die geskiedenis van die UV nie, maar ook

in Suid-Afrikaanse landbou. Die gebou, wat bestaan

uit agt blokke van drie tot vier verdiepings, is deur die

Bloemfonteinse argitek Scrysos S. Daneel ontwerp.

Dit is vandag nog ingerig met die mees tegnologies

gevorderde toerusting en die mees moderne geriewe in

die land vir landbouopleiding, sowel as -navorsing.

Met die samesmelting van die landboufakulteit met

natuurwetenskappe en bouwetenskappe, het die nuwe

fakulteit een van die grootste fakulteite aan die UV

geword met 19 departemente, vyf sentrums, ‘n instituut

en ‘n proefplaas. In 2008 het 1 016 voorgraadse

studente in landbouverwante kursusse ingeskryf,

teenoor 969 in 2007 en 897 in 2006.

”Die fakulteit streef vandag steeds daarna om

uitnemende, markgerigte opleiding aan studente te

verskaf, wat hulle gereed maak om hul plek in die be-

sigheidswêreld vol te staan,” sê prof. Van Schalkwyk.

Landbou is 50, maar nog ‘n jong kalfi eDeur Lacea Loader en Stefanie Naborn

Heel bo: Die eerste UOVS-landbouverenigingbestuur en Universiteit Boerevereniging in 1968.

Bo: Dié beeld aan die westekant van die Landbougebou toon ‘n man wat sy een hand na ‘n wolk uitsteek en met die ander ‘n weerligstraal vashou – dit simboliseer die Departement Landbouweerkunde.

Heel bo: Hoeksteenlegging van die Landbougebou op 21 Maart 1958.

Bo: By die loodsing van “50 jaar in landbou” einde van verlede jaar was, van links: dr. Daan Opperman, seremoniemeester en direkteur van Vleissentraal, mnr. Corwyn Botha, Voorsitter: Landboubesigheidskamer en Besturende Direkteur van die Kaap Agri Groep, mnr. Hans van der Merwe, Uitvoerende Hoof: Agri SA, prof. Herman van Schalkwyk: Dekaan: Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe, en mnr. Motsepe Matlala, President van NAFU.

Die Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe het in 2008 die 50ste bestaansjaar van die landbouprogram gevier. Dié program het so gegroei dat ons vandag as een van die leiers in landbou-opleiding in die land beskou word.

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Take note of these Nguni breedersBy Ailsa Uys

The UFS is proud to be partner in a project in the

Northern Cape that will eventually establish the biggest

Nguni cattle breeder in South Africa. In the project

upcoming farmers are “lent” top breeding stock. After

fi ve years in the project, they return as “payment in

kind” the same number of registered Nguni cattle to the


The Northern Cape IDC Nguni Cattle Development

Project is being received with enthusiasm and is

achieving great successes. An amount of R12 million

over fi ve years will be invested in this fl agship project.

The partnership is ideal, says Prof. HO de Waal,

UFS Project Manager. The Industrial Development

Corporation (IDC) is the funding partner, the Northern

Cape Department of Agriculture and Land Reform

(NCDALR) is the hosting institution in the Northern

Cape, we provide the project management and

communities in the Northern Cape are the benefi ciaries.

The approved farmers are provided with a

small registered Nguni herd and then get

intensive training. After the fi ve-year period

the offspring of the Nguni cattle becomes

the property of the farmer.

HO De Waal says: “An important objective

of the project, besides using the Nguni

cattle as a vehicle for a wide range of

training, is the development of people, the

lifting of living standards and expectations.”

Intense training is the backbone of the

project. Workshops are practical; solutions

to common problems are demonstrated

and discussed. A learning culture is being

demonstrated and it is paying off.

Farms in the project are spread out in

the Northern Cape. “Moving cattle is

expensive, so animals are being bought

from studs close to the farms. This benefi ts

farmers. Within a couple of years, the

project will be one of the biggest Nguni

stud breeders in the country, as although

each farmer is farming for himself, they

collectively fall under the protection of

the project for the fi rst fi ve years. Thereafter they are

on their own to become commercial farmers. It is our

aim to make people self-suffi cient, responsible and

independent Nguni breeders, says HO de Waal.

Participants speak of the success of the project:

Hendrick Faniso (56), a farmer from Warrenton, is

hoping that his children will take over. “We learn from

each other.” He appreciates the support he is getting.

Sharon Block, a 43-year old teacher, wants knowledge

to be passed onto their labourers, creating a ripple

effect in skills transfers.

Leaving the group of farmers, I understand that the

project is about people development; the respected

Nguni cattle breed is just the medium for development

and prosperity creation.

Dr Luis Schwalbach, vetenarian, explains

the vet kit at Vaalharts research station in

September 2008.



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Tick control seems to be a ticking bomb in South

Africa, with chemical tick control proving increasingly

ineffective as ticks become resistant to control

remedies. The Pesticide Resistance Testing Facility at

the UFS is one of only three laboratories in South Africa

that research the countrywide problem of tick control.

The testing facility is involved in detecting the extent

of tick resistance by using effi cacy testing of tick

collections from farms where problems arise due to

inadequate chemical control, to enable agents of

pharmaceutical companies to plan the most suitable

management strategy for tick control on a specifi c farm.

The facility is the only one of its kind in the county that

does both the testing and uses the results to identify

and initiate further research to address the countywide

problem of tick control. “At the testing facility we not

only deliver the service to confi rm resistance, but

also look at the complete problem regarding the

development and spreading of resistance and the

dangers it holds for food security in South Africa,” said

Ms Ellie van Dalen from the laboratory, which is part of

the Department of Zoology and Entomology.

Cattle ticks, through their direct feeding activity and

transmission of diseases such as gall sickness and

red water, can cause considerable commercial losses

to cattle farmers. Tick infestations can, however, be

restricted by the use of acaricides (active ingredient

of chemical control remedies) but the intensive use of

acaricides has led to the development of tick resistance

against it, causing chemical tick control to become

increasingly ineffective.

This has a further fi nancial impact on cattle farming due

to costs of remedies used but not able to control ticks,

cattle losses as result of tick transmitted diseases,

the costs of treating sick animals as well as costs to

implement the next remedy, which also might not be

working. The more than eighty remedies available

in South Africa for tick control all consist of one or a

combination of more than one out of three main groups

of acaricides, namely organophosphates, synthetic

pyrethroids and amidines, and the protection of these

acaricides against the development of tick resistance is

of utmost importance to prevent the catastrophic effect

tick resistance can have on the South African cattle-

farming and food-production industry. “Previously, tick

resistance was mostly addressed by changing over to a

new remedy,” said Ms van Dalen.

“We are also educating producers in making use of a

‘prevention rather than cure’ strategy by sending tick

collections to the facility for resistance profi ling before

tick resistance becomes a problem. This provides a

tool to select the appropriate insecticide management

strategy and to counteract the development of

resistance against an acaricide as soon as it is

detected,” she said.

Tick resistance can hamper food security in SABy Lacea Loader

Photos: H

annes Pieterse

Ms Ellie van Dalen from our university’s Pesticide Resistance Testing Facility busy with an adult emersion egg-laying test.

Christa du Rand and Octavia Motlogeloa conducting a larva-packet test to determine if ticks have a

resistence to an active ingredient. Both are M.Sc. students in Ectoparasitology. The larva-packet test is used especially when the facility must conduct tests for international companies as it is accepted by the

International Food and Agricultural Organisation.

resistance against an acaricide as soon as it is resistance against an acaricide as soon as it is

detected,” she said. detected,” she said.

Navorsing Research

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Forensiese Entomologie is ‘n skaars en interessante

vakrigting en ons is die enigste universiteit in Suid-

Afrika wat dit op grootskaal aanbied. Ons is ook in die

gelukkige posisie om prof. Theuns van der Linde – een

van die min forensiese entomoloë in die land – aan die

stuur van sake te hê. Met sy toegewydheid en passie vir

sy vakgebied dra hy by tot die skep van ‘n akademiese


Die enigste ander universiteit wat die kursus aanbied,

is Rhodes-universiteit, maar hier word meer op die

teoretiese aspekte van die rigting gekonsentreer.

By ons word die rigting slegs op nagraadse vlak

aangebied en is die kursusinhoud baie prakties.

Studente word blootgestel aan misdaadgevalle,

veediefstalle, sake waar voedselhigiëne ter sprake is en

hulle kry selfs geleentheid om misdaadtonele saam met

die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens te besoek.

Prof. Van der Linde is reeds 36 jaar verbonde aan die

UV. “Ek het 17 jaar gelede, nadat ek ‘n kongres oor

Forensiese Entomologie in Amerika bygewoon het,

besluit om in dié rigting te spesialiseer. Sedertdien was

ek by meer as 300 lykskouings betrokke waar ontbinde

lyke met insekte op ondersoek is om die tyd van dood

(of post-mortem interval) te probeer vasstel. Ek verkies

om die toneel te besoek saam met die polisie, voordat

ek die lykskouing bywoon. So het ek al ‘n aantal

moordsake help oplos,” het prof. Van der Linde gesê.

Sy regterhand is William Lesaoana, wat al vyf jaar saam

met hom werk. “William help studente met hul projekte

en eksperimente en hy teel ook vlieë, muskiete en

kakkerlakke in die insektarium. Hy identifi seer die vlieë

wat ons in eksperimente gebruik – hierdie proses het hy

self aangeleer. Hy is nou al so gekonfyt hiermee dat hy

genoegsame kennis het van sekere kenmerke op vlieë

en dit self kan identifi seer,” het ‘n trotse prof. Van der

Linde gesê.

William het ‘n Graad 12 en prof. Van der Linde het hom

na sy skoolloopbaan gehelp om as sekuriteitswag

opgelei te word. Kort daarna het prof. Van der Linde

se studente-assistent bedank en het hy ‘n aanbod aan

William gemaak om sy assistent te word. Vir William het

daar ‘n nuwe wêreld oopgegaan toe hy saam met prof.

Van der Linde begin werk het. “Ek het niks op skool

van Entomologie geleer nie en sal graag meer daarvan

wil weet. Ek sal ook graag eendag vir skoolkinders van

Entomologie wil leer,” het William gesê.

Omdat Entomologie so ‘n spesialisveld is, is daar net

‘n handjievol nagraadse studente wat saam met prof.

Van der Linde navorsing doen. “Ons fokus veral op

die ontbindingstempo van lyke in veldtoestande en in

ander omstandighede en op die suksessie waarmee

insekte ‘n lyk koloniseer. Dis gewoonlik brommers

wat ‘n lyk eerste beset, soms binne minute nadat die

persoon gesterf het,” het hy gesê.

Studente in dié vakrigting kan in verskeie rigtings

spesialiseer. Van die navorsing wat reeds gedoen is

of in die proses is om afgehandel te word, is onder

meer inseksuksessie en die ontbinding van die

liggaam, die verbranding van ‘n liggaam en die effek

daarvan op inseksuksessie, die effek van bedekking

op inseksuksessie en die ontbinding van ‘n liggaam,

entomo-toksikologie (waar insekte gebruik word om te

bepaal of daar gifstowwe soos ‘n oordosis medikasie

in lyke is).

Ander navorsing wat ook gedoen is, is byvoorbeeld

om te bepaal waar ‘n koeël ‘n lyk binnegedring het.

Wanneer ‘n lyk die aktiewe ontbindingsfase bereik het,

sal dit moeilik wees vir ‘n patoloog om ‘n koeëlwond op

die lyk te identifi seer. Die brommerlarwes vreet aan die

ontbinde weefsel rondom en in die wond en neem dan

van die buskruitresidu in. In hierdie geval kan bepaal

word of buskruitresidu in die larwes wat op/in die lyk

gevind, voorkom, en dus ‘n aanduiding gee of die

slagoffer geskiet is.

Ons eie ‘CSI’-manDeur Lacea Loader

Nadat jy hierdie artikel gelees het, gaan jy heeltemal anders oor goggas en insekte dink. In plaas daarvan dat hulle wonderlike skeppings is wat hul spesifi eke rolle in die natuur vervul, gaan jy dink soos ‘n lid van die CSI-span op televisie wat die oorsake van onnatuurlike sterftes ondersoek en bepaal.

Fotos: Hannes P


Prof. Theuns van der Linde met ‘n paar opgespelte skoenlappers.

Die kokkerot in William se hand is die sg.

“Hissing co*ckroach”, ook bekend as die

Madagaskar-kokkerot. Sommige mense hou

hulle as troeteldiere aan. Die wyfie is lewendbarend of

vivipaar. Die genus- en spesienaam is Gromphadorhina


Navorsing Research

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Prof. Rita-Marié Jansen awaits me at her office door.

She is feminine, graceful and sincerely polite. Her

smile is permanent and her eyes radiate a soft glow.

Out of the window fly my Law & Order ideas of power

dressing, staccato sentences and a quick step.

Rita-Marié’s CV surpasses all superficial superiority

gestures. When she speaks, everyone listens, because

they want to; not because they should.

“If I can give one person a painless death, I have

done enough,” Rita-Marié explains as she starts the


Prof. Rita-Marié Jansen started her journey at the UFS

some 40 years ago as a first-year B.Soc.Sc. (Nursing)

student. She completed her honours degree and

started working at the Department of Nursing at Kovsie

Campus. During those years she married Willem, gave

birth to two girls, and completed a B.Iuris degree cum

laude. Intensifying my wordless wonder, Rita-Marié

explains: “My husband wanted to study L.Law, and

I decided to join him. It would make it a lot easier for

both of us, I thought. So I discontinued my master’s

studies in nursing and prepared for law … and my first-

born! I was such a sight, comfortably ensconced in a

first-year class with my budding belly and my husband

beside me.”

Rita-Marié’s daughter turned out to be a wonderful

baby and she managed to juggle work, studies and

motherhood. At the end of their third year, they were

expecting their second child. “I was eight months

pregnant when I sat through six three-hour papers,”

Rita-Marié only laughs when recalling that time.

“I stayed at home for two years after our second

daughter’s birth. She cried non-stop and I couldn’t

cope with everything on top of her demands.”

After two years of being a stay-at-home-mom, Rita-

Marié returned to Kovsies to complete an LL.B. This

time, however, she was alone. Her husband pursued

another career, but law was already in her blood. In

1989 she was appointed as a lecturer at the Faculty of

Law, and has been there ever since, lecturing in Private


Rita-Marié is an expert in Medical Law, Law of

Delict and Customary Law. She has delivered a

number of papers at both national and international

conferences, has authored a number of accredited

research publications and chapters in textbooks. She

successfully completed her LL.D dissertation: Legal

liability resulting from medication errors, in 2007.

Rita-Marié explored a field of study that, according

to her, still needs much investigation. Worldwide

the prescription, dispensing and administering of

medication comprise the most common form of

medical treatment. The number of medication errors

made in a medical care institution is regarded as a

good barometer of the general standard of care in that

institution. The number of medication errors that come

to light, however, is only the tip of the iceberg because,

compared to botched surgery, it can easily be swept

under the carpet. Research also indicates that the

prescription of medication as form of treatment is not

regarded as the high-risk activity that it really is.

“The research offers a comprehensive source regarding

medication errors seen from a legal perspective.

The extent and occurrence of medication errors

(prescription, dispensing and administration errors) are

discussed with the aim to also bring it to the attention

of both lawyers and health-care workers. Doctors,

pharmacists and nurses often experience uncertainty

about their legal position and how to deal with

problematic situations.”

In her study, Rita-Marié discusses specific problematic

areas, including the more important legislation with

regard to medication treatment, as well as the off-

label use of medication, i.e. the use of medication for

conditions (or in dosages) other than that for which it

is registered at the Medicine Control Council (MCC).

Although the off-label use of medication is regarded

as sound medical practice, an adverse outcome may

involve legal complications.

“Doctors find different uses for medication almost on

a daily basis and the registration process at the MCC

simply cannot keep up. It is estimated that as much as

60% of prescriptions in the USA are for off-label uses.”

Rita-Marié also investigates the problems surrounding

the administration of pain medication and especially

the failure to give sufficient pain medication – one of

the most prevalent forms of medication errors. “Owing

to a fear of prosecution and in an attempt to avoid an

arduous inquisition, doctors generally give too low

a dosage of painkillers. Unfortunately there are no

on-line answers to these matters. The only solution is

information. Informed medical and legal practitioners

and – importantly – informed patients. Patients need to

start asking questions.”

Rita-Marié concludes, “I am committed to making

a difference in the lives of both the patients and the

medical practitioners.”

Taking your own medicine may be a bitter pill to swallowBy Cindé Mostert

When faced with surgery, many people seek a second and sometimes even third opinion. Medication, however, is often taking blindly, putting at risk not only the patient, but also the doctor prescribing and the pharmacist dispensing. At the core of this complex problem, health and legal issues tiptoe around each other. However, one legal expert was bold enough to let them meet among the pages of her LL.D.

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The Department of Chemistry has shown a fi ve-fold

growth in its research output in the past three years.

This again generated income for the department in

terms of the government’s subsidy on publications. A

large contributing factor to the department’s success

is Sasol’s support, which contributes to our university’s

pursuit of excellence.

Although Sasol’s involvement stretches over the past 57

years, the company’s involvement with the Department

of Chemistry started in a more pro-active way in 2006

when the company indicated that it is concerned

about the deterioration of the practicing of science

at South African universities, and Sasol announced a

countrywide university support programme to the value

of R25 million per year for a period of ten years.

The programme was aimed at enhancing expertise in

areas of chemistry that are of interest to Sasol at

universities where some expertise in those

fi elds already existed. “The program

was an effort to strengthen pockets

of already existing excellence,”

said Prof. Ben Bezuidenhoudt,

Sasol seconded chair in

Organic Chemistry

in the department for a period of fi ve years. At the

UFS Sasol selected Inorganic and Organic Chemistry

because of the expertise of Prof. André Roodt, head of

the department and B evaluated researcher in Inorganic


An appropriation of R3 million per year for process

technology and to further develop research capacity

in Chemistry was awarded to the department.

Many people were involved with the negotiations

surrounding this grant, but one person at Sasol

particularly stands out in this regard: Dr Des Young,

former lecturer in Organic Chemistry at the UFS, and

now senior manager at Sasol’s Technology Research

and Development. This generous donation laid the

foundation for a unique relationship with Sasol. Not only

was fi nancial support received, but a staff member of

Sasol was seconded to our university for fi ve years.

Sasol also provides postgraduate bursaries, of which

we have six at the moment. Ten other postgraduate

students are also

conducting their


There is chemistry between Sasol and the UFS By Lacea Loader

on Sasol related problems

and processes. This research

contributed towards the

publication of more than 50

research papers in international

journals by the department

on average the past three

years. The department is also

conducting contract research

for the company on specifi c

problems in the industry. In

the Chemistry building that

is in the process of being

upgraded, laboratories are

furnished specifi cally to comply

with Sasol’s and international

research and safety standards.

Sasol also decided to invest in

the improvement of Physical

Chemistry country-wide.

Sasol, the National Research

Foundation, the Department

of Science and Technology,

Prof. Jannie Swarts and

Head of Physical Chemistry,

Prof. Hendrik Swart of the

Department of Physics of

our university joined forces

to negotiate more than R25

million to create a surface

characterisation laboratory with

the best measuring capabilities

in Africa.

“The total investment in equipment (about R40

million) and upgrading of the Chemistry building

(more than R50 million) illustrates the intent of UFS

top management and the Chemistry department,

augmented by Sasol, to provide an equipped research

facility that can compete internationally,” said Prof.

André Roodt, head of the department.

Nicolene Cloete (left), Ph.D. student

in Inorganic Chemistry and

Nicola Barnard, Ph.D. student in

Physical Chemistry. Both are Sasol

bursary holders.


areas of chemistry that are of interest to Sasol at

universities where some expertise in those

fi elds already existed. “The program

was an effort to strengthen pockets

of already existing excellence,”

said Prof. Ben Bezuidenhoudt,

Sasol seconded chair in

Organic Chemistry

Sasol was seconded to our university for fi ve years.

Sasol also provides postgraduate bursaries, of which

we have six at the moment. Ten other postgraduate

students are also

conducting their


André Roodt, head of the department.

From the left are: Prof. Jannie Swarts, Head of the Physical Chemistry Section, Prof. André Roodt, head of the Department of Chemistry, and Prof. Ben Bezuidenhoudt, Sasol seconded chair in Organic Chemistry in the department.

Cyril Young, M.Sc. student in Inorganic Chemistry, and Duduetsang Saku, Ph.D. student in Process Chemistry. Both are Sasol bursary holders.

Photos: H

annes Pieterse

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The University of the Free State the School of

Management, now ten years old, is proud to present

a programme called Creating leadership and personal

capacity in women*, which was developed by thinking

fusion on request of Danie Jacobs of the Centre for

Business Dynamics. They also developed Leadership

in the connection economy, as well as Leading: A

programme for executives. All three programmes are

registered on NQF Level 6 with a value of 42 credits

that are recognised for the B. Degree in Business

Leadership offered at Kovsies, or any other relevant

qualification at other tertiary institutions.

Danie requested Dr René Uys and Harry van der Merwe

of thinking fusion, to write a programme that not only

aids women (managers) to develop fully as leaders,

but a programme that also adapts the leadership

culture of the organisation to meet the demands

of the connection economy. “René and Harry wrote

phenomenal programmes,” Danie explains, barely able

to contain his enthusiasm.

“One must realise,” they say, “that these are

programmes for people in management positions.

And more specifically, it is leadership programmes.

Leadership involves behaviour, which needs to be

acquired. Accordingly, the programme is presented for

16 days spread over a period of seven months. People

actually have the opportunity to practise and apply what

they have learnt.”

René is of the opinion that organisations take a major

decision when they choose to present one of the

programmes. Not only in financial terms, but also

because the newly learnt skills of the leaders, will most

certainly have an impact on the existing leadership

culture of the organisation. “A positive impact, certainly!

But change is inevitable.” Large organisations like

Sasol, FNB, Momentum, FET Colleges, Vodacom,

Kumba Iron Ore, SA Post Office, Free State Department

of Education and Sita have to date realised the value of

these programmes.

René explains, “The philosophy behind the programmes

is to develop the individual as well as the organisation.

That’s why we work with groups of 20-30 from one

organisation. We also apply the specific organisation’s

values, culture and strategy instead of case studies to

optimise learning and applicability.” “We want to make

a change in our own country. We want to empower

people to cope with and master their circ*mstances.”

According to Danie, these programmes were the first

of its kind in South Africa and have given Kovsies a

national footprint. Suddenly the business sector realises

that we have a great deal to offer.” Th

e le


g ed



Many a formidable woman has graced, and continues to grace, our planet. Women like Charlotte Maxeke, the first black woman in South Africa to obtain a degree. Mary Fitzgerald, the first woman on the City Council of Johannesburg. Miriam Makeba. Helen Suzman. Your granny. My mom. Ladies we call our best friends. Everyone leaves a legacy. Sisterhood is alive and well, and at Kovsies they are empowering women. Appreciating them. Developing their potential. By Cindé Mostert. fusion

*Programme image

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Klas van 1980 wys landbou hoe

Agttien jaar nadat hulle saam in die eerstejaar-

chemieklas gesit het, het Maryke Labuschagne en

Alfonso Visser verlede jaar met die toppryse van

die Landbouskrywersvereniging weggestap. Die

Landbouskrywers SA, Ou Mutual, Mutual & Federal

en Nedbank maak jaarliks toekennings aan top- Suid-

Afrikaanse boere en landboukundiges.

Prof. Maryke Labuschagne, is as Suid-Afrika se

Landboukundige van die jaar bekroon, terwyl mnr.

Alfonso Visser, ’n boer van Hartswater, die SA Boer

van die Jaar is. Hy het die grade B.Sc.Agric. (1986) en

B.Sc.Agric. Hons. (1987) aan die universiteit behaal en

in 2004 ook hier ’n kursus in finansiële beplanning en

bestuur (landbou) bygewoon. Prof. Labuschagne en

mnr. Visser het gedurende die 1980’s saam eerstejaar-

chemieklasse bygewoon.

Albei is deur mnr. Charl van Rooyen, ook ’n oud-

Kovsie wat verlede jaar sy magister in Volhoubare

Landbou aan die UV behaal het, benoem. Hy is

assistent-redakteur van Landbouweekblad in Pretoria,

sekretaris van Landbouskrywers SA en uitvoerende

bestuurslid van die Internasionale Federasie van

Landboujoernaliste. – Bydrae deur Charl van


Maryke excels in the genetic improvement of cropsBy Lacea Loader

Last year was probably one of the best years in the career of Prof. Maryke Labuschagne, head of the division Plant Breeding at our university. Not only did she win three national awards for her research, but she also obtained over R1 million in research funding from local and overseas funders. She is one of the leading researchers in her field in the country.

The focus of her research team is the improvement of crop quality in South Africa and Africa, specifically in wheat, cassava, sweet potato, cocoyam and maize. “Half of my students are conducting research on cassava because it is the second most important staple food in Sub-Saharan Africa,” Prof. Labuschagne said.

In 2008 she received the National Science and Technology Forum Award for research capacity building in the last five to ten years that resulted from the training, under her supervision, of a large number of especially black post-graduate students from South Africa and Africa.

She was winner of the Cereal Science and Technology, South Africa, prize for research and development and

received prize money and an award. And, at the end of 2008 the Agricultural Writers’ Association of South Africa also elected her as National Agriculturist of the Year 2008. She received this award for her research on gluten protein in wheat that was conducted with scientists from Sweden and Hungary.

Prof. Labuschagne’s achievements are proof that teaching and research are of an exceptional high standard at our university. “To be recognised for this research is a great honour and privilege – it also provided exposure to my field of study,” she said. Although she has done research with several universities overseas, her focus is now on Africa because there is such an opportunity for research on the continent.

“My research team focuses on the genetic improvement of crops that can provide better nutrition to people. This can also help small-scale farmers of Africa,” she said.

Her passion is her students. “I am supervisor to twelve Ph.D. and seven master’s students. Most of them

are part-time and are from countries such as Kenia, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Ghana, Malawi, Ethiopia and Namibia,” said Prof. Labuschagne.

Her division has excellent networks with large institutions such as CIMMYT, the international maize and wheat centre based in Kenya and Zimbabwe, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) based in Nigeria, Malawi and Kenya and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), based in Kenya. Most of the students are also funded by these companies. Being their mentor, Prof. Labuschagne visits them regularly to look at their field experiments.

She works with the South African Agricultural Research

Council (ARC) and collaborates with them to train

plant breeders. Other cooperative agreements include

research on cassava with the International Centre for

Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) in Colombia and funded by

the Rockefeller Foundation. Some of her students from

Africa do their practical training at CIAT.

She is has a C grading from the National Research

Foundation and has published almost a hundred

scientific publications, delivered about fifty papers

at national conferences and more than forty at

international conferences.








Prof. Maryke Labuschagne en mnr. Alfonso Visser (links) met hul toekennings. Saam met hulle is mnr. Marlon de Jager van Aberdeen wat as Opkomende Boer van die Jaar aangewys is.Heel regs is Mnr. Charl van Rooyen van Landbouweekblad.

Personeel Staff

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Gretha wen veld met meditasie en visualisasie in die kerkDeur Cindé Mostert

Met ‘n sagte stem en ‘n rustige kyk in haar oë, begin ds.

Gretha Heymans, deesdae leraar by Kovsiekerk, haar

storie vertel.

Gretha het in 1980 vir B.A. Admissie ingeskryf. Uit die

tagtig eerstejaars was sy die enigste vrou en ‘n paar

jaar later die eerste vrou wat aan die Fakulteit Teologie

gegradueer het. Wat ‘n blye dag moes wees, het vir

Gretha ‘n bitter smaak gekry. “Daardie aand het ek seker

die meeste gehuil oor hierdie hele teologie-ding.” As

vrou was daar nêrens in die kerk vir haar ‘n plek nie – nie

as diaken, ouderling of predikant nie.

Gretha het geweier dat dit haar onderkry. Sy het by die

verpleegsterskoshuis Idahlia as kerklike werkster begin

werk. “Ek het alles gedoen wat ‘n predikant sou, en

soms in die hospitaal se kapel gepreek.” In 1990 het

die sinode besluit om wel vroue tot ampte in die kerk

toe te laat en Gretha is gelegitimeer. Maar eers vier jaar

later, sou die kerkdeure vir ds. Heymans oopswaai. Sy

is beroep in die NG gemeente van die Kovsiekerk. En

skielik het haar drome waar geword.

“Ek het altyd geroepe gevoel om ‘n dominee te word.

Aanvanklik was my ouers skepties daaroor. Maar toe

hulle besef dat ek ernstig is, het hulle my ten volle

ondersteun. Ek het altyd geweet dat as ek kan preek

en met jongmense kan werk, ek volkome gelukkig sal


Met dieselfde sekerheid en entoesiasme het Gretha

haar verhandeling oor meditasie en visualisasie as

terapie aangepak. “Ek wou graag meditasie gebruik

om mense te laat ontspan. En dan ‘n Christelike brug

na visualisasie te bou om uiteindelik met visualisasie

die terapie te doen. So die terapie gebeur binne

die visualisasiekonteks... Ek is baie verras deur die

resultate. Dis ongelooflik kragtig.”

Gretha het geweet dat sy teenkanting sou kry. Daarom

het sy baie navorsing gaan doen om die Christelike kant

van meditasie te ontbloot en dit so van die Oosterse

idee te onderskei. Gretha se standpunt is dat jy alleen

deur Jesus Christus verlos kan word.

Sy is oortuig dat daar veral in die Ou Testament

gedeeltes is wat verwys na meditasie. Veral waar

gepraat word van oordink en nadink. “Wanneer mens na

die kerkvaders gaan kyk is meditasie eintlik ‘n oeroue

begrip. Dit is glad nie so ‘n vreemde ding nie.”

Gretha sê: “Wat meeste mense die bangste maak, is dat

hulle dink dit ‘n tipe hipnose is en jy nie beheer gaan hê

oor wat jy doen nie. Dit is glad nie die geval nie.

“Daar is al bepaal dat emosionele trauma in die

primitiewe brein gestoor word. Hierdie brein beskerm jou

ook. As jy byvoorbeeld ‘n leeu sien, word jy voorberei vir

‘n veg-of-vlug reaksie. In die proses onttrek die liggaam

bloed om aan die spiere te voorsien vir ekstra krag. Na

so twinig minute keer die liggaam terug na normaal

omdat die gevaar dan verby behoort te wees. Vandag

loop ons ons nie meer in leeus vas nie, maar daar is

ander dinge wat vir ons soos ‘leeus’ is. Verkeersknope.

Werksdruk. Die sleg van vandag se ‘leeus’ is dat die

veg-en-vlug reaksie nooit regtig verby is nie. Ons is nie

meer na 20 minute weer veilig nie. Die leeus is té veel.

Dis dan wanneer depressie, hoë bloeddruk, spastiese

kolon en so meer ontstaan. Die liggaam keer net nooit

weer terug na normaal nie.

“Uit ‘n visualisasie-oogpunt moet negatiewe beelde

met positiewe beelde vervang word. Dit is waar geloof

inkom. Baie vroeg in ‘n kind se lewe moet daar uiters

positiewe beelde vasgevang word. Ouers wat voor

kinders baklei, hou dus beslis ‘n risiko in. Ons kinders

moet mooi en opbouende goed sien.”

Om eendag ‘n goeie werk te hê, is meestal die dryfveer agter elkeen wat by ‘n universiteit inskryf, maar vir Gretha Heymans was dit ‘n hartsbesluit. Die dag toe sy by ons ingeskryf het as teologiestudent het sy baie goed geweet: vroueleraars in die NG Kerk is taboe. Sy het nie alleen predikant geword nie, maar wen ook veld met Christelike meditasie en visualisasie.

“Ons word so gekondisioneer om op ons logiese denke staat te maak dat dit ons kreatiewe denke heeltemal onderdruk.”

Personeel Staff

Gretha Heymans.

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“I was no child in particular. My one sister was the

eldest child and the other the youngest daughter.

My one brother was the eldest son and the other the

youngest child. I was in the middle… without title! My

father and I were very close, something unfamiliar in

our culture. I was a tomboy. Not a lady. Till today I don’t

where make-up.”

Letticia went to primary school in Ga-Rankuwa. Always

a star. Always a late riser. “I overslept many times. You

should think that the activities of six other people in a

small house would wake me… but I only woke up when

everything was quiet! Then I had to run to get to school

before the teacher.”

When Letticia talks of her childhood her enthusiasm

invites you on the journey with her. The family’s

favourite excursion was to the airport. “Strange? But the

excitement was unbelievable. We would have looked

at the aeroplanes, not knowing what was really going

on. We would see people getting into the ‘thing’, going

away, and getting back!”

Letticia explains that they were a fairly middle-class

family, by the standards then. “My mother was a

teacher and my father a senior clerk in a big factory. We

didn’t have luxuries, but also never went hungry. Every

child had an opportunity to get new shoes. I remember

clearly that it was my turn shortly before one winter. At

school we played, it got warm and I took my shoes off.

And I forgot it at school… and that was it. I couldn’t get

shoes again. So, I had to go to school barefoot in the

frost that winter!”

“It taught me discipline. Things were easy those days.

You knew what was important: you had to get to school

before the teacher. With or without shoes. Whether you

overslept or not. Today’s children are different…”

In 1976 Letticia was sent to Thaba Nchu to complete

her high school. The High School Moroka was then the

best Tswana school and Letticia a brilliant scholar. It

was the logical choice. There was a bell for every thing.

“Up to matric other people mainly decided what I had

to do and when to do it… and then I went to university.”

Letticia enrolled for medical studies at the “black

section” of the University of Natal. It was the only

medical school that allowed black students. “Now you

land at university. As first-year and as prey for senior

students. With no-one to watch over you shoulder.

Whether you attend classes or not. Whether you pass

or not, it doesn’t worry anyone. You can go to a movie

every night and stay out late if you like… and there I

failed my first year.”

That was a heavy blow for Letticia. To make things

worse her dear father died in her first year. “I don’t

want to blame other things for my mistakes, but it was

terrible. Only a year later, my mother died. Oh, those

two were so in love. Her health just deteriorated. But,

yes. I went back for my second first year at university.

I decided that failing will never be an option again. In

1981 Letticia got her degree: “I came out triumphant!”

After her mother’s death her aunt cared for her brother

and sister, but she couldn’t do it for ever. It was time for

Letticia to go home, and so she landed at Medunsa. In

1990 she specialised and qualified in Obstetrics and

Gynaecology and from 1997 to 2002 she was the head

of the gynaecological oncology unit at the Ga-Rankula

Hospital in Pretoria. “It was wonderful. My work was

exciting. Every procedure a challenge. I was good in

what I was doing… then the UFS asked me to apply

for the vice-dean’s position in the Faculty of Health

Sciences. A managerial position. I considered it for a

long time and decided to take on the challenge!”

So Letticia and her two daughters arrived in the Free

State in 2002. In 2003 she became the dean of the

faculty. Since then Prof. Moja completed her MBA and

is as comfortable in a manager’s chair as she is in an

operating theatre. She recently completed building

a new house at Hartebeespoort Dam and made the

curtains herself. She is also an honorary game ranger

of San Parks and can even escort tourists. “It is

wonderful to sleep in a tent and to wonder around in

nature. Somewhere close to a water stream.”

Letticia’s vitality is just as overwhelming as her

achievements. She is not only someone to learn from,

but also someone you enjoy talking to. Without fuzz.

As she has grown up. She knows what is important, as

she has learnt. Definitely someone every Kovsie can be

proud of.

Letticia Moja folds her fine hands around a steaming cup of coffee before she starts her story. There where she grew up as one of five children in a four-room house. There are memories and a deep gratefulness for her forming years in Pretoria. There she learned about discipline and respect. And staying-power. She is appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Health Science for a further five years. Cindé Mostert talked with her.

Personeel Staff

Letticia at home in the theatre and the veld

Prof. Letticia Moja.

Foto: Stephen C


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Francois Tolmie: die man agter die titelDeur Cindé Mostert

Ons ontmoet by ‘n rustige koffiewinkel, weg van die

akademiese struktuur. Ek is effens vroeg en benoud.

Prof. Tolmie is ‘n man van statuur. Maar vandag wil ek

weet van sy drome, vrese en plesier. Hy groet vriendelik

en glimlag gul. Ek is onmiddellik op my gemak.

Francois, sou ek later leer, is ‘n man met ‘n hart wat

warm klop vir dit wat hy doen. Tog, sonder om gewone

sterflinge te vervreem.

Na sy studies by Kovsies het hy sy weermagopleiding

op Walvisbaai gedoen en hier het die plaaslike

gemeente hom in 1989 beroep. ‘n Jaar later het die

akademie geroep. Francois is by Kovsies se Fakulteit

Teologie aangestel en daar het hy diep spore begin

trap by die Nuwe Testament-departement – van senior

lektor tot dekaan. Hy het in St.6 al geweet het hy wil ‘n

dominee word.

“Ons is vier broers. Ek is die oudste en my tweede

oudste broer is ‘n mediese dokter in Kanada. Die

jongste is ‘n tweeling: een is by die UV, ‘n ander ‘n

bedryfsielkundige in Pretoria. In ‘n stadium was ons al

vier gelyk op universiteit!” In my gedagtes klop ek die

ouerpaar van dié vier op die skouer. Maklik, was dit

verseker nie.

Francois het sy vrou, Ansa, by Kovsies ontmoet. Hulle

is getroud terwyl hy nog geswot het. Sy was lank ‘n

onderwyseres en is pas klaar met ‘n meestersgraad

oor disleksie. “My oudste dogter, Carmien, swot

mikrobiologie. My seun, Francois, is in Gr.11 en die

laatlam, Mialise, is in Gr. 5.”

Hoe maak jy jou religieuse kennis deel van jou

lewe? In my geval is dit redelik maklik. Ek werk met

die Nuwe Testament. Dis baie nader aan ons lewe

vandag. Ek werk meestal met Paulus se boeke en ek

dink dat ons deesdae baie dinge soos hy ervaar. Die

Christendom was ‘n klein groepie en nie regtig in tel

nie. Baie soos in Suid-Afrika vandag. Ons geloof is al

hoe minder in tel. Dis byvoorbeeld uit die staatsdiens

en skole uit.

Is dit sleg of goed? Die goeie daaraan is dat as jy

vandag kies om ‘n Christen te wees is dit omdat jy

regtig wil. Vroeër was dit dalk vir jou voordelig om aan

‘n kerk te behoort. Wanneer jy byvoorbeeld aansoek

gedoen het vir ‘n werk, is jy gevra aan watter kerk jy

behoort. Die Christendom word dalk kleiner, maar ek

dink meer opreg.

Is daar ‘n kommunikasiegaping tussen die

akademie en die man op straat? Ek probeer my

boodskap skei. Daar is basies drie groepe met wie

ek kommunikeer. Die akademici, die kerk en die

populêre mark. Met elkeen praat ek op ‘n ander vlak.

Die akademici is my kleinste gehoor. Wanneer ek met

die kerk praat, is dit wanneer ek preek. Die populêre

mark is enigeen wat een van my boeke optel en lees.

Cum Boeke het byvoorbeeld onlangs ‘n boek van my

en Jan van der Watt uitgegee oor die Apokriewe boeke

(godsdienstige boeke wat nie in die Bybel opgeneem is

nie) wat ons in eenvoudige Afrikaans vertaal het.

Hoe beleef jy ander preke, veral uit boeke wat jy al

bestudeer het? Omdat ek self ‘n dominee was, het

ek eintlik simpatie met die predikante. Ek bestee jare

daaraan om iets te bestudeer. En hulle het soms so min

as een week. Ek moes ook al uit Ou Testament-boeke

preek wat ek nie so goed ken nie!

En as jy nie saamstem met wat hulle sê nie? Soms

sal ek dink iets wat hulle sê is nie so nie... maar dan

los ek dit maar! Baie keer is dit ook dat ‘n teks net op

‘n ander manier verstaan word. Dit het al gebeur dat

ek ’n nuwe interpretasie vir die eerste keer hoor, en dit

interessant vind.

Wat is op die ou einde reg? ‘n Teks laat gewoonlik

ruimte vir verskillende interpretasies. Dit hang af van

jou behoefte op ‘n gegewe oomblik. Dit is soos om na

‘n huis te kyk. Die ou wat voor die huis staan sien ‘n

ander prentjie as die ou aan die agterkant. Maar dit bly

dieselfde huis. Hulle is net op verskillende plekke. Soos

wat ons in verskillende plekke van ons lewens is.

Is daar ‘n finale waarheid? Daar is sekere goed wat

vas staan. Soos dat daar ‘n God bestaan wat ons lief het

en vir Jesus gestuur het. Maar om tekste verskillend te

interpreteer is ‘n goeie ding. Dit lei daartoe dat ons met

mekaar praat. Sodoende verstaan ons dinge uiteindelik


Is dit goed om te weet dat sekere teorieë nie

verkeerd bewys kan word nie? Ons beoefen teologie

as ‘n wetenskap. So dit moet wetenskaplik sin maak.

Ons gebruik teorieë wat ook geld in enige ander

geesteswetenskaplike vakgebied. Maar agter dit sit ‘n

stuk geloofsoortuiging. Daar is dus ‘n fondasie waarna

ons kan terugkeer. Daar is ‘n God.

Hoe integreer jy wetenskap en ‘n ‘geestelike oomblik

van verdieping’? My werk as akademikus en as

predikant is baie nou verweef. Wanneer ek ‘n akademiese

artikel skryf, moet ek my spiritualiteit tegnies verwoord

en formuleer – maar dit is verseker nog daar. Dis net dat

enige persoon wat dit lees, al glo hulle nie, moet kan

sê die argumente is goed. Wanneer ek preek, is dit vir

mense wat reeds glo. Dan is daar ‘n bietjie meer hart.

Wat is ons samelewing se grootste probleem?

Waardesisteme. Verkeerde waardesisteme skep die

illusie dat dinge belangrik is wat geen waarde het nie.

As jy ‘n goeie verhouding met God het, kom dit reg. Nie

eensklaps nie. Maar met tyd. Die kerk doen baie moeite in

dié verband. Werk wat nie altyd in die media verskyn nie.

Wat is die Christendom se toekoms in ons land? Die

amptelike gesig sal dalk kleiner en kleiner word. Maar

die kerke groei. In opregtheid. Die behoefte aan God

gaan nie minder word nie. Inteendeel, ek dink dit gaan

meer word. Maar op ‘n ander manier. Daar is al hoe meer

mense wat laat in hulle lewe teologie begin bestudeer as

‘n tweede loopbaan, of net vir hulleself. Daar is beslis ‘n


En met prof. Francois Tolmie as dekaan, is die toekoms

van die teologie-fakulteit blink.

Prof. Francois Tolmie is bekend in teologie-kringe. Dis ook hy wat aan die begin van 2009 die leisels by Fakulteit Teologie as dekaan oorgeneem het. Aan publikasies en akademiese sukses is by hom geen tekort nie. Maar wie is die man agter die nuwe hande aan die stuur?


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Johan Meyer praises the beauty of mathsBy Margaret Linström

This passion he lives out by devoting much of his

free time to the drawing up of question papers for

mathematical olympiads and to the training of learners

in preparation for these events. He says that the work

he does for the various olympiads is “almost like a

hobby. I see the olympiads as a type of community

involvement. I do it for the love of the subject and for

the promotion of mathematics. Right through your life

you collect mathematical problems, and you jot them

down. Then for the olympiads everybody brings their

stash of problems. We discuss them, and try to solve

them. That is part of why I do it.”

Prof. Meyer is involved in mathematical olympiads from

the highest level right down to provincial level. Right

at the top of the pile is the International Mathematical

Olympiad (IMO), for which he is the South African

representative. The IMO is the world championship for

high school learners and it is held in a different country

every year. The first IMO was held in Romania in 1959,

with only seven countries participating, and since then it

has grown to over 90 countries on five continents.

Prof. Meyer explains that “learners, who have been

chosen to take part in the IMO, have to undergo intense

training beforehand as the mathematical problems,

which need to be solved at that level, are extremely


Another olympiad which Prof. Meyer devotes time and

energy to is the Pan African Mathematics Olympiad

(PAMO). PAMO is held in a different African country

once a year, and this year Pretoria will host it. Prof.

Meyer’s involvement in PAMO is on the Problems’

Committee, and he is primarily involved with the

drawing up and moderating of question papers.

The South African Mathematics Olympiad (SAMO)

also utilizes Prof. Meyer’s vast expertise. This premier

mathematics competition is almost as old as the

International Mathematical Olympiad. It is a three

round competition which is presented at both junior

and senior level. The first round attracts some 50 000

entries from all over the country. The paper consists of

multiple-choice questions, and mathematics teachers

at the different schools mark the papers themselves.

Learners need to get 50% to progress to the second

round, and only 100 are selected for the third round.

It’s for this third round which Prof. Meyer serves on the

committee which sets up the senior question paper.

The ten best achievers win medals and according to

Prof. Meyer the prize-giving ceremony is “a big event” for

those who make the final grade.

At provincial level there are other mathematics

competitions, which the professor says is “like the Currie

Cup between the provinces”. There are 16 regions

countrywide, and the Free State has been showing its

mettle at junior and senior level because of the excellent

training programmes available to learners. One of these

programmes with which Prof. Meyer is actively involved

is the Nautilus Mathematics Project, an initiative which he

describes as exciting.

Learners are taught techniques and problem solving at

the Nautilus workshops which are held four times a year.

Prof. Meyer’s involvement is with the Grade 11 and 12


But is mathematics a subject where you ever know

it all? Prof. Meyer smiles when he answers that “a

mathematician never stops learning. The more you know,

the more there is you do not know. It’s like a circle with

an outer edge – the bigger the circle, the bigger the outer

edge, and the edge is what you don’t know. That makes

it so exciting – to continually make new discoveries.”

The commitment of Prof. Johan Meyer of our Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics to his subject is plain to see, but it’s when he speaks about “the beauty of a mathematical problem” that you realise that it’s more than mere commitment, this is passion speaking.

Photo: H

annes Pieterse

Prof. Johan Meyer.


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Rentworks, an equipment-rental company, donated

R245 000 towards the Beds of Hope Project to supply

much needed beds to the intensive-care units of the

Universitas and Pelonomi Hospitals in Bloemfontein.

Glenn Goodall, CEO of Rentworks, says supporting

initiatives of this nature is essential to ensure that

sickly premature babies and children receive the best

possible care and equipment available. The neonatal

and paediatric sections of the hospitals will benefit from

the donation.

Prof. André Venter, head of paediatrics and child health

at the Faculty of Health Sciences at our university,

says his department, which operates from Universitas

and Pelonomi Hospitals, cares for nearly one million

children a year from the Free State and Northern Cape

and some children from North West, Eastern Cape

and Lesotho. These hospitals function with outdated

equipment sorely in need of being repaired, replaced

and/or updated. Beds of Hope was launched to

address their concern for both patients and tertiary

training. A further R15 million is needed. One ICU bed

with monitoring and ventilation apparatus costs about

R850 000. They hope to buy sixteen beds to address

and rectify this situation.

Mr Goodall says: “We are delighted to be able to

contribute to the success of a cause that is literally

saving the lives of South Africa’s children.”

Up to ten babies are turned away from the Universitas

Hospital each month due to a lack of beds, and they

can die as a result.

Beds of Hope gets a major injection

At one of the patients, are, from the left:

Prof. Stephen Brown (Department of

Paediatrics and Child Health, Faculty of Health Sciences), Ms Laura Grobler

(Accounts Executive, Rentworks) and

Mr Thulani Vilakaz (Managing Executive,


Reik uit en vat die klein handjie…Deur Leatitia Pienaar

“Ons kan nie net op die staat vir ‘n subsidie staatmaak nie. Hulle het ander prioriteite. As ons iets wil doen, moet ons dit self doen,” sê prof. André Venter.

Geen bydrae kan ooit te klein of te groot wees vir die projek nie. As jy daardie klein handjie, wat beswaarlik groter as ‘n duim is, sien van die mensie wat in een van daardie “beddens van hoop” lê, offer jy dalk maklik jou volgende sny sjokoladekoek en koffie vir die projek op. Bydraes kan soos volg gemaak word:

Universiteit van die VrystaatAbsa Bank (tjekrekening)Rekeningnommer: 4071164689Brandwagtak, takkode 630734Gebruik Bed of Hope as verwysing en faks bewys van inbetaling na 051 444 3230.

Verskeie maatskappye en trusts het reeds bydraes gemaak. Onder hulle is die Albert Wessels Trust, Novo Nordisk, Rentworks, Janssen-Cilag SA, Loewenstein Charitable Trust, Pfizer Laboratories, Nomu, WD Hare Charitable Trust, Bowman Gilfillan, PG Bison, Wimpy Charitable Trust, PEC Metering, IRS, Log Rig Signs, Aldo Marketing, Excaliber, EG Cooper Majiedt Inc, The Maintenance Man, NBA Studio, Avnet Kopp, ICWIMP, die Loch Logan Waterfront, asook individue soos Naude van der Merwe, Linda van Rooyen, en Ivan van



Die Beds of Hope-projek is ook aan

verskeie gaste in Johannesburg

bekendgestel. Hier is van links, mev.

Cathy Castagno (Ontwikkelingsdirekteur:

Bemarking, Johannesburg), prof. André

Venter (Hoof: Departement Pediatrie en

Kindergesondheid, UV) en mnr. George

Mazarakis (Uitvoerende vervaardiger:

Carte Blanche). – Verskaf deur Nina


Personeel Staff

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The government should introduce a national

youth service programme that will allow

university graduates to teach in school for two

years as a way of addressing the inequalities

learners and teachers face in our schools. This

call was made at the UFS by the founder of

the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) Zackie

Achmat during a lecture he delivered in March

as part of Human Rights Month. He said

that under a democratic government, South

Africans have a lot to be thankful for and even

more to be worried about. A particular concern

was the fact that structural inequalities are

widening in our schooling system.

“The biggest danger we face is that the

majority of African men and women in our

society, if our economy grows at the rate that

it does, will never have a permanent job in

their lifetime; and that the majority of African

children born today have a 30 percent chance

of dying of HIV / AIDS at birth. That is a

phenomenal fact that we must acknowledge

as a society. But the much bigger danger in

terms of inequality is the social death that working class

coloured and working class African children suffer when

they are in school,” he said.

According to Achmat, the greatest thing the

apartheid state did was not the affirmative action

or job reservation for whites but the investment in

the education of white children. And yet the current

democratic government is failing our children


Outlining a number of steps that should be taken, he

said the state and private sector should make more

resources available to promote the publication of books

in African languages so that all children can learn in

their mother tongue in their formative years.

The country has to find the public resources to support

poor schools and to support teachers in such schools.

“I believe that the government should introduce a

national youth service that requires every graduate to

teach in school for at least two years and if you can

do that your fees should be reimbursed. That would

help to ensure that we begin to establish equality in the


He called for the scrapping of Outcomes Based

Education (OBE) because it is based on the faulty

philosophical assumption that children learn from

their experience only. He said this limits working class

children in their conceptual development because

they experience not only a physical hunger but also a

hunger of intellectual dispossession.

Achmat, a political activist, called on students to take

forward the constitutional right to education and lead

a campaign for equal education because “that is the

biggest challenge facing South Africa today, in addition

to safety and security for all”.

Graduates should do youth service in schoolsBy Anton Fisher



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Min kan trotser wees as ‘juffrou’ EmmaDeur Leatitia Pienaar

Die berig kon gelui het: Nils Kotzé (21) is hierdie

jaar met die herfsgradeplegtigheid in Bloemfontein

aangewys as die beste student in B.Rek. Hy het

sy graad met lof geslaag en sit vanjaar sy B.Com

Honneurs-studies aan ons Universiteit voort.

Maar dan sal niemand weet van “juffrou” Emma wat

daar in 2004, toe hy nog in Gr 11 was, die talentvolle

jong man raakgesien het nie. As hoofseun van die

skool het hy ‘n groot indruk op haar gemaak, sê Emma

Verschoor. “Juffrou” het intussen “tannie” geword, want

hulle het van daardie tyd af ‘n lang pad saamgestap.

In Gr 12 was hy dux-leerling van die skool in

Bloemfontein vir kinders uit moeilike ekonomiese

en maatskaplike omstandighede. Geld was skaars

en geleenthede nog minder, maar op ‘n dag het sy

Afrikaans-onderwyser by haar klas opgedaag, met Nils

so skaam, skaam om die draai, en gevra of sy kan

help. “Mevrou, is daar nie ‘n manier hoe ons hierdie

perd kan laat studeer nie, want anders gaan hy ‘n

werktuigkundige word.”

Emma het geweet van die paadjie vir

universiteitstoelating via haar man, prof. Teuns

Verschoor, maar sy wou vir Nils by sy studies uitkry

sonder haar man se hulp. Op haar eie. Die volgende

dag het sy by die NSFAS-afdeling aangeklop, maar

daar moes nog uitgevind word watter rigting hy

sou gaan swot. Die besluit val toe op B.Rek. Emma

het ook ‘n afspraak by prof. Dave Lubbe van die

Sentrum vir Rekeningkunde gemaak. Prof. Dave

het self ‘n beurs gehad en gereël ook vir ‘n toets by

PricewaterhouseCoopers, en so het Nils vakansiewerk

by PwC gekry en sommer toe al geweet waar hy

eendag gaan werk as die graad agter sy naam staan.

Met ‘n koshuisbeurs val hy in by Huis Verwoerd,

nou Armentum in, maar in sy tweede jaar word hy ‘n

stadstudent. Dit het meegebring dat sy NSFAS-beurs

gekanselleer is. Emma sê hulle kry in Maart 2007 by

die see is ‘n boodskap van ‘n hoogs ontstelde Nils oor

die kansellasie van dié beurs, maar dat hy die H.B.

Thom Trust-beurs ontvang het. Nils pas honde-kinders

vakansies by die Verschoor-huis op.

En watter sameloop van

omstandighede was dit nie:

Dit is ‘n beurs wat Emma

se oom, prof. H.B. Thom,

voormalige rektor van die

Universiteit van Stellenbosch

en met ‘n noue verbintenis

met die UV, ingestel het vir

behoeftige studente. Die

beurs-toekenning was ‘n

groot verrassing vir Emma.

Op ‘n ongelooflike wyse is ‘n

kringloop voltooi.

Nils het elke jaar uitstekende

resultate gelewer. “Dit was

net cum, cum, cum.” In sy

swakste vak het hy 72%

gekry, sê sy. Emma is baie

trots op Nils. Sy het van die

begin af gedink daar lê ‘n

blink toekoms vir hom voor.

Nils het ‘n manier om in

mense se harte in te kruip.

Daarvan getuig nie net die

Verschoors nie, maar ook

die tannies by die UV se

Admin. Nils kry deur al die

jare gereeld sy “besending”

beskuit en ander ware wat

hulle vir hom bymekaar maak, anoniem.

Nils sê hy is verskriklik dankbaar vir die geleenthede

wat op sy pad gekom het. “Ek wil nie die rykste mens

op aarde wees nie. Ek wil net ander help.”

Sy suster Emmylou het ook haar paadjie UV toe gevind.

En die Admin-tannies maak ‘n tweede “besending”


En tannie Emma. Sy glimlag breed as sy na die jong

man kyk wat diep in haar hart gekruip het.

Dalk is daar ook ‘n student vir wie jy die pad kan help


On my way to

Botshabelo – the title of

a young Bloemfontein

poet’s entry in an

international poetry

competition, can just as

well read On my way to

Italy… again. He is for a

second year on his way

to Europe to receive his

prize. More about him…

Ryan (20) is a

second-year student

in BSc Physics and

Management. And if you are wondering about the

poetry: “I don’t believe you need to study poetry to

appreciate it, and the scientific part of my studies

stimulates my mind from a completely different angle.

He is born and bred in Bloemfontein, son of Douglas

and Mary-Anne, a teacher for hearing-impaired

children. His grandfather was the well-known Eric

Lamb of Eric Lamb Nurseries, a household name in

Bloemfontein and the region. Ryan says his grandfather

also wrote poetry “and although I never met him (he

passed away before I was born) I have read his poetry

anthologies. So I guess it runs in my blood!

“I generally don’t write about specific themes or topics,

most of the time there is just a good sentence or idea

that I elaborate on.”

Ryan was 16 years old when his Remnants of Dust was

placed first in South Africa as judged by the Poetry

Institute of Africa.

The theme for the Italian competition was Voices /

Silence and he also entered a poem in a competition

held by the University of Zagreb in Croatia. The topic for

this one is Activism poetry.

The international poetry competition Poesia e

Solidarieta (Castello Di Duino) is organised by The

Association for Poetry and Solidarity, based in Trieste,

Italy. In 2008 about 1 210 entries were received from all

over the world, including Bosnia, China, the Democratic

Republic of Congo, the USA and Italy itself. Only eight

people received individual awards, and Ryan was

specially recommended. He was also invited to attend

and take part in the Association’s International Youth

Forum in Trieste during September last year.

“Winning a prize in the competition and attending

the Forum were amazing experiences. A year ago, I

wouldn’t have imagined that one of my poems would

get me to Italy! The forum itself was an eye-opening

experience – everyone was ‘poetically inclined’ and

thus had similar creative open-minds. Something that

really impressed me was how much the people there

appreciate culture.”

This year Three Step Down takes him to Trieste.

Way to Botshabelo takes Ryan to ItalyBy Leatitia Pienaar


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Kompetisie lok steeds room van die oes

Deur Sobeth Jordaan en Linda Greyling

Die kompetisie wat toppresteerders op skoolvlak

beloon, het ook ‘n behoorlike kwota presteerders op

nasionale en internasionale vlak opgelewer.

Die kompetisie het sedert sy nederige begin in 1981

ten doel gehad om talentvolle uitblinkers na die

Kovsie-kampus te lok. Die heel eerste kompetisie is

as die Matrieknooi-wedstryd net vir meisies aangebied

omdat beurse vir matriekmeisies toe skaars was. Die

destydse rektor, prof. Wynand Mouton, en mnr. Hennie

van Deventer, toe redakteur van Die Volksblad, het die

vennootskap tussen dié twee instansies beklink om die

kompetisie aan te bied.

Veelsydigheid is die wagwoord. Deelnemers se

prestasies op akademiese, sport-, leierskap- en

kultuurgebied word beoordeel. ‘n Evalueringstelsel is

oor die jare ontwikkel en die puntetoekenning word

daarvolgens gedoen.

In 1997 het die kompetisie sy deure ook vir seuns

oopgeswaai en sedert 2003 is die finaliste wat na die

eindronde deurdring van tien tot veertien uitgebrei.

Enige voornemende Kovsie kan deelneem en werwing

word by alle skole in Suid-Afrika gedoen.

Die Kovsie-Alumni Trust skenk jaarliks R65 000 se

beursgeld aan die finaliste in die kompetisie.

Die hoogtepunt is die Matrikulant van die Jaar-naweek

wat deur die veertien topfinaliste en hul ouers bywoon

word. Die borge is ook op die paneel van beoordelaars

en die beoordelingsproses geskied onder toesig van

die amptelike ouditeure, KPMG, ook ‘n borg. Die ander

borge is Absa, Pick ‘n Pay Hypermarket, Protea Hotel,

XL-Astra Reise en HDL Juweliers.

Voormalige wenners van die kompetisie onderskei

hulle op talle terreine. Dr. Rabeen Lutchman, die eerste

seunswenner in 2000, spesialiseer as pediater aan

die Universiteit van Kaapstad. Hy het hom gedurende

sy mediese studies aan die UV ook in gebaretaal


Dr. Anchen Laubscher, wenner in 1998, is die

senior mediese beampte in beheer van Netcare se

lugambulans en sy lei ook dokters en ander mediese

noodpersoneel op. Anchen was ook die eerste meisie

om as die UV se Studenteraadsvoorsitter verkies te

word. Sy het ook in ‘n televisiesepie gesig gewys.

Twee oud-Greys, dr. Org Strauss en C.J. van der

Linde, die Springbok-rugbyspeler van die Cheetahs,

was onderskeidelik in 1997 en 1998 onder die tien

topfinaliste. Strauss is die spandokter van die Blou

Bulle en C.J. speel groot rugby in Ierland.

Loraine Kriek, ‘n toptien-finalis in 2003, het haarself

ook met onderskeiding op die UV-kampus laat geld

as primaria van Huis Soetdoring en president van die

Studenteraad. Sy werk tans by Deloitte en Touche.

Vanjaar se Matrikulant-naweek word van Vrydag 25

tot Sondag 27 September gehou. Die finaliste en hul

ouers word bederf en die wenner word op ‘n gala-dinee


Die huidige organiseerders van die kompetisie, mevv. Linda Greyling (links) van UV Bemarking, en Sobeth Jordaan van Volksblad, is reeds sedert 1996 by die organisasie van die kompetisie betrokke. Hier is hulle saam met LG Myburg, die Matrikulant van die Jaar-wenner in 2005. LG het verlede jaar B.Sc Akrutariële Wetenskap aan die UV voltooi. Hy is ‘n oudleerling van die Hoërskool Sand du Plessis in Bloemfontein.

Verlede jaar se Matrikulant van die Jaar, Elana Malherbe (tweede van links) het ‘n oorsese reis vir twee gewen. Mnr. Johan le Roux (links) van XL-Astra Reise in Bloemfontein, het dié prys in samewerking met Contiki Holidays en Olympic Airlines geskenk. Hier deel Elana se suster, dr. Carin Malherbe – ook ‘n oud-Kovsie, en haar pa, dr. Daan Malherbe van Welkom, haar groot aand. – Foto: Charl Devenish, Volksblad

Die Kovsie-Alumni Trust is die grootste kontant borg van die kompetisie. Adv. Seef Hefer, voorsitter van die trust, en mev. Esmé Aucamp, beoordelaar, verteenwoordig die trust in die kompetisie. Die trust skenk R65 000 aan beurse van R2 500 elk aan die 25 topfinaliste. – Foto: Volksblad

Vier vorige wenners hier saam op 2008 se gala-aand. Van links is Lindsay Scholt (2006), LG Myburgh (2005), dr. Anchen Laubscher (1998) en Nikita Strydom (2007). Lindsay is ‘n mediese student in haar derde jaar en LG doen nou sy nagraadse aktuariële studies aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad. Dr. Laubscher is die senior mediese beampte in beheer van Netcare se lugambulans. Nikita is ‘n mediese student in haar tweede jaar en sy is saam met Lindsay in Huis Roosmaryn op die kampus. – Foto: Charl Devenish, Volksblad

Die Matrikulant van die Jaar-kompetisie,

prestigé-projek tussen die UV en Volksblad,

vier in 2010 sy dertigste bestaansjaar.


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Service-learning helps to prepare students for lifeBy Leatitia Pienaar

“If the educational system wishes to do justice to

the unique South African multicultural situation, it

should focus on developing culturally sensitive and

civic minded individuals,” says Dr Luzelle Naudé in

her doctoral study on the value of service learning in

preparing students for life outside the academic world.

“Multiracial, interactive refl ection activities during

service learning experiences may provide an

opportunity to openly and safely discuss racial

issues in order to facilitate maximal learning and

development with regard to the cultural sensitivity and

civic responsibility of our students.” Service Learning

(SL) is an internationally recognised mechanism that

promotes the integration of service with teaching and

learning. At the UFS Service Learning is fully integrated

with curricula and we are a leader in this fi eld in South


Dr Naudé says in response to the challenges facing

South African higher education institutions in the 21st

century, the call for developing holistic and civic minded

individuals who can contribute to a democratic South

Africa, is heard louder than ever before. Emphasis is

placed on the shaping of citizens with the ability to

refl ect and interact with the world in order to transform

it. In this regard, educational transformation (including

innovations such as SL) is imperative.

Dr Naudé says the study found that a combination

of group and individual refl ective activities resulted

in a greater amount of change and development in

students. Stereotypes are challenged during face

to face human encounters. Service Learning gives

students the opportunity to interact and communicate

with culturally diverse people, and therefore provides

an environment conducive to the development of

intercultural skills and reduced stereotypes.

SL results in a greater amount of cultural sensitivity

and universal orientation. This concurs with the

African philosophy of education idea that the

willingness to enter into discourse goes hand

in hand with the acknowledgement of the

possibility that, together, a new truth or

understanding can be reached. It is thus

clear that the collaborative nature of

SL facilitates a move towards seeing

others as partners, towards a broader

understanding of social issues, and

towards a consideration of larger

historical, social and economic

implications – all aspects of a more

universal orientation to life.

Everyone is giving a hand. Service learning is also expanding horizons for the participating students.

We all win

Here are what some students had to say about their service-learning experiences.

The one big thing I learned is to listen more and talk less. I am very grateful for this process.

At first we were quite nervous… All and all we were quite a stressed up bunch… At our first meeting the whole mood just suddenly changed, we saw in each other a will to work hard, put in that extra effort, strive to do better, go further and a willingness and eagerness to work together and become friends. Things just got better from there… We didn’t even think about the fact that we spent more than twenty hours trapped in the library, no we just had fun!

This module should be compulsory – we need to know how to work with people as public servants.

It was interesting, I realised things about the community that I didn’t know before. It opened my eyes and I realised how important effective communication is.

It changed me, working with the community. It gave me a different perspective. It gave me conviction and reinforced my personal convictions.


Studente Students

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Hillétje (23) het na matriek in 2002 Drama en

Toneelkunde met ook viool as vak by Kovsies kom

swot. Sy het uitvoerende kuns saam met haar babapap

ingekry. Haar ma speel kontrabas en klavier, haar

jonger broer tjello en haar pa restoureer viole. Op ses

het sy vioolles begin neem by haar oom, Francois

Henkins – viooldosent by Kovsies.

Musiek en drama is haar kos, met drama wat so bietjie

meer gewig dra. Sy speel steeds viool in orkeste, as die

tyd dit toelaat, en gee ook les. “In ‘n stadium moet jy

kies. Toe kies ek drama.” Die keerpunt was waarskynlik

haar deelname aan Kringe in ‘n bos in matriek. “Op

universiteit was ek nooit die pragtige prinses wat gered

is nie... ek was meestal die skurk. Seker iets te doen

met hoe ek lyk!” spot Hillétjie. “Dinge werk so wonderlik

by die Drama-departement. My studies was vir my so ‘n

goeie ervaring. As jy hard werk en bereid is om te leer,

sal jy ‘n rol kry. Die dosente sien daardie ywer raak en

help jou om tot jou volle potensiaal te ontwikkel.”

In haar derde jaar het Hillétje in die produksie Nag van

Legio opgetree en saam met Gerben Kamper gewerk.

“Hy is absoluut my mentor.” Nog ‘n produksie wat

vir haar uitstaan, was Bloedbruilof waarvoor sy en ‘n

medestudent die musiek gekomponeer het.

Toe gebeur Skerpsin in 2006 met Kamper as regisseur.

Hy het ook die vertaling van Wit na die Afrikaanse

Skerpsin gedoen. Hillétje het die rol vertolk van

professor Vivian Bearing, ‘n dosent in 17de eeuse

Engelse digkuns, wat gediagnoseer word met

gevorderde ovariumkanker. Hillétjie het daarin geslaag

om ‘n 50-jarige vrou se emosies getrou weer te gee.

Om Vivian se pad na die dood haar eie te maak, het

Hillétje haar eie kop kaal geskeer. Sy moes diep grawe

om by Vivian se aggressiewe en analitiese benadering

tot haar siekte uit te kom.

“Dit was baie moeilik. Maar met die regte leiding en die

regte navorsing is enigiets moontlik. Iets soos Skerpsin

is presies hoekom ek gaan drama swot het. Dit gaan

nie oor roem of erkenning nie. Nee. Dis teater, man! Om

‘n spieël voor mense te hou. Vir hulle ‘n boodskap te

gee. Ek is niks anders as ‘n bode nie. Ek hou daarvan

om ‘n bode te wees!”

Intussen het Hillétje begin voelers uitsteek na verdere

studies in haar gunsteling toneeltegniek: Method

Acting. “Ek het afgekom op die Lee Strasberg Film and

Acting Institute in New York. Slegs twintig studente per

klas word gekeur om by dié befaamde skool te studeer,

ek begin in die middel van 2009 daar.

Willem (22) het van kleins af musiekles geneem en sy

familie is ook besonder musikaal. Albei sy ouer sussies

het klavier- en sanglesse geneem en sy pa speel kitaar.

Musiek bind hulle saam: “Hulle woon al my konserte by

en wanneer daar sommer vir die lekker musiek gemaak

word, is almal gou by!”

Na skool het Willem B.Mus. by Kovsies geswot en

2007 die eerste student geword om ‘n honneurs

in komposisie by die UV aan te pak. Hierna het hy

aansoek gedoen by New York Universiteit se Tisch-

kunsskool om ‘n meestersgraad in musiekteater-

komposisie te voltooi. Nou maak hy gereed om ‘n

meester in musiekteater te word.

“Dit gaan baie harde werk wees, maar ek sien baie uit

daarna. Omdat die lewenskoste in New York so hoog is,

wou ek deeltydse werk doen, maar ek gaan skynbaar

net ‘n uur of twee per dag vry hê – ek gaan heeldag

klas hê. Vir twee jaar lank.”

Willem is ‘n groot aanhanger van Alan Menken, die

meesterkomponis agter The Little Mermaid, Beauty

and the Beast, Aladdin, Pocahontas, The Hunchback of

Notre Dame, Hercules en Little Shop of Horrors. Menken

het ook by NYU studeer en het al agt Oscars gewen –

vandaar die groot trekpleister vir Willem.

Willem was een van sowat twintig gelukkige aansoekers

wat wel gekeur is. “Ek was uit die veld geslaan! Willem

beplan om in September vanjaar met sy studies te


Willem het onder meer vir Bea van der Vyver gehelp

om musiek te skryf vir die verhoogproduksie Handsak

van beton, wat sy met die Volksblad-Kunstefees in 2008

opgevoer het. Kovsies se jaarlikse sêr-kompetisie beset

ook ‘n paar dae in Willem se jaarlikse kalender.

Hoewel Willem ‘n voorliefde het vir teatermusiek, glo

hy dis belangrik om al die ander aspekte ook lewend

te hou: “Alles is só nou verweef. Klassiek het ‘n invloed

op Jazz. Jazz het ‘n invloed op teatermusiek. ‘n Mens

moet versigtig wees om nie iets sommer net af te skiet

nie. Hoe beter jou combo is, hoe nader is jy aan ‘n ware

kunstenaar. Ek kan nie net sit en musiek skryf nie. Ek

wil iets van die instrument ook weet, en dit dalk ook

kan bespeel. “En natuurlik wil ek musiek geniet. Musiek

is nie nét eksamens en reëls nie. Dit is iets wat ek as

mens met ander mense wil deel. Pret hê ...

En vir die wat gewonder het, Hillétje en Willem ken

mekaar, en sal mekaar verseker opsoek in die Groot

Appel. Vir ingeval die verlange té erg raak.

Twee oud-Kovsies is gekeur om aan twee van New York se vooraanstaande kunsskole hulle studies te gaan voortsit: Hillétje Möller in toneelkuns en Willem Oosthuysen in musiekkomposisie. Albei het plaaslik al diep spore in die kunste

getrap. Albei het op ‘n bitter jong ouderdom die geleentheid gekry om hulle kunsvoetspoor op internasionale vlak te vergroot.

Willem Oosthuysen

Willem Oosthuysen.

Hillétje Möller

Hillétje Möller.

Die ‘groot appel’ wink vir twee oud-Kovsies

Deur Cindé Mostert

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‘n Baie geslaagde Londen Kovsie-reünie

is einde Oktober 2008 in Suid-Afrika

Huis, Trafalgarplein, aangebied. Sowat

tagtig oud-Kovsies het die besondere

geleentheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse

hart van Londen bygewoon en daar

tot in die vroeë oggendure gekuier en

studentestaaljies gedeel.

Die geleentheid is moontlik gemaak

deur PSG Consult, Expat Explore, Visa

Elite en die Kovsie Alumni-kantoor in


Op die aand is Alet Malan en Nicolaas du

Plessis tot mede-organiseerders van die

2009- reünie verkies.


Tot vroeë oggendure in Londen gekuier

Twee hou saam

die leisels van

die alumni-tak in

Londen. Hier is Alet

Malan (middel) en

Nicolaas du Plessis

(regs), by (van

links) Scott Sander

(PSG Consult),

Jakes Maritz (Expat

Explore en Visa

Elite) en Louis

Botha (uittredende


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Tagtig was geleentheid vir ‘n reünie

Vyf oud-redaksielede van Volksblad in Bloemfontein wat meer as vyftig jaar gelede

saam gewerk het toe wyle mnr. Hubert Coetzee die redakteur was, het op 6 Januarie

2009 in Johannesburg Jan van Zyl se tagtigste verjaardag gevier. Vier van hulle is

oud-Kovsies. Van Zyl (voor), wat Volksblad se parlementêre verteenwoordiger was,

het as adjunk-direkteurgeneraal van die SAUK afgetree. Agter is van links: dr. At van

Wyk, geskiedskrywer van Pretoria, wat een van Volksblad se eerste Goudveldse

verteenwoordigers was; Berna Maree, oud-vroueredaktrise, wat 17 jaar vir SA

Panorama in Pretoria gewerk het; Herman le Roux, voormalige sport- en assistent-

redakteur, wat twaalf jaar gelede as assistent- en sportredakteur van Beeld afgetree het,

en Kobus Hamman, oud-hoofsub en -nuusredakteur, wat ook by die SAUK tot adjunk-

direkteurgeneraal gevorder het. Bienkie (Barnardo) Wessels, nog ‘n oud-Volksbladder

by die geselligheid, was afwesig toe die foto geneem is. Van Zyl was in 1951 voorsitter van die Kovsies se Studenteraad en

Hamman in 1954. Herman le Roux, ‘n oud-Tukkie, sê hy het darem twee maande lank nágraads aan die UV geswot! En ná sy

goeie verbintenis met die UV se sportlui oor baie jare het hy ook ‘n sagte plekkie in sy hart vir Kovsieland. – Bydrae deur Herman

le Roux, foto: André Liebenberg

Kovsies versterk argitek-geledere

Op die jaarvergadering van die Mpumalanga Instituut van Argitekte in Nelspruit was Rudolf en Marti Bitzer

van die Departement Argitektuur die gassprekers. Die insiggewende lesings wat hulle aangebied het, het

baie byval gevind. Agttien van die dertig argitekte in Nelspruit is oud-Kovsies. Net Bloemfontein het groter

Kovsie-verteenwoordiging by die Instituut van Argitekte. Die oud-Kovsies sorg dat die standaard van

argitektuur in Mpumalanga van hoogstaande gehalte is. Hier is, van links, Louis Jonker, Marti en Rudolf

Bitzer, en Sanita en Wouter Mocke.


Huis Veritas, die stadskoshuis vir mans, vier vanjaar sy

bestaan van dertig jaar met ‘n reünie die naweek van

21-23 Augustus 2009.

Die koshuis het op 6 April 1979 “oopgemaak” met 49

eerstejaars. Die amptelike bymekaarkomplek was in

die Hoofgebou (destyds nog nie ingerig as amptelike

hoofgebou van die UV nie), maar die ou Kaf was baie

meer gewild. Hier kon studente kennisgewingborde oor

aktiwiteite dophou. Huisvergaderings is in die Albert

Wessels-ouditorium gehou.

Leon Janse van Rensburg, die heel eerste “jar” om by

Veritas aan te sluit, vertel van “die Huis in die Vlei” buite

Bloemfontein waar vyf argitektuurstudente gewoon het.

“Daar het alles gebeur, van ontheffings tot rampartye.

Dit was uit die dorp uit en van kampus af, so ons kon

daar doen net wat ons wou. As ons wou oorslaap, was

daar altyd plek. Vandag is dit waar Langenhovenpark is

en daar staan ‘n kerk op die plek.”

Veritas is trots op sy prestasies. Net in 2008 alleen is dit

aangewys as Kovsies se bes bestuurde stadshuis, dit

het gesorg vir die beste mans-eerstejaarsgroep en dit

het die beste presteer met sy geldsake. Dit presteer in

sport, kultuur en ander studente-aktiwiteite op kampus

en van die kampus af.

Vir meer inligting oor die reünie, kontak Stefan Lotter by

084 555 8466.

Veritas word dertig


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In March 2009 he departed for Mount Everest, the highest of them all after he has conquered the highest mountain

on all the other continents. The list is impressive:

Mont Blanc (4 807m, 6-8-98)

Kilimanjaro (5 895m, 31-12-98), highest in Africa (Tanzania)

Carstensz Pyramid (4 884m, 22-4-00), highest in Australasia (New Guinea)

Elbrus (5 642m, 15-8-02), highest in Europe (Russia)

Aconcagua (6 960m, 8-2-03), highest in South America (Argentina)

Vinson (4 897m, 3-12-05), highest in Antarctica

Denali (6 201m, 14-6-06), highest in North America (Alaska)

Mt Pissus (6 883m, 4-1-07), 3rd highest in South America (Argentina)

Cho Oyu (8 201m, 5-10-08), 6th highest in the world (Himalayas)

Aconcagua (6 960m, 9-1-09), highest in South America (Argentina) The expedition earlier this year to South America was in

preparation for Mount Everest.

But why is he taking on these high mountains?

Louis says: “it gets me out of my comfort zone and

the predictability of daily life. I like setting big goals.

For example, deciding to climb Cho Oyu took a huge

commitment in terms of time, money, and effort. I

trained five days per week, postponed an overseas

holiday to Italy, and worked very long hours to ensure

that my work accountabilities did not get compromised.

“I like the element of risk and danger inherent in high-

altitude mountaineering. The only way to mitigate

the risk is to plan properly and prepare well – and

sometimes even that is not enough.

“I have made friends all over the world. And climbing

makes me a better husband, father and businessman

– as those close to me will attest. Most importantly, it

makes me appreciate life more, it enables me to not

‘sweat the small things in life’, it shows me what I am

capable of achieving.”

Louis was a fulltime student from 1980 to 1983, and

part time from 1986 to 1989. He obtained a Ph.D. from

the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

and was also lecturer at the UFS for a while. He is

married to Dia (35) and they have five-year old twin

sons, Armand and Roald.

This is how he described those moments on the

summit of Cho Oyu: Cho Oyu was a special summit. I

felt a sense of achievement. With DaSona, my Sherpa,

we were higher than any other human being at that

moment. When DaSona and I embraced as we reached

the summit, all the hard work of the previous six

weeks, the physical hardships and bone-chilling cold

were worth it. I was overwhelmed with the sight of Mt

Everest ‘in the flesh’: more beautiful, more mysterious,

more majestic than I have ever imagined. I felt scared

thinking that I want to climb Mt Everest.

Relaxing in the Garden of Dreams in Kathmandu,

I reflected on the one question we as high-altitude

mountaineers always get asked: “Why do you climb

high mountains?” Maybe the answer for me lies in

what Susan Ershler, Everest climber, said in Together

on Top of the World: “I… wanted to climb [Everest]

for myself. I wanted to do one spectacular thing in my

life: something that made up for all the times I hadn’t

achieved… I wanted something that would prove to me

and the world that I could, and that would last me till

the end of my days – something that no one could ever

take away.”

Now Everest is calling…By Leatitia Pienaar

No mountain is too daunting for Louis Carstens (46). If fact, mountains are calling this Group Executive: Strategy at African Bank Investments Ltd in Johannesburg.

Louis Carstens


I… wanted to climb [Everest] for myself. I wanted to do one spectacular thing in my life: something that made up for all the times I hadn’t achieved… I wanted something that would prove to me and the world that I could, and that would last me till the end of my days – something that no one could ever take away.

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Our condolences go to the family and friends of people

who past away in recent months. Contributions are from

family, friends and colleagues.

Ons medelye gaan aan familie en vriende van mense

wat die afgelope paar maande oorlede is. Bydraes is

van familie, vriende en kollegas.

• Mr Godfrey Motja, who worked at Protection

Services, passed away in September 2008.

• Mnr. Piet Botes van die Departement Mikrobiese,

Biochemiese en Voedselbiotegnologie is ook in

September 2008 oorlede.

• Dr. T.J. (Tobie) de Vos, voor sy aftrede ’n senior

navorser by die destydse Instituut vir Sosiale

en Ekonomiese Navorsing en daarna Hoof:

Beskermingsdienste op kampus, is vroeër in 2008


• Mev. Annerie van Niekerk (35) is in Oktober 2008

aan kanker oorlede. Sy het ‘n B.A. Honneurs behaal

en was ‘n inwoner van Huis Sonnedou. Sy word

oorleef deur haar man, Werner, en dogter, Liané.

• Mnr. Johan (Stoney) Steenkamp (75) is in

November 2008 na ‘n kort siekte oorlede. Hy was

onder meer afrigter van die Vrystaatse Cheetahs,

die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolespan, die Vrystaatse

Skolespan, en hy het self ook vir die Vrystaat

uitgedraf. Hy word oorleef deur sy vrou Colleen,

twee seuns en ‘n dogter.

• Prof. Ryno Kriel (83), oud-burgemeester van

Bloemfontein en ook vir baie jare verbonde aan die

Departement Sielkunde aan die UV, is in Oktober

2008 oorlede. Hy word deur sy vrou, Helene, sewe

kinders en dertien kleinkinders oorleef.

• Dr. Etienne Marais (34) van Vanderbijlpark, wat

medies by UV gestudeer het, is in September aan

‘n hartaanval oorlede. Hy laat sy vrou, Ingrid, en

seun, Erhardt (3), agter.

Herrinneringe na meer as 60 jaar opgediep

“’n Legende sterf!” Dit is die gevoel van Alex van

Rensburg van Zastron toe hy die Reitz-reunie verlede

jaar bygewoon het. Die Reitzmanne ken hom as

oom Alex (hy is 80) en was een van die heel eerste

inwoners in 1947 van Reitz. Hy was ook die oudste

oud-Reitzman wat die reünie bygewoon het, slegs ‘n

kortkop ouer as oom Alph Coetzer (78) van Hoopstad

Hulle bly vir ons kosbaar

Oud-personeel van die UV is in Oktober onthaal.

Sowat 120 mense het die geleentheid in die Reitz-saal

van die Eeufeessentrum bygewoon. Die sêr-groep

van Huis Marjolein het die gaste vermaak met die

produksie waarmee hul die “Klein Sêr” op kampus

gewen het. Pensioentrekkers of hul gades word gevra

om Kathy Verwey by UV-Bemarking, by 051 401 9343,

te kontak indien hul nie uitnodigings ontvang het nie.

Van die mense wat die geleentheid bygewoon het,

is dr. en mev. A.H. Klopper en prof. en mev. Niel van

Loggerenberg (foto bo), en mnr. Johan en mev. Hester

Otto, en prof. Johan van Schalkwyk. – Fotos: Kathy


wat in 1949 ‘n eerstejaar in die koshuis was.

Vra jy oom Alex wat sy gewaarwordinge was om

na soveel jare weer in die koshuis te kom, sê

hy “dit is heilige grond en ek is bang my voete

berokken skade daaraan”. Oor bungalow 5 waar

hy gewoon het, het hy gesê: “‘n Stille getuienis

van wondersoete goue jare, deur soveel daar

deurgebring.” Wat ‘n wonderlike opsomming van

sekerlik meer as een oud-Reitzman se gedagtes

wat die reünie bygewoon het.

Die reünie was vir oom Alex ‘n belewenis en hy

kan nie uitgepraat raak oor die vriendelikheid en

gasvryheid wat hy by die Reitzmanne gevind het

nie. “Die wete dat jy deel van Reitz is en altyd sal

wees, het die bloedstroom van patriotisme sterk in

my are laat klop.”

Oor die sluiting van die koshuis glo hy ‘n

wonderwerk kan nog gebeur en dat Reitz weer

sal heropen. “Hierdie monument kan nie vernietig

word nie, want dit is die Heimat van alle oud-

Reitzers – groot presteerders op velerlei gebiede,

wat hulle spore in die onvergeetlike stof van Reitz-

kamerwonings verewig het.” – Hennie Pienaar

Blouwillem Theron tussen oom Alex van Rensburg

(links) en Alph Coetzer, die oudste oud-Reitzers wat

die reünie bygewoon het.

Kuier in St. Francisbaai

Oud-personeel en alumni is deur UV Bemarking in St. Francisbaai onthaal. Blouwillem Theron was die


Martin en Durma Loubscher, en Linelle en Len Kok. Slang du Plessis; mnr. en mev. Cor du Plessis.

Medelye Condolences

• Mnr. Natie Ferreira (97)

is vroeër vanjaar vereer

as oudste lewende

pensioenaris van die

UV, oudste lewende

Vrystaatse rugbyspeler en

ook die oudste oud-Grey,

en is kort daarna oorlede.

Alumni Alumni

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Like many alumni I wondered what the University

of the Free State has done for me. It is rather a

hypothetical question. It is more appropriate to question

contributions to my Alma Mater. After all the UFS has

provided a platform whereby any student can thrive.

One individual who has benefited from the endless

opportunities offered by the UFS is Thabo Hlongwane.

Here we are not talking about the academic

opportunities. We are looking at the platform where

an individual discovered himself. More so, that the

University provides opportunities to discover one’s


At the age of 25, Thabo Hlongwane is the third of seven

children raised by the Hlongwane family in Ladysmith.

His father worked at Dunlop Tyres as an operator whilst

the mother stayed at home. His choice of an academic

institution was not a coincidence. It was based on the

application of a sound mind. Thabo applied throughout

the country for a programme in Agriculture. But the

UFS’s quality stood out.

It was not easy for Thabo to become part of Kovsie

Land. He suspended his studies due to a lack of

finances in 2003, but came back very strongly in 2004

with a bursary from Grain SA.

However, this fourth-year student discovered more

than just gold in his studies. He entered a journey of

understanding himself and following his passions.

He mentions the importance of quality education and

passion for what he does.

The musician was discovered in 2005 at the

rehearsals of Cantare, a review group of the UFS. One

choreographer, Jennis Williamson, visited the group on

campus and a career opened for Thabo… A few days

after the visit Thabo received an invitation from Steve

Hofmeyr and he recorded the song My Duifie, my Liefie

with the musician.

More opportunities were to follow. The head of

UFS Culture then, Louis Botha, added to the swift

development of Thabo’s music talent. Thabo was to

perform across the country, including at the Miss South

Africa beauty pageant crowning ceremony.

His self-titled album, Thabo, is frequently played on

radiosondergrense and Radio Rosestad.

His growing stature could not get him to abandon his

studies. “I just have to have a qualification of quality

especially in what I love, agriculture.” In the mean time

the musician will focus on music. His new album, a

tribute to Gé Korsten as well as a classic gospel album,

was recorded in January.

But what it is like to be a Kovsie, I asked. He shifted to

his motto in life “Believe in your dreams and go after

them”. Then he related the abundant opportunities

available in the UFS for personal development. The

quality of education is augmented by broad and diverse

activities to align with.

He makes me aware that the student division of Kovsie

Culture is huge. And advised that people need to

identify with their passions and spread their wings.

The university contributed more than just quality and

excellent academic programmes. “The people at the

university have been great,” he added.

On the personal front he says he is a lone ranger. I

indicate to him that it is critical to find a wife at the

university. After relaying a story of a single guy whose

friends all married girls they dated at university, he just

laughs… “Maybe after a year I will consider that. Right

now I want to build a strong foundation my career.”

Thabo’s voice opens hearts of peopleSetlogelo Lucas Radebe talks with… Thabo Hlongwane

“Believe in your

dreams and go

after them”

Alumni Alumni

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Menige Suid-Afrikaner ken haar steeds as Katryn.

‘n Handvol dink sy is Astrid van Villa Rosa. ‘n Ander

groep herroep ‘n karakter van Home Affairs. Vir haar

studentemaats was sy die blommekind en vir die

kinders van die Abraham Kriel-kinderhuis is sy hulle

ander ma. By die huis en in haar hart is Therese

bloot wie sy is. Immer besorg. Eindeloos nuuskierig.

Innemend en belangstellend.

Therese het haar skoolloopbaan in Escourt voltooi

voor sy in 1995 aangesluit het by Kovsies se Drama-

departement. Daarna het sy ‘n draai of wat oorsee gaan

maak. In ‘n restaurant of twee se kombuis gearbei. Die

rol van ‘n leeftyd losgeslaan. En ‘n bekende gesig in

Suid-Afrikaners se televisiekamer geraak. In haar eie

binnekamer, gesels sy so:

Wat het jou laat besluit om by Kovsies te studeer?

Ek is die jongste van drie kinders en het maar agter die

ander twee aangetrek.

Positiewe dinge wat jy van jou studentedae koester?

Dat ek oral heen kon stap. Die wonderlike tye in die

Wynand Mouton-teater en die kaf se tjips! Kuier by

maats in hulle koshuiskamers. En rondry op my ligblou

poegie... een met sulke spierwit daisies op!

Waaroor het jy op skool gedroom? Om my eie perd

te hê (ek gaan nog eendag!). Om die wêreld te sien.

Om ‘n wetenskaplike te wees. Of, nee, ‘n sielkundige.

Dalk ‘n prokureur. Nee, die eerste vrouepresident. Um,


Toe wen drama? Ek het daaroor gedroom, maar

gedink ek is heeltemal te skaam daarvoor. Ek het geen

blootstelling daaraan gehad nie.

Dink jy akademiese opleiding het ‘n plek in

die kunste? Mmm. Ek dink dis belangrik om ‘n

verwysingsraamwerk te hê waarbinne jou eie kreatiwiteit

kan groei en ontwikkel. Ook: sonder kennis van

wat was, hoe weet jy wat moet kom? Goeie tegniek

vervolmaak ook enige kreatiewe proses. Meel sonder ‘n

resep is tog nie klaar koek nie, of hoe?

Hoe het jou akademiese opleiding jóú gebaat in jou

loopbaan? Dit het my die tegniek gegee om op staat

te maak. My geleer hoe om uit my dop te klim en met

vertroue te werk. Dit het my respek gegee om iets wat

al vir so lank beoefen word, met ambisie na te volg. Op

die regte manier, en vir die regte redes.

Wat was die Therese van tien jaar gelede se drome?

Om aktrise te wees. Om op groot filmstelle te kan werk,

te sien en ervaar hoe ‘n mens magic maak.

As jy terugkyk oor die afgelope tien jaar, hoe voel

jy oor wat jy gedoen het? Trots. Met goeie vriende

en familie se ondersteuning, was ek braaf genoeg om

te spring sonder om te wonder of ek kan vlieg. Ek het

baie gesien, gevoel, gehuil, gelag – ek kon eerlikwaar

nie vir ‘n beter lewensreis gevra het nie. Dit was tegelyk

swaar, onverwags, lekker, moeilik en ongelooflik. Ek kan

steeds nie glo hoe wonderlik geseënd ek was en elke

dag is nie: om te kan bestaan met dit wat ek wil doen

en wees.

Wat is jou drome vir die volgende tien jaar? Om met

respek en liefde omring te wees, en met passie te leef...

Om nooit te vergeet hoe dit in die wings voel terwyl jy

Therese wil nog magic maakDaar is velerlei aspekte waaraan ‘n mens geken kan word. ‘n Kapenaar het die aksent. ‘n Boer dra vellies. ‘n Sjef het dalk ‘n meelstreep op die wang, maar Therese Benade verras met elke rol wat sy speel. Elke projek wat sy aanpak... Cindé Mostert het met haar gepraat.

wag vir jou beurt om op die verhoog te stap nie!

As jy enigiets kan bydra tot jou alma mater, wat sou

jy graag wou doen? Vir hulle wou fluister om braaf

en verdraagsaam te wees. Om hulle vlerke so wyd as

moontlik te sprei, en die wêreld om hulle aan te durf en

te verken. Om jonk en vry te wees is so kosbaar – net

jammer ‘n mens besef dit gewoonlik te laat! Moenie

bang wees om te waag nie – jy maak jou eie sukses.

Moenie bang wees om te vra en te leer nie.

As jy enigiets behalwe ‘n aktrise kon wees, wat sou

dit wees? Juis daarom is ek een – ek kan maak of ek

enigiets en alles is. Maar in my volgende lewe kom ek

terug as ‘n rock-ster!

Wat laat jou hart vinniger klop? Mooi goed. Wanneer

die mooi man in my lewe onverwags vir my kyk. En

mense wat regtig gelukkig is.

En warm onder die kraag? Mense wat nie dink aan

gevolge en ander se gevoelens nie (en daaraan was

ek self al baie keer skuldig). Mense wat nie moeite

waardeer nie.

As jy een les vir die mensdom kon leer...? Jy’t net

een kans om jy te wees... en om “te wees” teenoor

ander. Respekteer en geniet dit.

Het jy daardie les geleer? Ek doen nog steeds elke

dag. Ek hoop ek hou nooit op nie.

En dan het ons nog nie uitgekom by haar skeppings

in die kombuis. Haar stiptelikheid, werksetiek,

uithouvermoë en die feit dat sy altyd dink sy kan nog

iets leer. Dat die enigste drama queen die een is wat

haar karakters van haar vereis om te speel. En omdat

sy skaam en nederig met elke ou omie en klein kind

praat wat gou wil hoor of “Katryn nou happy is?”


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Brand Pretorius, who obtained his M.Com degree

in Business Economics at the UFS in 1972, started

his career with Toyota SA in 1973. In 1988 he was

appointed managing director of Toyota SA Marketing.

In 1995 he joined South Africa’s largest motor

retailing group, McCarthy Motor Holdings, and was

promoted to Chief Executive Officer of McCarthy

Limited, the holding company of McCarthy Motor

Holdings, four years later.

He serves on the boards of the ABSA Group, as well as

Bidvest, of which McCarthy’s is a subsidiary. He is a

member of various advisory boards and is vice chairman

of the State President’s International Marketing Council.

An honorary professorship in Business Management

was also conferred on him by the University of

Johannesburg. He is a member of the main board of

the National Business Initiative, a member of the READ

Educational Trust Board of Trustees and the immediate

past president of the South African Retail Motor Industry


He was nationally honoured as Junior Businessman

of the Year (1985), Communicator of the Year (1994),

Best Boss (1994), Automobil Man of the Year, the

Manpower award of Excellence (1995) and he received

the Presidential Award for Excellence in Business

Communication by the SA Chapter of the International

Association of Business Communicators (1997). In 1998

the research company Integrity Profi les International

identifi ed him as one of the top business leaders in

South Africa. He received an Honorary Fellowship from

the South African Institute of Marketing Management in

1998. In a survey in 1999 by the magazine Professional

Management Review he was identifi ed as the most

admired leader in the motor industry. This award was

bestowed on him again in June 2000.

In February 2000 the marketing magazine The Future’s

research identifi ed him as one of South Africa’s three

most prominent marketers of the past decade. The

South African Institute of Marketing Management

honoured him as Marketing Person of the Year. In 2002

he was honoured by the READ Educational Trust for his

commitment to the cause of building a literate nation

through the Rally to Read project, a national social

investment project he initiated. The publishers of the

South African Automotive Year Book bestowed a Lifetime

Achievement Award on him for outstanding service to

the motor industry in 2003. He became a member of

the SA Automotive Industry’s “Hall of Fame” in March

2006, in recognition of his signifi cant contribution to the


In June 2006 he was honoured by the Leadership Forum

for his contribution towards leadership thinking and

in particular, leadership ethics. The recognition never


He is married to Tillie and they have three sons.

Brand is doing us proud

Brand Pretorius, chief executive of McCarthy Ltd, will

deliver the 18th annual Brand Pretorius Lecture of the

Department of Business Management at our university

this year. An honorary professorship in Business

Management was conferred on him in May 1991.

Last year in his lecture he upheld a list of do’s and

don’ts for leaders and managers in tough times.

He said leaders must:

• Hold on to their vision and values. Remain hopeful

and committed to their long-term objectives. The

principals and values are the glue that keeps

people together.

• Stay optimistic and upbeat. Your task is to give

people hope. There is always something to be

optimistic about. Provide emotional leadership. Put

the emphasis on the things you need to do and

can do. Otherwise you can put the company in a

downward emotional spiral.

• Protect your energy levels and control your stress.

Retain perspective, remain grateful.

• Hone your self-management skills. Focus only

on priorities. We suffer from a sickness called

“busyness”, doing nothing in the end. Cut out the

nonsense. If it is not of fundamental importance,

ignore it.

• Make discipline a way of life and tighten all


• Cut costs and eliminate waste. Create a culture of

frugality. Run lean and mean.

• Be agile, make tough calls early. To serve your

business correctly you have to make tough

decisions. Take action earlier rather than later.

• Watch your cash fl ow like a hawk – it is the lifeblood

of your business.

• Protect your key relationships, particularly with

suppliers and your talented staff.

• Stay close to your customers. Behave as if you

were on the verge of losing your last customer.

• Be a visible, inspirational leader. Tough times are

not the time to hide and send out e-mails. Go

out and shake hands. Find inspiration by walking

around, interacting constructively with your people.

On the not-to-do list he had:

• Don’t quit taking risks. You can do the deals of a

lifetime in tough times.

• Don’t be infl exible, bureaucratic.

• Don’t isolate yourself by throwing your weight

around, alienating people.

• Don’t assume you know all the answers.

• Don’t compromise your ethics and take short cuts.

That will be the kiss of death.

• Don’t stop thinking and start panicking.

• Don’t send mixed messages or stop

communicating altogether. Overcommunicate!

• Don’t be afraid of the future. If we are, we will freeze

up. Rather get involved and do the right things.

“It is better to light a candle than to curse the

darkness,” he said.

“The world is becoming more complicated, more unpredictable. Not everyone has all the

answers to the problems. Yesterday’s success does not guarantee tomorrow’s success, as

the future is not an extension of the past. The world is more challenging... I have not seen

ordinary South Africans under so much fi nancial stress, ever.” – Brand Pretorius, 2008.

Do’s and don’ts in tough times

Brand Pretorius,

an honorary

professor at our


Alumni Alumni

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Johan wins prestigious competition

Entrepreneurship is fun, laughter, tears, joy,

disappointment, pain and pleasure… all the things

that show that we are alive,” says entrepreneur

Johan Eksteen of Bloemfontein who is the winner in

a category of a competition for business plans.

“You have to work hard to be an entrepreneur,” he

said in a lecture at the School of Management where

he has obtained his MBA cum laude.

Johan is a winner in the manufacturing category

of the Enablis FNB Launchpad Business Plan

competition in which venture capital of R50 million

is available to entrepreneurs to expand their

businesses. More than 6 000 entries were received in

the competition.

His enterprise exports pelleting machines to Europe,

Australia, and Africa and is also making inroads into

the USA market. The machines are mobile enough

to be used by individual farmers or other end-users

and can compact material to one-seventh of the

original volume and makes transport of fodder and

other organic material more economic. It contributes

for less waste and a cleaner environment. – Leatitia


Kovsies vier week lank fees

Kovsieweek is in September met ‘n bedrywige program

in Bloemfontein gevier. As deel van die fees is alumni

en oud-personeel na verskeie aktiwiteite genooi. Dit het

onder meer ‘n damestee, ‘n klavier- en viooluitvoering

deur prof. Nicol Viljoen en dr. Johnn Wille, asook

twee kort komedies deur die Departement Drama en

Toneelkuns ingesluit. Die week is afgesluit met die

viering van Nasionale Kovsie Alumni-dag wat deur

meer as 160 alumni bygewoon is. Prof. Nico du Plessis

is vereer vir sy besondere bydrae tot die uitbouing

van Kovsie-Alumni en die sleutelrol wat hy as stigter

van die nasionale Kovsie Alumni-dag gespeel het.

Hier is, van links: dr. Ivan van Rooyen, Direkteur: UV-

Bemarking, prof. Du Plessis, me. Suzan Mshumpela,

Adjunkdirekteur: UV-Bemarking, regter Faan Hancke,

Voorsitter van die UV-Raad, en mnr. Gert Grobler,

aangewese Suid-Afrikaanse ambassadeur in Japan.

Van die gaste wat die Kovsieweek-vieringe bygewoon

Van die gaste wat die Kovsieweek-vieringe

bygewoon het, van links is mev. Frances

Cruywagen, mev. Lena Cremer en prof. Gert


Johan and prof. Helena van Zyl.


Desi McCarthy of the Centre for Higher Education Studies and Development at our university produced

the winning photograph for 2008 of the Bloemfontein Camera Club. We give you a taste of what she is

capable of on our divider pages throughout the magazine. Desi says: “My love for photography began

with the desire to capture every moment of my children’s – Tia (6) and Jamie (8) – lives. To make those

special moments last forever. I strive to capture their souls, in just that one moment – so that years from

now, I have something to remind me. Time is fleeting. Capture it.”

Bult - UFS - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

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Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.